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Posts posted by Gauracandra

  1. I haven't posted in quite some time due to my work responsibilities. I still check in now and then. I have always appreciated everyone here at Audarya. Special shout out to Theist, Ghari, Mahak, Audarya-Lila, Living Entity, Melvin, Stonehearted, Random Axis, Shvu, Tarun, Leyh, and many others. Oh and of course JNDas. We've had some good times. Please accept my apologies if over the years I have gotten into heated debates and offended anyone. Its been 10 good years with quite a few characters that have come through that time. I wish you all the best in your Krsna Conscious lives. Keep chanting. Haribol.

  2. A very interesting debate:




    I think there are two key arguments in this article:

    1) We all have experience of matter and that experience is in the finitude of matter. Thus the question of the source of matter must be something outside of the argument itself. God is defined as the cause of all causes. Thus without something outside of matter we can't explain the source of matter.

    2)Free will must be outside its own cause. If you simply believe in matter you can't believe in free will.


    Check out the debate in the article. Its quite interesting.

  3. I felt very sad reading this. There is nothing really one can say to make it any better. However, if I read it right, it sounded like the devotee was able to save his youngest daughter, who would be Srila Prabhupada's great granddaughter. So there was some small light.


    I can't think of any good solution to the problem. Life jackets are something that could help in the future. But how to distribute them. I don't think the boat operators will just have the life jackets taking up room. Maybe if they were sponsored for, and the boat operators charged a litle extra (thus incentivizing them to keep the life jackets) it could be something used in the future.

  4. I can't tell if its just me or if the world really is getting worse and worse by the year. 60 Minutes just had a really disturbing segment on kids beating up and killing homeless people. To me it was just shocking how desensitized our society is becoming to violence. Maybe its always been this bad and the access to media simply is bringing it out. But I dont' think so. Music is getting louder and angrier. Commercials are getting more obnoxious. There is a commercial I saw for a video game where you play a hit man. You just look around and it all seems like its getting really bad.


    As for that weapon, remember if we know about it, then they have something far bigger already. The Stealth Fighter, first used in the Gulf War, that was under development during Jimmy Carter inthe 1970s. They didn't reveal it until early 1990s. And thats what they showed. There are plenty of things they have up their sleeves. Reportedly they've been working on what is called "the rods from god". These are titanium rods that are shots down from outter space onto the target. They act as massive missiles when they impact with the ground.

  5. Yes this is why I posted these pictures. I was thinking how when I see photos of the galaxies how amazing the universe is. And these are objects that are tens of thousands or millions of miles around. But then you zoom in on a tiny little snowflake and you see this immense creativity. Just beauty in the smallest little thing.

  6. Theist,


    Distributism is an economic philosophy developed by two Catholic thinkers (inspired by the Papal encyclical Rerum Novarum) in the early 1900s by the names of G.K. Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc. Chesterton was a very well known writer (throughout the English Empire) and journalist who converted to Catholicism late in life. He is said to have written an article that inspired Gandhi to start his non-violent protests against the English (though I've never found the article itself). What I've heard is that the article essentially calls on India to be more Indian and in so doing they could remove the British control of their country (apparently he also inspired Irish rebellions in

    much the same way). It is interesting in this connection that Gandhi's philosophy of small farming, crafts, and village life is very much similar to Chesterton's philosophy of Distributism.



    Distributism is based on subsidiarity or doing things at the lowest level possible and as the name would suggest about the distribution of capital especially physical capital in the form of land. Now it is specifically in this way that it differs from Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism. You see, in

    capitalism the wealth naturally concentrates into the hands of fewer and fewer people. Why is this so? Because after a certain point in wealth accumulation all of one's basic needs are taken care of. Capital, which is that which is left over after consumption, therefore continues to accumulate. Socialists and communists saw this same principle at work

    and so the socialists decided they should have a government that takes wealth from the capitalists and create various social programs, through which they controlled society. In this case socialism takes the wealth from the industrialists and puts it into fewer hands - those of bureaucrats (who of course always do what is right, and never stifle new ideas). Communists basically said "Since wealth and power are going to concentrate, in the first stage of capitalism, and in the second stage of socialism, lets just jump straight to the logical conclusion of the third stage of communism and take over all the production."



    Enter Distributism which says the problem with capitalism, socialism, and communism is that they keep concentrating power. They build huge structures up that oppress the people below that have to hold it up. What needs to happen is to break up power, and redistribute it to the people. As Chesterton says, the problem with Capitalism is it results in too few capitalists. In this respect,

    Distributism affirms the principle of private property but not unlimited private property. Chesterton says the institution of private property no more means the right to unlimited property than the institution of marriage means the right to more than one wife. Lines are drawn and limits set as we live in a world of constraints. Now that might initially require government intervention simply because the current system has become so top heavy as it is.



    The goal is to establish as wide ownership of land as possible as well as instituting laws that protect the small business person against the large corporation. Industrialism was already starting to have its toll even in pre-War Europe. The small farmers were starting to feel the pressure from industrial farming, and today there are virtually no small farms in existence. At the same time the small shops have been destroyed by Megacorporations such as Walmart (which has a market capitalization of like a quarter of a trillion dollars). It is funny, several years ago Walmart tried to enter into Vermont and all the small store owners in Vermont banded together to keep Walmart out. What did Walmart do? They sued claiming these puny little small stores were being uncompetitive. Competition in capitalism is when the big guys consume the small guys. But if the small guys get together to fight for their very survival well thats just wrong.



    Ultimately Distributism saw the effects entering the culture. In the first place you had a culture of ownership. If you owned your own farm, or owned your own shop, or owned your own set of tools and had a skill, you had a sense of self-worth. Even if you weren't rich you could control your life. You could get up when you needed to. You could arrange time off to be with your family. You had a place in society. But with the concentration of power you lost that inherent human dignity. In Capitalism the boss told you when to arrive, what to do, when to do it. In Socialism the government

    told you when to arrive, what to do, and when to do it. You lost the dignity of self-determination.



    That is not to say they were against business. But the flavor of society so to speak should be about small property ownership, small business, crafts and skills that are community based. There should be community art and culture. In this way you actually have diversity. Part of the country will be very different from another part of the country. But with mass merchandising, mass advertising, mass communications, we break down diversity, and while everyone thinks they are getting a great variety, in fact they find they are just getting the same thing over and over.



    Now how to go about this? Even they thought it would be a feat similar to swimming against Niagara Falls. But they believed, one way or another, society would move back to a simpler structure. Either by choice or by collapse. There are a number of suggestions of what to do, for instance changing the tax code to give breaks to small farms and small businesses, over corporations. The corporation is basically a way of accumulating mass capital through selling small shares, thus corporations as distinct from sole proprietorships naturally work to concentrate wealth. Creating Guilds for various occupations to ensure the training and wages of the working class. Other suggestions would be for the government to pass zoning laws against large shopping centers, free legal care for the poor so that the small man can fight the big man, the distribution of government land holdings to the people etc....



    But ultimately it comes down to people choosing to build their communities, rather than having them shaped by impersonal invisible hands. In this respect I think the devotees are much further along than many Catholics, who talk in theory about Distributism. Say what we will about our farming communities, many are in various levels of success, but atleast devotees are actively creating them. They may not farm them (or many don't) but they are trying their best to swim up against Niagara Falls. I think because we are small, and because Srila Prabhupada explicitly told us to build rural communities, to us Varnashram is part of our religion (even if we haven't accomplished it). To Catholics it is virtually unknown and to move 1 billion people is very difficult.

  7. Here is the wikipedia entry for Distributism:



    And here you can read The Outline of Sanity:



    A small excerpt:


    "For instance, Capitalism is really a very unpleasant word. It is also a very unpleasant thing. Yet the thing I have in mind, when I say so, is quite definite and definable; only the name is a very unworkable word for it. But obviously we must have some word for it. When I say "Capitalism," I commonly mean something that may be stated thus: "That economic condition in which there is a class of capitalists, roughly recognizable and relatively small, in whose possession so much of the capital is concentrated

    as to necessitate a very large majority of the citizens serving those capitalists for a wage." This particular state of things can and does exist, and we must have some word for it, and some way of discussing it. But this is undoubtedly a very bad word, because it is used by other people to mean quite other things. Some people seem to mean merely private property. Others suppose that capitalism must mean anything involving the use of capital. But if that use is too literal, it is also too loose and even too large. If the use of capital is capitalism, then everything is capitalism. Bolshevism is capitalism and anarchist communism is capitalism; and every revolutionary scheme, however wild, is still capitalism. Lenin and Trotsky believe as much as Lloyd George and Thomas that the economic operations of to-day must leave something over for the economic operations of to-morrow. And that is all that capital means in its economic sense. In that case, the word is useless. My use of it may be arbitrary, but it is not useless. If capitalism means private property, I am capitalist. If capitalism means capital, everybody is capitalist. But if capitalism means this particular condition of capital, only paid out to the mass in the form of wages, then it does mean something, even if it ought to mean something else.


    The truth is that what we call Capitalism ought to be called Proletarianism. The point of it is not that some people have capital, but that most people only have wages because they do not have capital. I have made an heroic effort in my time to walk about the world always saying Proletarianism instead of Capitalism."


    Also, look up the Mondragon Cooperative in Spain. It is one of the most successful cooperatives in the world, and was started by students of a Catholic priest who wanted to institute Distributism.

  8. My understanding of Varnashram is that it is very similar to Catholic economic doctrine called Distributism. This is often called Third Way economics. Look up G.K. Chesterton, and a book called The Outline of Sanity. He makes many good points.


    One of the problems with Capitalism is it concentrates power and wealth into the hands of fewer and fewer people. Interestingly, state sponsored socialism does the same, but instead of industrialists, it puts the power in even few hands -those of bureaucrats.


    Distributism might be called small c Capitalism. It envisions a well distributed small property ownership. As such it believes in laws that support small family farms against agribusiness, and small store ownership over corporate megastores. But the key is the power is decentralised and local. We all have a corruptable heart. We'll all exploit if we can. The industrialist will do this, so will the bureaucrat. The distributist has the same heart, however, since power is devolved to the lowest level (subsidiarity) and since everyone has some ownership, there is a sort of balance. If you own 10 acres of land and I own 20 acres, I can't force you to sell and exploit you (even though this isn't a perfect balance). On the other hand, if I own 10,000 acres, and you own half an acre, thats where you see the demise of the family farm. In addition, they support Guilds for the training of various skills and maintaining wages (so as to oppose cut rate competition). If you're in Scotland you should definitely be able to get a copy of Chesterton's work The Outline of Sanity. Try the library. You might also try Hilaire Belloc's The Servile State (he was the co-founder of distributism with Chesterton).

  9. This is a horrible event. I can only pray for the recovery of the injured.



    Terror strikes Imphal ISKCON temple: Four including child killed; over 50 injured; foreign devotees injured, one seriously </B>


    From www.kanglaonline.com:

    The Imphal Free Press


    IMPHAL, Aug 16: Krishna Janma celebrations at the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, ISKCON campus at Sangaiprou, Imphal ended in blood and gore this evening after unidentified persons hurled a hand grenade into a crowded mandap where a ras leela performance was taking place.


    The blast killed at least four people, including two children, and injured nearly 50 others. The injured include at least two foreigners, one of whom is stated to be in serious condition.


    Altogether six foreigners, including five from the USA and one from France were watching the Ras Leela performance, held as part of day-long celebrations of Krishna Janmastami, the birthday of Lord Krishna.


    Doctors at RIMS Hospital, Lamphelpat and the Shija Hospital, Langol were hard-put to cope with the rush of dead and injured in the aftermath of the blast.


    Officials reports said there were 27 serious cases among the injured, including a male American, whose identity could not be immediately confirmed.


    Eyewitness reports said the grenade was thrown from the south-eastern corner of the mandap, located inside the ISKCON campus, and exploded immediately, killing one person on the spot, and injuring scores of others.


    The assailant apparently managed to escape in the ensuing confusion.


    The witnesses added that the grenade was hurled just after a firecracker was set off on the other side of the mandap.


    H Birkumar, alias Bitendra Das, 73, of Khagempalli Huidrom Leikai was killed at the spot, while two other victims, identified as Dr K Binodkumar, 65, of Kwakeithel Akham Leikai, and a nine-year old child, Wahengbam Anil, of W Nabadwip of Sangaiprou died while being evacuated to RIMS hospital.


    A fourth victim, Angom Blodin 12, son of A Bobby of Lalambung Makhong Takhellambam Leikai, died at Shija Hospital, Langol.


    Apart from those hurt in the blast itself, several others also sustained injuries in the ensuing stampeded.


    Immediately after the blast, police and medical teams rushed to the site to render assistance and evacuate the wounded to hospital.


    No one has claimed responsibility for the attack as yet. However, unconfirmed reports said an unidentified group had delivered a warning to the ISKCON authorities over telephone yesterday not to host Krishna Janma celebrations at the ISKCON campus.


    Chief minister O Ibobi Singh visited RIMS hospital this evening soon after the blast, and spoke to the wounded victims as well as the hospital authorities.


    Speaking briefly to mediapersons, he strongly condemned today`s incident, calling it a cowardly act. He also said ex-gratia would be given to the next of kin of the deceased, and all assistance given to the wounded.


    Answering queries, the chief minister also maintained that there was no question of a security lapse. He also refused to speculate on who was responsible for the attack, contending that it was too premature to do so.


    The chief minister was accompanied by MANITRON chairman Bijoy Koijam, and the PDA chairman K Ranjit.


    The underground Revolutionary People`s Front, RPF has meanwhile clarified that it had nothing to do with the bomb attack at the ISKCON complex.


    A spokesperson of the organisation telephoned media offices this afternoon to say that the the group strongly condemned the bomb attack and made it clear that the group considered such attacks on a place of worship a thoughtless and cowardly act.


    The All Manipur Students Union, AMSU, also strongly condemned the bomb attack, terming it as an act of terrorism.


    The following is a partial list of the dead and injuried




    1. H. Birkumar @ Bitendra Das (76) of Khagempalli Huidrom Leikai


    2. Dr. K Bimod Kumar (65) of Kwakeithel Akham Leikai


    3. Wahengbam Anil Singh (9) (Krishna Shaba) of S/o, W. Nabadip of Sangaiprou


    4. Angom Blodin (12) S/o, A Boby of Lalambung Makhong Takhellambam Leikai




    1. Oinam (O) Kunjalata (48) W/o Profullo of Kwakeithel Akham Leikai


    2. Khoisnam Rojesh (11) S/o, Indubhushan of Malom Awang Leikai


    3. RK. Singhajit (73) of New Delhi


    4. Lakshmipriya (50) of USA


    5. Brahmacharimayum Gopal Sharma (60) S/o, (L) Thakudhan of Kwakeithel


    6. Manik Laishram Devi (22) D/o, ES Laishram


    7. Gunija (52)


    8. Manihar (65) of Malom


    9. Sumitra Devi (50) W/o, (L) Basantakumar Wangkhem of Porompat


    10. H Nganbi Devi (35)of Sangaiprou


    11. H Sushila Devi (36) of Sangaiprou


    12. W Khurai Leima (84) of Mekola


    13. Wahengbam Nabachandra (10) of Heirangoithong


    14. Murari Das (32) of ISKCON


    15. P Rajendrakumar (70) of Kwakeithel


    16. Sapam Ibohal Singh (65) S/o, Gouramani of Kwakeithel Tiddim Ground


    17. Bhakta Singh (45) of Keishamthong Hodam Leirak


    18. Thiyam Gambir Singh (65) of Sega Road Takhellambam Leikai


    19. Oinam Ichan (9) D/o, Newton of Kwakeithel


    20. Thangjam Ranjita (24) D/o, Rajmani of Langzing Achouba


    21. Lukram (o) Malemnganbi (64) W/o, Nimaichand of Naoremthong Khullem Leikai


    22. Kangujam Ibemcha Devi


    23. Konjengbam Manihar Singh (50) S/o, (L) Paka of Hodam Leirak


    24. Irengbam Gouramani (70) of Khagempalli Panthak


    25. Thoudam (o) Ibecha (60) W/o, Lokhon of Ghari Awang Leikai


    26. Laishram Shanta (26) D/o, L Chaoba of Thanga


    27. Maisnam Madhumangol (67) S/o, Ibotombi of Lalambung Makhong


    28. Wahengbam Naba (36) S/o, (L) Amutombi of Keishamthong Top Leirak


    29. Kabita Kajuriya (36) W/o, Sanju Kajuriya of Maharastra presently Thangal Bazar


    30. Sh. Manglembi (60) W/o, Sh Jayanta


    31. Moirangthem Ashnikumar (37) S/o, M Chaoba of Changangei


    32. Miss L Sarda Devi of Thanga


    33. Shiddhish Irom (28) S/o, S Lalit of Keishamthong Hodam Leirak


    34. Bhakti Swarup Damodar Swami (69) of Toubul


    35. Soram Gunija (51) W/o, IS Laishram of Lamphel


    36. Manika


    37. Sobita of Sangaiprou


    38. Mrs. Ibemhal of Lalambung

  10. Whatever little elements make it into popular culture is fine by me. I just checked up on The NeverEnding Story. I saw it once but didn't remember it very well.


    So the story follows the hero Atreyu (clearly Sanskrit) to save a dying princess from the Nothingness. Its coming back to me a bit, I think this could be symbolism for individuality vs. dissolution of the self (personalism in the hero and princess vs. impersonalism).


    Another one I just remembered. There is a rapper named KRS-1. The KRS comes from Krsna. His mother used to hang out with devotees in Chicago I recall (maybe it was New York). I don't know anything about rap but one day saw a magazine with him on the cover and so read through the article. His lyrics basically are positive, and are about defeating demons (drug dealers, criminals etc...). The interviewer was asking him about his use of descriptive words, and I specifically remember him asking about all the references to demons, and what they meant etc....

  11. Millions of Srila Prabhupada's books have been distributed. I wouldn't be surprised if Hollywood types have come across these ideas, been influenced by them, and felt like incorporting them as little details in their scripts and stories.


    For instance, I am fully convinced that Clive Barker read Srila Prabhupada's 5th Canto when he created Hellraiser. A devotee told to check it out, maybe 10 years ago, and the similarities are striking. Yes its a horror film (not really scary, but very gory) but it actually has some philosophy behind it. For instance, people who do bad things in this life are taken by the Cenobites (Yamadutta type characters) to hell, where they are tortured. There were a number of philosophical ideas about karma, lust for the body etc....


    I have also had a friend tell me he spoke with the writers of The Never Endnig Story, and it was based or inspired off of Radha Krishna. I don't recall the movie real well.


    Here is another one that is a possibility. I have never seen this cartoon series. But there is a series called "Avatar: The Last of the Airbenders". Check out the picture:





    Notice anything interesting? First the name Avatar. But he wears a shaved head and a marking on his forhead. Here is a quick write up:


    "Aang is a fictional character who was originally voiced by Mitchel Musso and later voiced by Zach Tyler Eisen, the eponymous hero of the American animated television series Avatar: The Last Airbender. Twelve-year-old Aang is an Airbender monk of the Air Nomads' Southern Air Temple, and the current incarnation of the Avatar, the spirit of the planet manifested in human form, who can control all four elements and whose job is to keep the Four Nations in harmony. With friends Katara and Sokka, and pets Momo and Appa, Aang journeys on a quest to master the elements, defeat the Fire Nation, and bring peace to the war-torn nations.


    Aang is marked as an Airbending Master by his bald head and blue tattoos striping along his head and limbs, terminating as arrowheads on his forehead, the backs of his hands, and the tops of his feet."


    So Aang is marked by arrows on different parts of his body. Forehead, hands, and feet. I'm not saying the creator is a Hare Krsna. But I wouldn't be surprised if he came across Hare Krsnas and while thinking of ideas for a new show said "Hey they mark their body with this symbol, let me change it a little and make it an arrow."


    Who knows? We can't tell, but like I said, I wouldn't be surprised if...

  12. Found this great article on www.utahkrishnas.com




    From- Andrew Hallum

    <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:country-region w:st=San Marino</st1:country-region>, <st1:place w:st=" /><st1:place w:st="on"></st1:place>

    <st1:place w:st="on">Dear</st1:place> Classmates and Friends,

    I want to tell you about my Christmas vacation trip to <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Durban</st1:City>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">South Africa</st1:country-region></st1:place>. This letter is about one of our classmates, Jim Kohr.


    While in <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Durban</st1:place></st1:City> on December 29 and 30, 1989, I attended each day the Hare Krishna Festival of the Chariots being held on the beachfront. To give you an idea of the size of the festival, they fed 52,000 plates of food on the first day. It was vegetarian food and given free to all who wanted it. And it was tasty!

    The chariot was 45 feet tall. It carried about a dozen people on it, throwing candies to the crowd. It was being pulled by members of the movement. The first day of the festival opened with a parade along <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Durban</st1:place></st1:City>’s Golden Mile, in front of all the luxury hotels.

    On the chariot are painted figures of <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> and his consort, a wax museum model of the man who brought Hare Krishna to the West, and a photo of a man in Hare Krishna robes. The photo was about 2 1/2 by 3 feet. I asked my South African friend who knows a lot about Hare Krishna who the photo was of. He said he didn’t know.

    The second day of the festival, my friend drew me into a conversation with a French woman who has lived in South Africa for 20 years and been in the Hare Krishna for 11 years. I told her about my classmate who died in <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">San Francisco</st1:place></st1:City> in 1977 while active in Hare Krishna. She asked his name. I told her it was Jim Kohr. She asked me if the previous day I had seen the photo on the front of the chariot. She told me it was Jim Kohr!! They call him by his <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> name of Jayananda but she knew his Jim Kohr name, too. And she knew about his college degree. I was flabbergasted, to say the least.

    That day I spoke to about a dozen Hare Krishna members who all know the full story of Jim Kohr, or Jayananda, as they always call him. They all know about his death from leukemia, his strength at the end of his life, and his devotion to the <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place> movement. And these people have not been to the <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">USA</st1:place></st1:country-region> and, probably, joined Hare Krishna after Jim died in 1977. But they know all about him.

    Here are some of the stories they told me. Jim took money that Mr. and Mrs. Kohr sent him for pain-killer prescriptions and used it, instead, to design and build bigger and better chariots. Jim is responsible for the development of the Festival of the Chariots, and they hold these festivals worldwide. Once a year they have a day honoring Jim and they fast that day. In San Francisco Jim was responsible for dealing with the outside community. People who didn’t like dealing with Hare Krishna folk did like to deal with Jim. Jim is mentioned in one of the books written by the man who brought Hare Krishna to the West. The book is Nectar of Devotion.

    In their South African newsletter that was being passed out at the festival, Jim is quoted telling about the first festival in San Francisco in the 1970’s, saying how primitive that chariot was in comparison to the present chariot (at least in Durban). The chariots are probably even bigger in the <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">USA</st1:place></st1:country-region>. Jim started it all. He directed his last festival from his wheelchair.

    I have a photo of the front of the chariot showing the photo of Jim. The photo was not taken to show Jim since I didn’t know at that time that it was Jim. And I have newsletter photos of the whole chariot to show the size of it. I’ll bring these to the next OHS reunion in 1992. One of the Hare Krishna devotees, as they call themselves, is going to send me a packet of articles on Jim which have been written in their various newsletters over the years.

    During his last days in the hospital, Jim would not or could not eat. To tempt him, the devotees asked him what foods he wanted prepared. He said cauliflower which is dipped in batter and fried. When they brought it to him, he didn’t eat it, but he rolled himself up and down the halls giving it to the other patients.

    I had spoken to Mrs. Kohr about six years ago when I came upon a photo of Jim and me at summer camp in <st1:State w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Minnesota</st1:place></st1:State> in 1951. I sent it to her. Mrs. Kohr told me how the Hare Krishna people in <st1:City w:st="on">San Francisco</st1:City> had taken such good care of Jim and how well treated, respectfully treated, Mr. Kohr and she had been on their trips to <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">San Francisco</st1:place></st1:City> to visit Jim at the end. How modest Mrs. Kohr is!

    I called Mrs. Kohr long distance from <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Durban</st1:City>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">South Africa</st1:country-region></st1:place>, to ask her, “Do you know who your son is?!” She said yes, she knew. Mr. and Mrs. Kohr (Jim and Jane) live at [___]. Mrs. Kohr explained that their street is called 20 1/2 because it is 20 1/2 miles form the <st1:State w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Utah</st1:place></st1:State> border! I had tracked them down through Sherwin-Williams Paints, where I remembered Mr. Kohr had worked. I talked again with Mr. and Mrs. Kohr just last weekend to tell them what a powerfully moving time I had in <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Durban</st1:place></st1:City>. I was a celebrity at the festival because I knew Jim! I was asked all about his family. I was asked what brothers and sisters he had. I was told his must have been a very spiritual family. The founder said Jim was really pure.

    Now I hope I explain the next properly. As I understand the Hare Krishna movement, and I may have it all confused, one is reincarnated again and again until he perfects his life enough to go to be with <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>, or God. They believe that Jim has gone directly to <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>’s abode and has no further need to be reincarnated. He doesn’t need anymore perfecting. He has achieved it all.

    I was repeatedly asked, “What was Jim like in school?” Well, you know, that was quite a few years ago. I had even forgotten, or just not given a thought to the fact that Jim and I lived in the same cabin in summer camp. I forgot that until I came upon the 1951 camp photo. And the photo of Jim on the front of the chariot is unrecognizable because of the years, the Hare Krishna robes Jim is wearing, and because as they said, the photo is not a good one because it was not taken until Jim was very ill. I told them that Jim was very funny. They said they could believe and understand that from what they had heard about him.

    I was told that Jim worked very hard. When Jim cleaned the garbage cans, he cleaned them so well “because they were <st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>’s.” New devotees would see his work and think, “If this is how thoroughly the garbage cans have to be cleaned, how must the more important work be done?” One time when Jim was a leader, he returned late at night and saw that a chore had not been done properly. Rather than awaken the offender, Jim did the job over again himself. Jim could run on very little sleep.

    A surprise birthday party was given for Jim, but he was truly embarrassed by all this attention being directed at him.

    So, now, the next time you see a Hare Krishna devotee on the streets, go up and tell him or her that you went to school with Jayananda. You’ll get red carpet treatment. The story of Jayananda will be known! And, remember, I was in <st1:country-region w:st="on">South Africa</st1:country-region>, which is 11,000 miles from <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Los Angeles</st1:place></st1:City>. And they all knew!

    I must take this opportunity to share other good bits of news that I have. In 1989…


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