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Posts posted by debsharma

  1. hello sir

    my details 22/08/1982

    time : 1500pm place dehradun

    kindly tell me where my future is taking me , i am much satified my job, also nothing seem going according to my expectation, what remedies should i take,


    Dear Mrutyunjay Ji,


    How well you have explained with wonderful example? We are grateful for sharing your knowledge.


    Much Regards,






    Mrutyunjay Tripathy <astrologer_mrutyunjay Friday, June 12, 2009 1:55:26 AM Re: What is the significance of Chandra kundali in dasha prediction?


    Dear friend,If strong-Lagna(ascendant) - represent physicalChandr (Moon)- MentalSurya(Sun)- social/ spiritualstrength of the native.A good Sun may give easy access to status and wealth.A good Moon may enable one to enjoy/ feel life to the full.A good lagna- may help to enjoy all sorts of physical pleasures.For example one horoscope has 10th lord in 11th well placed. During the period of this planet- he/she may get promoted/ good wealth/ earnings etc.However if the same planet is badly placed ( say jupiter in 3rd from moon, or saturn in 4th from natal moon)then the person may not mentally feel that much happiness as expected on his/her promotion or financial gains.Simialrly a person may be a professional or self employed-- having weak sun- he may not get social recognisation- as an independent earning member of his/her family- although all he/she may have

    enough of money with him/her to fulfill hall the demands/ necessecities of life.One person may have 5 children- well educated- hale and hearty and socially established- still he/she can not have santan sukh- if the karaka jupiter as well as the 5th lord from moon and 5th lord from jupiter are badly placed from natal moon.At the same time another person having no childen, having karaka and lord well placed from moon- never feel the absence of children !With regards and best wishes,Mrutyunjay Tripathy(Consultancy out of group is not free)(cell no.09811971190), "microdharam2" <microdharma@ ...> wrote:>> Respected Tripathi Ji,> > Normally we predict the results of a dasha on the basis of placements of planets

    in lagna chart. it is also a popular belief that out of the three charts lagna, chandra and sun whichever is stronger will be effective in a native's life. > > I want to know that what is the reality?> > if in a native's chart if a planet is not auspicious in lagna chart, but auspicious in chandra kundali, then how shall we predict dasha of that planet.> > as in my lagna kundali budh is markesh (saptamesh) and situated in sixth bhava. But in Chandra kundali it is very auspicious dashmesh sitting with navmesh in ninth bhava. then in this scenario, how one should predict the results of Mahadasha/ antardasha of Budh.> > Regards> > Dharmendra>

  2. hii

    my details 22/08/1982 , 15:00pm dehradun

    actually i am highly unsatisfied by my job , i have done engineering from good instituted. I am unable to get through for higher education. pls tell me where my luck taking me. I also got engaged but i am feeling like the match what i hve got is not perfect for me. pls suggest me remedies if any

  3. my details:

    dob 22/02/1982, time 15:00pm, place : dehradun

    i had good time upto 2005 for my career but after that i have seen decline in my career growth , i was trying for MBA but coudn't get due to non stablity in my mind. I am now preparing for civil services but not getting sucess. Pls tell me what should i do. Some told me that i have KALsurp yog for that i got MAHAMURTYANJ mantra jaap of 1250000times.

    also i am engaged to a girl but i am not happy with my relation. I want working wife but she is not working.

    plssssss help me.

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