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Posts posted by jayaisvara

  1. I hope you have a very nice time there. Its just a phase in your life that you are having this bad time prabhu, as I am experiencing this shifting phase of happiness and sadness nearly monthly. But when you become again out of this phase, you will feel like it was nothing. Enjoy the temple visit /images/graemlins/smile.gif

  2. I put the blindfold and closed myself in my basement so it was dark enough and surprisingly not that scary. Also, I kept my eyes open although the blindfold was covering my eyes. All I could see was darkness. At the beginning of the chanting, it was disorienting and the feeling was new. Then gradually I got used to just listening to the air vibration of the mantra. Then sometimes I thought of the meaning of what I was saying but those times were rare.


    Also, I found out that I am servant in a interesting way. For example, read the following:


    <font color="blue">

    You are an eternal servant of Lord Sri Krsna

    </font color>




    Now, please reflect on your honest reaction. If the reaction was negative (which was for me most if not all the time) then that means the mind is telling why should I be servant of Sri Krsna? But wait, if that thought crosses your mind and you succumb to it, then you are a servant of that thought which is of the mind. In this way to some small extent it was shown to me that I am servant no matter what.


    I have never tasted pure devotional service and I am complaining I don't want to serve. I could just be missing the opportunity of a long, long time.


    Furthermore, when you actually get insights it feels like you are pulled up by a big hand from the depths of an ocean and you are able to, for even a slight fraction of a second, see where exactly you are (the ocean). It is unexplainable so it must be revealed to someone. I wouldn't say anything big was revealed to me but its something that is different from anything I've ever experienced before. Its all in the mind.

  3. These are some questions answered by Swami B.V. Tripurari Maharaja which I hope you find helpful. I found them using the following search in google:


    "taste chanting site:www.swami.org"


    You can do that search in google without the quotes and see if you find anything helpful. Here are the questions answered by Swami Maharaja:


    Q. My question is about guilt. I am so pained by feelings of guilt that I am often cursing myself. I feel useless in comparison to good devotees and these negative feelings are driving me further away from spiritual practice. I tried to examine the nature of my problem and, in gaining knowledge of what it means to be a pure devotee, I also came to understand more clearly my own dismal position.


    My position is such that I have never had a taste for chanting japa, which I find tedious. When I try to chant my mind won't stop distracting me so eventually I give up. I can't ever see myself chanting sixteen rounds in this lifetime and I feel so discouraged by my inadequacies that I sometimes become depressed. Maybe I'm succumbing to narcissism, I don't know, but I don't feel capable of making spiritual advancement and this causes me to feel more and more guilty. I feel very bad that I don't love Krsna and keep thinking that Krsna is upset with me. I don't expect you to wave a magic wand but I was hoping you might help me with some insight.


    A. You should not feel guilty because you have no taste for chanting Krsna nama or that you are unable to pay attention while chanting his name. Don't be discouraged either. Krsna is not upset with you. If you cannot pay attention while chanting japa on beads, try chanting in kirtana instead. As you become purified through kirtana, you will be better able to pay attention while performing the japa of Krsna nama. If it is difficult for you to perform kirtana, engage yourself in self-sacrificing activities in which the fruit of such activity is offered in the service of Krsna and his devotees. This will purify your heart and enable you to engage more readily in hearing and chanting followed by remembering (japa). Over and above this, seek out holy association and try to find an advanced Vaisnava in whom you can take shelter with full faith and be guided by.



    Q. I am a businessman and daily I chant one round of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. I chant when I am in a car or whenever I am alone. But I am not happy and fully confident that Lord Krsna will bestow his mercy on me to the extent I am expecting him to. My concern is that people do lot more to get his attention and I feel I am doing too little. What else should I do to get his attention?


    A. Bhaktivinoda Thakura taught that one should begin chanting one round of nama japa (chanting on beads). As one's taste for chanting increases, one should increase to two rounds and never chant less than this. In this way one should gradually increase one's chanting, never decreasing the number of rounds one chants daily.


    In all of this it is essential to chant under the guidance of an advanced devotee whom one accepts as his guru. One should regularly hear his gurudeva's teachings and follow him in all respects. Nothing will please Krsna more than this. Indeed he himself is trying to serve such devotees, and if you assist him in this, this is real service.

  4. Before I begin, I'd like to say that I have been away for awhile because I have been experiencing new things, internally. This is all due to association with advanced Vaisnavas (various website(s)).


    Also, I was careful not to input too much information into my brain (via forums) since that would confuse my mind very much. So now, whatever I found or rather shown, I hope to share. Please forgive me if I haven't been of service to this forum, because when I was in need there was always someone here to help me out. I write this out of service mood which I think I am currently in. I hope you will find use of this. This information is what I found from studying how the influence of the gunas transformed and affected me. Currently, according to astrology, the Sun is in Aquarius as of Feb 27/05. I have Jupiter in Aquarius in my chart. Thus, my guna is predominantly sattva I believe at the moment since I speculate is due to Jupiter(sattvik planet according to astrology) is in the planet the sun is in at the moment.


    NOTE: I read from advanced devotees about the blindfold japa method which Thakur Bhaktivinoda recommended, thus I was doing that method for awhile, and probably might even continue to employ that method.


    So this is what I found out from my little trip:


    1)Although I am using my mind to write this right now, I had this sort of feeling where I could perceive how my mind affected ME, but I don't who ME is at the moment. All I knew was that I was not the mind. The mind, being heavily influenced by the gunas and the senses was dragging me, and even now is maybe subconsciously dragging me here and there. I hope the motivation for writing all this is out of service to Vaisnavas.


    2)I also realized that when I was in the rajas/tamas influence, it was impossible to know how they were affecting me. I didn't even know what sattva guna felt like because the senses were very, very strong and the mind was unbelievably flickering here and there. When I compare the status of my mind right now with before, it is unbelievable as to how unstable it was. Confirming what I've heard from advanced devotees, the mind is a collection of thoughts which I (whoever "I" am), try to hold on to. Then the mind mixes these thoughts with the gunas and it gets so complex that its impossible to practice spiritual life because you are constantly dragged from here to there within the mind. Its hell! Please excuse me if I am too harsh with the language here.


    3)The main transformation I could perceive was that I can now pray without thinking that Lord Krsna will punish me for my aparadhas committed in the mind due to the influence of rajas/tamas. Now I can almost think of Him as a guardian, but not fully think of Him as such. Before in the rajas/tamas period, I was thinking that my life is meaningless and I couldn't see the Vaisnavas properly because of FEAR of my aparadhas. Now its more of begging mercy and guidance(due to sattva guna influence)


    4)I also realized, or rather, was able to do so by mercy from above, that who the Vaisnavas were. If you look around, the enemies of the mind (I think 6 of them are there) are in control of major people like presidents of the world. So who is in control? The president or the enemies of the mind? I think you would say the enemies of the mind. So who is in control of the planet? Definitely not George Bush, but the senses and the enemies of the mind, they are the masters, and I've heard somewhere before that the senses are the masters of this world. Thus the Vaisnavas, who the masters of the senses, then, are the masters of the world, literally. This fact is easier to realize when I was not focusing too much externally (due to influence of rajas/tamas) and focusing on the substance (due to influence of sattva)



    5)I was also able to focus more on chanting, on the substance of the sound and what the name "Krsna" and "Rama" actually meant. Before, due to the influence of the rajas/tamas modes, I chant because my mind is in fear and anxiety and especially fear of aparadhas. I couldn't even chant properly, just simply vibrating the air. Now, its more of concentration...at least for awhile.



    6)I also developed a offensive behaviour towards the dictation towards my mind as soon as I was able to realize that "I" was in fact the servant of the demands of the senses and the mind. The mind is always telling me to follow this thought or that thought but now I am able to ignore that due to the sattva influence. This will change surely in the future as the planets change alignment, but before that if I share this with you guys I hope I would have done some seva.



    7)I also realized that the mind is my GREATEST enemy, no one else, nothing else. This is because whatever I hear/see, my mind being influenced by the gunas I think, somehow, tends to immediately force ME to think I am being offended, when in reality the mind is like an evil advisor telling you to do this or that etc, and always showing who is my friend and enemy etc, but in fact when you stop and think about WHO/WHAT is telling you to do the things you do, then you say "Why should I listen to you". Of course, this is how I reacted, but this could differ from person to person.





    Finally, please note that the above was typed because I hope to do some seva to the Vaisnavas here. I hope you find some knowledge to help you. This was MY experience, and surely everyone has a different experience. But this is what I saw and I hope you benefit from this. Please also note, I am a neophyte, so don't fully take my words and believe it, but with the advanced devotees' association and your chanting I hope you directly experience all this. Praying to Sri Nityananda Prabhu helped me also.


    Humbly in your service,


  5. I never thought of it that way. I thought that Gita was something else, I am not quite sure what, although I know its sacred (although I don't know its full sacredness) and its the conversation between God and His devotee.


    Thanks guest for that nice explanation. If it is a process though, then when trying to understand each verse, should I only move on to the next verse after understanding the first verse? Because I simply can't understand everyday a new verse, thats impossible for me.

  6. For me I think comparing what I read and seeing it practically when that vision, no matter how vague, shows itself to me. That sort of practical application works great. You are right though, its transcendental so the approach to understanding should also be different.


    I need to get a job for awhile and get some sort of a job, if I Lord wants me to, and use that money to buy some CD's from Vaisnava Maharaja's who have lecture CD's. So I guess until then, maybe Lord want's me to do something else.


    When Sri Krsna Bhagavan says that we should sacrifice our intellect by studying Gita, how do we sacrifice the intellect? Is it like making or trying to see Sri Krsna in all the material sciences/subjects as well as spiritual? Or is it something else.


    Thank you for sharing your opinions.

  7. I hope these quotes might be of some help to you. They are a collection of replies from the Editor at www.swami.org which is Swami BV Tripurari Maharaja's website:


    a strong desire to be a great Devotee


    Sanga Question via Website


    Dear respected Srila Tripurari Maharaj, my most humble obeisances unto your lotus feet.


    I don't know how to express this properly but I will try. In my mind there is constantly a very strong desire to become a "Guru" or "Acharya" or "great Devotee". I know that this desire is the worst of all, it is desire for name and fame. Most probably I just want to imitate great devotees and thereby gain appretiation from others. I know that this is wrong, but still I cannot give up these thoughts although I am trying hard. I also many times feel strong urge to tell everyone that they are wrong and Krishna conciousness is right, because I can theoreticaly/intelectually understand and have strong belief that this can really solve all problems and bring all good. But to speak frankly I'm miserable myself. I can see that I want to help all others, but at the same time I cannot even help myself. What can or what should I do? My Guru Maharaj adviced me to regularly do sravan-kirtan with a view to please Supreme Lord, not to give "speeches" only to satisfy others. Is it possible that only I'm not patient enough? In that case I pray for your help and blessings to give me neccesary strengh to follow the instructions of my Guru Maharaj in full.



    Dear das,


    Swami Tripurari asked me to reply to you. He is pleased with your letter and wants you to know that there is great hope for you in Krsna consciousness. All conditioned souls are under the influence of false ego and material desire, but only a few of them have any understanding of how unfortunate they really are. Those that do have some inkling of this largely feel that others are to blame for their problems. Even amongst devotees, few are willing to fully acknowledge the extent to which they have caused their own unfortunate predicament. It's much easier to point the finger at others then to do what is needed to remedy oneself.


    The remedy of course is sadhu sanga and Krsna nam, accompanied at every stage by sincere self-analysis. If we take a hard look at ourselves we will be able to stop blaming others for our lack of spiritual progress. Taking that hard look requires a certain amount of humility, which is what attracts Krsna Nam.

    Krsna Nam will stay with a person who has humility. There is great hope for such persons regardless of their shortcomings.


    So be patient and serve your gurudev to the best of your ability. Swami begs you to never give up the chanting of Krsna Nam, regardless of your situation or spiritual condition. Have faith that Krsna Nam will save you, even from yourself. Don't try to be a great devotee, just try to be a good devotee. Being a good devotee is not always easy, but know that in your struggle you have the blessings of Swami, his staff, and all sincere Vaisnavas everywhere.


    Best wishes, sangaeditor


    worship of Ganapathi



    Sanga Question via Website


    In the Bhagavad Gita worship of demigods is discouraged. In the Vishnu purana it is said that higher than the worship of Vishnu is the worship of his devotees ( Demigods - since they are Vaishnavs ). I have also read somewhere that Demigods should not be worshipped on the same alter as Lord Krishna. My wife who is not Krishna Conscious has a separate alter where she worships Demigods and has a picture of Lord Krishna on the same alter but I have a separate alter worshipping in the Gaudiya tradition as in all Iskcon centres. In the Nectar of Devotion Srila Prabhupada states that all devotees should start their day by worship of Ganapathi ( Lord Ganesha ) as he removes obstacles to our devotional service. I have personally not seen this anywhere being done in Iskcon. Could this be the reason why so many devotees fall because they are disrespectful to demigods. I have seen this in many lectures around the world. Please explain these contradictory statements.




    Dear ******,


    Regardless of what Srila Prabhupada wrote in Nectar of Devotion, in practical application he never introduced the worship of Ganesa within his movement. Actually he discouraged such worship as evidenced by the following conversation and letters. That statement is in Nectar of Devotion in consideration of ancient norms within Hinduism. Traditionally one worships Ganesa for the removal of obstacles to other types of worship. Thus a devotee may honor or worship Ganesa before he begins his daily worship of Krsna. But in all, it is the worship of Krsna that is important. If one does worship Ganesa it should be done with the understanding that Ganesa is a servant of Krsna. Also the scriptures say that ideally one should not worship Krsna for material gain. Neophyte devotees who are interested in material gain might worship the demigods for such things, but that should be done with the understanding that the demigods bestow material favors by the power of Krsna.


    So continue to worship Krsna on your alter along with a picture of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Also be sure to chant Hare Krsna and associate with devotees. Your wife may worship Krsna on the same alter as the demigods, but for the best spiritual results she should worship with the understanding that Krsna is supreme. If she is not able to accept this intellectually then she should be encouraged to chant Hare Krsna during her worship and at other times throughout the day. Actually you should do this together at some point every day. Chanting Hare Krsna together will purify your hearts and through purification everything will fall into place.


    The idea that some devotees fell down because they did not worship Ganesa is incorrect. Devotees fall down because of material desires or Vaisnava aparadha--offences to Vaisnavas. Of the two the latter is more dangerous. Bhaktivinode Thakura says that one should not look for faults in devotees nor should one criticize devotees because of accidental falldowns. Devotional service is eternal....there may be many falldowns along the way...but Bhagavad Gita says that for one who begins the path of devotion, success is assured.


    Best wishes, sangaeditor


  8. I think I understand your viewpoint theistji. I was listening to Sri Atmatatta Das Prabhu's lectures on the Vedic Literatures and he says at some point that all the books we need to gain elibility for liberation is Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Srimad Bhagavatam, Sri Caitanya Caritamrta and Bhakti Rasamrta Sindhu.


    I tried to follow the system of Swami Prabhupada, where you read one verse of Gita a day. That is so hard, at least for me, because I just cant understand what the first verse is actually trying to convey, I know that for sure. Its impossible to go verse by verse per day because this knowledge is topmost, and how is it possible to understand every single verse each day, practically thats impossible for me.


    As you say that the cold hard facts must be faced, it is so frustrating and fearful when sometimes you know those cold hard facts and you chant the mahamantra, but the next day you wake up and think, "Oh everything is alright, I don't need to chant the mahamantra seriously". I got into the trap before and even often now, of chanting the mahamantra like its nothing, and I should be ashamed to say that. I just don't understand that it is maha-mantra, the ultimate hope for whatever danger that is lying infront of me(material world) but I am so overpowered by it not to see it.


    Furthermore, I have also realized that if Lord Krsna called Arjuna Maharaja "anarya"(non-aryan) in the early second chapter of the Gita, just because Arjuna Maharaja showed his compassion to his enemies, how much anarya and degraded I must be? I still don't fully realize this.


    Honestly, my family shows me affection and converse with me as if I am a very nice person. By doing so, I also lose the value for them as eternal souls and consider them my parents or brother or grandparents and am pulled to a lower platform of thoughts, where I consider them my relatives.


    The ability to understand the greatness of the Vaisnavas in true perspective is far, far away for me, because I wouldn't know how to behave afterwards. I have experienced that feeling. Sometimes I feel that the Supreme Lord, who is controller of many innumerable planets which are so heavy, are being carried as if cotton balls in space, He is in my house in a deity form. Just how do you behave when you go infront of Him? I cannot comprehend that. If I can at least understand my true position and how degraded I actually am, then I think that would set things in perspective, and that is not easy at all.


    Regarding eternally conditioned and eternally liberated, does eternity mean a very, very long time until the conditioned souls reach His abode?

  9. Pankaja_dasa, I am happy that you find those helpful, because they have also helped me, these quotes which are by Swami Tripurari Maharaja and his disciples who are very nice and compassionate to others. Right now, I am in the mode of ignorance also, honestly. But through these trials only will I be humbled. Jesus said this many times that God, The Supreme Living Person, will make us go through trials only to purify us. I have heard I think Srila Prabhupada Swami's lecture "Bg 02-01 - Los Angeles 1968-11-29 - The Missing Self--Understanding", that The Supreme Person, Sri Krsna, is like soft and hard like a thunderbolt at the same time. He is hard like a thunderbolt to His devotees because or else, how else can we become well disciplined?


    I feel very grateful that my mother and father used to be quite strict when I was a child, only now can I see it. I sometimes hope that they could've been more strict.



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