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Posts posted by murali334

  1. Thank you everyone for your replies...


    I beleive that if we argue with somebody who is

    eating meat especially in US with the facts like it is

    not good for body or it can cause a disease will not

    work. They have been eating meat for so long and they

    need something very strong to stop the desire of eating meat.


    There will be lot of counter arguments from the other side saying

    how good meat is for your body. They will say you get your

    protiens from egg and other vitamins from other meats.

    And moreover they may argue about the quality of meat

    also. They will say it is processed and healthy and organic and



    The only way we can stop eating meat espacially in Kali-yuga

    is by knowing the real spiritual resaons. As the kali-yuga progresses

    it is said that the people will be eating only meat.

    I would like to add that people who live in US and are vegetarians

    have to praised a lot. If you are in india its very easy. You still get nice vegetarian food all around you. But in US everywhere you turn you will be seeing meat and you cant even enter some resatraunts like Mc-donalds.

    If you go into Mc-donalds and ask for vegetarian food they laugh at you and they will say only french fries is there which is vegetarian.

    Even that is made from fish oil.



  2. I have always wondered in my childhood days why my parents always say that i should not eat meat ...


    But they could not explain a real reason for it...

    They will say that you cannot kill and eat and they think its because

    animals might have some disease and you may get it (which i could not accept).


    But now i found out a explanation for it...

    According to vedic system there are three modes of living,


    1. Mode of goodness – In this mode you follow all the basic rules and you do chanting.

    2. Mode of Passion – If you are following the basic rules but you don’t chant and you are in constant passion. Like we want to see places we want to buy different things and desires are more.

    3. Mode of Ignorance – If you eat meat you are in this mode.


    Even the Vedas are divided according to these 3 modes.

    People in different modes need to read different vedas.


    is this the correct explanation....Please share your views...



  3. I have always wondered in my childhood days why my parents always say that i should not eat meat ...


    But they could not explain a real reason for it...

    They will say that you cannot kill and eat and they think its because

    animals might have some disease and you may get it (which i could not accept).


    But now i found out a explanation for it...

    According to vedic system there are three modes of living,


    1. Mode of goodness – In this mode you follow all the basic rules and you do chanting.

    2. Mode of Passion – If you are following the basic rules but you don’t chant and you are in constant passion. Like we want to see places we want to buy different things and desires are more.

    3. Mode of Ignorance – If you eat meat you are in this mode.


    Even the Vedas are divided according to these 3 modes.

    People in different modes need to read different vedas.


    is this the correct explanation....Please share your views...



  4. Ravana was a pure devotee of Lord shiva. He had mastered all the veda's and puranas. He possesed the knowledge of 10 scholars. He is often debited as a negative character in ramayana but if we see his life closely we can interpret the other way around.


    Lord Shiva was always worshipped by demons and demi-gods because it was easy to please Lord shiva and Lord shiva is said to grant any boon espicially wepons.


    Even Arjuna had done thapas on Lord shiva before going to the war.

    Ravana has aquired the boon that he will not killed by any demi-gods or other rakshasas. He thought humans and animals are too week to defeat him.


    Therefore Lord vishnu had tocome in human form and lead a army of monkeys to defeat ravana.



  5. i believe that i am born in a

    saivate family because of my past karma's

    and i should follow Lord shiva to attain moksha.


    My questions,


    I know that, we have fallen down from the spiritual world

    and our soul is been going through the process of conditioning here

    in this world.


    1)But how will we know our position in spiritual world?


    2)Is our position in the spiritual world fixed?


    3)Does my birth as a saivate mean something?


    4)Is that true that if one worships Ram, can he attain moksha

    and go back to Ayodhya in the spiritual world?


    5) If we worship a demi-God throught our life,can

    we attain moksha. Can the soul reach that Demi-God?


    6) I am also curious to know more about Shiva purana.

    I know It has 24000 verses.




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