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Posts posted by VNV

  1. Wow that is a scary thought that ISKCON might actually be evolving into something that won't praise Krishna personally. I don't know if I can really see it happening though, because even if they allow these people in ISKCON I think the devotees would probably try to teach them the errors of their ways and lead them to a personal relationship with Krishna, at least I'd like to think that would happen. This is one big problem with Christianity in my eyes, it's very laxed, not that it is always a bad things. But when this position directly interferes with the core teachings of your religion then it does become something of a bad thing, and a danger to the cause.

  2. We don't want to seem "holier than thou" and scare people off like some Christian preachers do. But on the other hand like you said why should we lay down like dogs and just take out verbal beatings with a smile. I personally don't know how to really deal with people with such hard hearts that they think Jesus or someone else is the only way back to God. I hope that God, who they claim they love so much, can make their hearts less hard so that they can understand other religions are just as valid as theirs.

  3. I don't really believe that either, Srila Prabhupada said himself there are many paths to God, Hinduism and Krishna Consciousness are only two of them... I don't want to have an egotistical attitude about my religion, because that in itself has the ability to bring out hate, I think. In a perfect world we could all have the religion that feels right for us and we could all live in peace without all this hate and putting down others. I love Lord Krishna so don't get me wrong, I'd love for more people in the world to be striving for Krishna Consciousness, but I'm fine if they have their own paths to God too, through Christianity or Islam or whatever they want to be.

  4. I've been in a lot of religious chat rooms lately, all different religions. Not at all preaching to anyone Krishna Consciousness but not hiding my religion either. One thing I've notice is the scary amount of hate that people have in their hearts. First I noticed it between the Jewish people and the Muslims, they would tear people apart verbally with absolutely no respect for each other's feelings or soul. Then in the Christian/catholic rooms I see so many saying things like "if you do not accept Jesus you will burn in hell". Well I can deal with ignorant people saying such close minded things, but it does hurt me deeply that THESE people themselves actually think that. I know in my heart that Jesus is not the only way back home to God, and I respect all religions, but I'm having a hard time dealing with all this hate people are harboring in their hearts. It hurts me to think that they have the right to ridicule valid religious paths like Hinduism and Krishna Consciousness based on the fact that it isn't THEIR religion. So if anyone has any tips for me on how to emotionally deal with all this hate that I feel around me I'd be very grateful.

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