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Posts posted by guru_pushp



    I have sadhana samagri of "Saundaryottma Sadhana" mentioned in November 2005 issue of MTYV. But unfortunately i do not have that magazine now. I want to perform that sadhana which is mentioned on that particular magazine only.


    Can anybody help me in this regards?


    It would be a great help if anybody can describe the whole procedure / upload a scanned copy of that particular sadhana of November 2005 issue.





    I am having sadhana samagri of "Saundaryottma Sadhana" of November 2005 issue.


    For some reasons, i was unable to perform the sadhana. But now i want to perform that particular sadhana but the tragedy is i am not having that particular issue with me.


    Upon calling to gurudham Jodhpur, they mentioned that it is also not available with them.


    Can anybody help me in this regards by sending scanned copy or describing the each step here?


    I need that particular Sadhana Details to perform it now.




  3. Hi Vikrant,


    Can you please verify two things here?


    1. What do you mean by


    "remember when we do 21mala we count only 20mala,similarly we count only 50mala for 51mala and 100mala for 101mala's of guru mantra that r done"


    If i am having rosary mala having 108 beads and i am chanting 21 mala from it, will it be 20 mala only? please focus on this particular word, i am confused.


    2. I am confused about this word too:


    "21mala daily for 63days thereby completing 1Lakh 25thousand guru mantra jap in 63 days....if u want to do 51mala daily u need to take sankalp for 25days.....if u want to do 101mala daily u need to take sankalp for 13days...."


    Keeping above rosary in mind,

    If we go by your way (20 mala) : 20 x 108 = 2160 mantra for one day, multiplying it with 63,

    it gives 1,36,080, if you go for 62 days then also it is not 1,25,000 we required less days than 63 but why you mentioned 63, what calculation is there behind it, it would be good if you can focus on it.


    If we go by 21 mala : 21 x 108 = 2268 mantra for one day, multiplying it with 63,

    it gives 1,42,884. Again if you go for 62 days then also its not 1,25,000 we required less days than 63, so kindly focus on it.


    I have check it with other mala mantras like 51, 101 and everytime its not nearly matching 1,25,000.


    So, it would be really grateful if you or any from this forum can reply and focus on the topic to help new sadhak like me.



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