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Posts posted by suresh_krsna

  1. Mataji ! But why Lord Ganesh is immersed, why cant we preserve the Idol.Why are we throwing the Idol after 10 days !.


    Acutually speaking !.Dont mistake me !.


    We are already in such a polluted environement - on top of this we are immersing thousands of idols in Sea / river water.Dont we think we are doing wrong.-As already water is contaminated these days - while the Idols are immersed - there are paint's and other toxic Substances are decorated on the Idol ! we are contaminating the water also.


    Is there a reason for immersion !


  2. Who created Religions, was it GodHead or Messenger from GodHead.Why did they create such religions, why cant we one Single God !.Why cant we follow one Religion.Due to so many religions we are facing Conflict.


    All the Messenger's were preaching the same - Live and Let live !


    Bible, Quran, Bhagvad Gita etc.... have the same common message but still we fight for it.Some say my religion is far more superior than your's.Did Godhead wanted all this to happen thru his Messengers Or our Messengers added on their own way of creating difference to increase the Popularity of the Religion.


    Sorry if quoted some thing wrong !.


    Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

    Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare !


  3. Sometimes it happens - that we get agitated by personal or Official reasons - we tend to Yell ! at person who had nothing to do with the frustration. How can we avoid this. Why are we born this way - how to improve not hurting others.How can we do good things for others without expecting in return.Our mind is mapped in such a way you do something for me and i shall do if the favor is done !.


    Why we pray to Lord Venkateswara or any other DemiGod !, - can you do please do this for me and i shall offer you........Why is our mind is mapped in such a way !.When will be there be peace - how can we stop War !.


    Being a Krsna Devotee - i dont want to hurt any Soul ! Kindly Help ! provide me a Solution to tackle this !


    Email :Suresh_krsna@rediffmail.com



  4. I was going thru this Article in Spiritual Discussion . i saw 3 links about Meera Bhai.I could not get in the Link where it leads to story of Meera Bhai in Pictures !. Could someone tell me story of her and how is she deeply interested in our Lord Krsna !.




    Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

    Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare !


  5. I was reading a Article about Ramayana in one of leading magazine's- the article was about where did Rama and his troops got huge amount stones to cross Srilanka.It also qoutes that South India did not have such huge quantity of rocks and stones.


    He also quotes that famous Kancheepuram & Madurai Temples had to bring huge rocks to build the Temple.the rocks were brought from Andra Pradesh - India.


    Kindly provide details.


    Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

    Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare !


  6. I have the following Queries, could somebody be kind enough to address this !


    # Why Krishna Steals Butter - dont we think it is a bad practice to his followers.


    # Why is Krishna surrounded my many gopi's - When he took a Avatar as Ram he married Sita and led his followers by commiting the entire life having 1 Wife / Husband , why in this avatar - he leads this in a different way.


    # How is Radha rani attracted to Krishna since childhood - is it because of Spirutual - etc.....


    Kindly explain. <font color="pink"> </font color>

  7. Hi


    I just want some Information of Performing Tulasi Pooja at home.


    I belong to Hindu Family.I have an unmarried Sister at home.People at home ( Elders ) say wearing Tulasi mala and performing Pooja at home for Tulasi will bring Bad luck - they qoute this due to Unmarried Sister who might have Problems ( mensis) during this course performing pooja gives bad luck to the family and we commit sins by doing so.Kindly expalain - what i should do.Wearing Tulasi mala and performing such is good or not.

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