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Posts posted by KATHIR72

  1. Namaste Rishi Vatsyayan,


    Let me answer your question 1st.


    Butterworth Penang Malaysia - YES


    You don't have any Kaala Sarpa Dosham as ketu degree is less than Venus and mercury. - Dear Guruji, Someone in my place told me that I have Kaala Sarpa Dosham as he said ...


    1st house - SAT RAH LAG

    2nd house - empty

    3rd house - Maa

    4th house - Moo

    5th house - empty

    6th house - SUN MAR JUP

    7th house - MER VEN KET

    8th house - empty

    9th house - empty

    10th house - empty

    11th house - empty

    12th house - empty


    He told me that my 1st house RAH and 7 th house KET is blocking my growth, as I'm going thru Kaala Sarpa Dosham. Can you please help me to explain this ... do I really going thru Kaala Sarpa Dosham? I want to get 2nd opinions from you. Please.

    do you have any sexual frustration? Its not frustration but its more to interest. I don't have the feeling and this hurst my wife.


    You are doing through Saturn vimshottari dasha. He told me I'm going thru Saturn dasha - is it the same ?


    Presently you are going through bhukti of venus - I cant recall what he says, I will check again on this.


    Your lagna lord which is Jupiter and Saturn is hindering your growth. - What is the remedies?


    What is the condition of your blood pressure. - NORMAL but I'm having sleepless night ...





    Guruji - I'm working as Engineer and I'm not getting the satisfaction. I'm doing other job to increase my income. I would like to know what I'm doing is right or wrong? Can I a private conversation thru your personal email. I don't mind to pay you any charges if you can guide me thru.


    MY email id : kathir.kumarasan@




  2. Namaste gurujis,


    I'm very depressed. I'm facing problems in my job. I'm not getting promotions even my juniors is getting it. I'm financially out and loosing everything in term money, happiness and family maters.

    Can anyone find out the root cause of what is happening to me and what is the remedies. Thanks


    Name: KATHIRSEAN , but 1 year ago I have start writing my name as KATHIR which is 15 and writing this for 33 times everyday.


    Date of birth : 15-09-1968

    Time of birth : 7:58 PM

    Place of birth : Butterworth Malaysia

    Sex : MALE

    Birth Star : Mrigasira

    Birth Rasi : Mithuna





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