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Posts posted by karo

  1. The Atman,Soul,or Supreme Self is housed in

    the vehicle of the physical body.The body can

    bleed,be made wet,or burnt to ashes;however,

    such things do not effect the Soul.Christians

    believe that the wicked shall be burned in the hereafter,but how does one burn spirit?

    The act of burning is a physical-chemical ex-

    perience wherein stored energy is released.

    The physical body will be reduced to ashes

    through cremation;however the Soul is released to return to its eternal abode..or

    so it is for the liberated Soul.The Supreme

    Self is without a beginning,undifferentiated,

    deathless.Though it dwells in the body,Arjuna,it neither acts nor is touched by action.-BhagavadGita:13:31.

  2. Brahman is Absolute and unconditioned in His

    true state.When we try to comprehend Brahman

    we condition Him through our finite minds.Not

    that Brahman is then conditioned and made to

    be something that one can put in a box,it is

    merely a perception of Brahman.My given name

    is one thing,my nick-name is another,and yet

    I will answer to my last name as well.So it

    is with the Supreme Reality,we may call Him

    by different names,yet,this does not change

    the nature of that Reality.

  3. Gandhiji is seen as a saint by some and as a

    traitor by others.I can say with utmost cert-

    ianty that he did not like the idea of his mother India being divided and that there was

    little to none that he could have done to in

    any way change the outcome.The truth is that India was devided long before the physical

    boundaries of Pakistan came into existence.

    There was,is,and shall remain both Hindus and

    Muslims,as well as the other sects that gives

    the motherland her vibrant color.How you view

    Gandhiji is something that you must decide; however,it should be tempered with truth rather bias and untruth.

  4. Religion is meant to unite all men,poltics

    causes war and bloodshed.I am a man of all

    religions..I am Hindu,Muslim,as well as Jew

    and Christian.My eyes are blue and if my brothers eyes are brown they make him no less

    my brother.Hold in your arms a baby,be it

    Hindu or Muslim,I assure you that it is

    equally precious and tender.If the rainbow

    was missing one hue it would not be complete.

    The foolish do not look beyond physical appearances to see my true nature as the Lord of all creation.The knowledge of such deluded people is empty;their lives are fraught with disaster and evil and their work and hopes are in vain.But truly great souls seek my divive nature.They worship me with a one-pointed mind,having realized that

    I am the eternal source of all.-BhagavadGita:9:11-13

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