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Posts posted by Nilkanth

  1. Thereupon Shriji Mahãrãj said to the muni-mandal and the devotees, “Everyone please listen to what I have to say. One should first develop a firm conviction of the form of God. What is God like? Well, He, by His own wish, takes birth for the liberation of the jivas. Yet having taken birth, He is still beyond birth. Despite having to die, God is still beyond aging and death. He is also ‘niranjan’, that is to say, He has no blemish of mãyã. In addition, He possesses a definite form and is self-radiant; He is Parabrahma, antaryãmi, the supporter of countless millions of brahmãnds; and He also transcends Akshar. His assuming and discarding of a human body is merely an illusion – like the magic of a wizard. Furthermore, He is the controller of the countless muktas, including Akshar. He is also the lord of all. That Shri Purushottam Nãrãyan, after first taking birth from Dharmadev and Murti, performs austerities in Badrikãshram in the form of Narnãrãyan.


    “That same Shri Narnãrãyan assumes the forms of Matsya, Kurma, Varãh, Vãman, Rãm, Krishna, etc., on earth for the fulfillment of particular tasks. There, using his own body, he helps other people eradicate their belief of being the body and accept the belief of being the form of Brahma. In this way, he makes his body and the bodies of other people appear to be the same…”




    This Is Quatation From Vachanamrut


    From 1819 to 1829, Bhagwan Swaminarayan's sermons to the Paramhansas and devotees were systematically recorded in prose form. The compilers comprised of four senior and learned Paramhansas: Gopalanand, Muktanand, Nityanand and Shukanand.

    From a collection of over two thousand dialogues, they selected two hundred and sixty two and compiled these as the Vachanamritam - the nectar of His words. Each dialogue includes a reference to the place, date, time, a vivid description of Bhagwan Swaminarayan's attire and the names of the participants.

    A scholar, P.B. Vidyarthi, has observed: 'In fact, it is reckoned as one of the most edifying sacred texts, every word of which is packed with profound wisdom enshrined in the traditional Indian literature, like the Upanishads, the Gita, the Mahabharat, the Ramayan and the Pancharatra.'2

    The compiled text, read and approved by Bhagwan Swaminarayan, renders it a unique authenticity among Hinduism's many sacred texts.


  2. How Do U Believe Lord Krishna Is God.

    Same Way We Believe Lord Swaminarayan is Supreme God.


    Above this i answered Question About Swami-Narayan Meaning You asked Why we chant that and How Do We worship The Supreme God As a Swaminarayan Follower.


    The greatness of Divine Incarnations,remains beyond the reach of the intellect.

    Their words about themselves alone

    reveal their Divinity.

    Just as Lord Rama reveals Himself in the Ramayan and Lord Krishna in the Geeta, Lord Swaminarayan reveals His divine attributes in the Vachanamrit.



    To understand the Divine Personality of Lord Swaminarayan, let us behold His Personality through His own words.

    What was the state of His mind? His vision of Atman? His concept of Paramatman?


  3. You will Find More Details on this Link




    A few days after Ramanand Swami's departure, Sahajanand Swami introduced the 'Swaminarayan' mantra. When followers chanted it they experienced samadhi. samadhi resulted only after mastering Ashtang Yoga. Yet through His grace, people entered samadhi, in which they experienced divine bliss and the vision of the deity they worshipped. Henceforth He came to be known as "Swaminarayan".


    The essence of His teachings emphasized worshipping the Lord Purushottam by transcending the three bodies (gross, subtle and causal) and identifying one's Atma with Brahman (Aksharbrahman) (Shikshapatri 116). This would lead to moksha - ultimate salvation. He further stipulated that the manifest form of Aksharbrahman, also known as the God-realised sadhu, was the gateway to moksha and God-realization (Gadhada I.54), echoing the injunction of the Shrimad Bhagvatam(3/29/20). For this the devotee needed to develop profound love for such a sadhu (Vadtal 11).

  4. Is Atman the Ultimate Reality?

    No. Beyond Atman is Paramatman.

    Paramatman is the All-doer, One and

    Unique. Is Paramatman with a form or



    'God is Sakar, forever with a form.

    God is full of Divinity, free from all Evil and

    the reservoir of all Bliss.

    He is extremely radiant, extremely

    pleasant, extremely glorious and Divine....'

    The Lord's Divine Abode - Akshardham is

    Conscious and Divine Light. And the God

    residing at the centre of the Light is Me.

    I am Paramatman - The God Supreme



    Revealing the purpose of God's incarnation

    upon the earth, Lord Swaminarayan

    explains: 'God incarnates Himself to fulfil

    the loving desires of His beloved devotees.

    And with it, He redeems countless souls

    and establishes Dharma - Righteousness.'



  5. Parabrahman or Purushottam is the highest reality, the supreme Godhead, one and unique. He is, at once, transcendent to everything and immanent in everything. He is the concrete reality with divine form and perfect personality who is the controller and supporter of everything. Jiva, Ishwar, Maya and Aksharbrahman constitute the body of Parabrahman who is their soul. And Lord Swaminarayan Himself is Parabrahman or Purushottam.


    Jai Swaminarayan

  6. Reply to this:


    Pramkuh Swami - just a regular saffron clothed sadhu. Not God. Not incarnation of God. Not Akshar neither incarnation of Brahm. The BAPS philosophy has adulterated Lord Swaminarayan's teachings and it is completely man-made to encourage human worship. Has nothing to do with Swaminararayan in reality.


    Swaminarayan Philosophy tell me how its has adulterated





    Once one reporter asked P.P.Pramukh Swami that what are you? he replied i'm god's servent. Which is very true, he serves god 24/7, He is Guru for all BAPS follower...but not god.

    Do You read vachnamrut the read verse Gadhada Section I 27, 37, 54, 68.

    also read Vartal 4, 11, Kariyani 12

    You will Get Your answer.


    This Are Shiji Maharaj's Word


  7. You are refered Sikshapatri slok 108 then go and read Slok 203 which states If you Want to know more about this Sampraday read their scriptures, which is manly Vachanamrut, Bhaktachintamani, satsangijivan, Harililamrut, Purushotam Prakash ect.


    Now When i say know your Basis, meaning In Vachanamrut Shriji Maharaj Have asked questions, Answered Quetions, In This Scripture You will see its not only verses but its with day/time/place/how many people were there. In some Vachanamrut you will see some vedanti/purani/sashtri had asked questioned or shriji maharaj asked or answered question, but only with Pramanbhut Shashtra such as Gita,bhagvat, smruti,puran....any discusion made or answerd base on resources. The Most valuable resources alloewed were made by VedVyasji. Now You need to know In Bhagwan Swaminarayan's time who were followers. How did he became head of this Sampraday. Where this Sampraday's origin at? During Bhagwan Swaminarayan, there were more then 2 million followers, 500 paramhans along with around 2000 sadhus were followed him and accepted him as Supreme Lord. Now Question is why these many people were followed him in swaminaranay sampraday.


    Shikhapatri is How to follow Niyam-Dharma(AcharSanhita) More details are in other scriptures listed above. If you wants to know reality then may have read atleast one of them.


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