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Posts posted by fantastikanth

  1. im the youngest son of a father, who came from a small village to a city where he has been living since past 30 years, over these years he has put in lots of efforts and grown from rags to riches, earned a lot of name and fame, but now the situation has completely changed, because of some mis planning by my elder brother we have lost a lot of money in some new business, it took its toll on us and now we are on the verge of bankruptcy, out of we five children, my two elder sisters and the one elder brother all got married except for me and my another elder brother, we both are feeling like let down by our parents, since it is we guys who have to suffer, the rest all are settled, why did this happen to us without any mistake of us, how to come out of this problem, our family was once known for its name and fame in society, but now we are going to loose all that, the worst didn't yet happen but people are slowly coming to know about situation, which, someday would show its effect, we don't want to cheat anyone, we just wanna pay each paisa borrowed, but how..........please help people, i am in desperate need of help, imagine urself in my place and think, its like issuing death date in advance, just imagine how it would be to take the scoldings from once praising mouths, i cant make out why this happened to us, throughout my father's life he never caused any harm to anyone but in fact helped many.......please help me out.

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