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Posts posted by NeeLKanth




    This mantra is normally given by your kul devi pujari.


    Incase if they dont have, use -


    ||Om aim hreem kleem chamundai vichayee ||


    I use this & is very very powerful. This mantra revealed me another power mantra which cant be disclosed.


    Sankalp is necessary.


    "Life does not mean just living on or breathing. Just eating food, marrying and producing children is not the aim of life. The real goal of life is in realising the purpose for which one has taken birth."



    Dhruv Bhura


    Dear Druvji,


    So if I understand it correctly the mantra you gave above one can do mala-japa with without initiaton (diksha) ?


    Can you also tell me what kind of sankalp one has to make?


    I await your reply.





  2. Namaste,


    I forgot to ask some more things about the Sada Shiv Kavach.


    Do you need to sit in some specific direction and asan while saying the Sada Shiv Kavach?


    Do you have to wear specific clothing in a specific colour while saying the Sada Shiv Kavach?


    Can you read the Sada Shiv Kavach in your mind or do you have to say it aloud?


    Can someone pls help me with these questions?



  3. A Shiva Bhakta's Spirtual Quest: "Amogh Sadaa Shiva Kavach" / "Sahastrakshar Amogh Kavach" (with English Translation)


    I found on the above link a site which also mentions the Sada Shiv Kavach.


    In the kavach somewhere at 3/4 of it you see a line with a stripe through it.


    Do you not have to read that line in the kavach?

    Because in the first post of devi_bhagat that line is in it.


    So the question is do you have to say that line or not?

  4. Is there any negativ side effects if you read some words of the kavach wrong?



    And can anyone answer the questions of SapnaRani posted earlier in this thread?






    SapnaraniHow to do Viniyog methodically as it is necessary to do. As what to do of the water taken in one's right hand after one has recited the Mantra of Viniyog


    The second question - One has to do everytime whenever one is reciting the Stotra? I mean if somebody is continuously reciting the Stotra, should he recite the Viniyog everytime he is starting the Kavach afresh?

    Sapnarani SapnaraniHow to do Viniyog methodically as it is necessary to do. As what to do of the water taken in one's right hand after one has recited the Mantra of Viniyog


    The second question - One has to do everytime whenever one is reciting the Stotra? I mean if somebody is continuously reciting the Stotra, should he recite the Viniyog everytime he is starting the Kavach afresh?



    Please do not try to spread mantras thro internet.Any upadesha of mighty mantras has to happen thro Gurus and especially in case of fiery deities.Democratisation of mantras is to be avoided as the sadhaks are expected to have a clean life which only a Guru can decide.Mantrayoga is not a joke.




    What do you mean by clean life?


    No meat eating, no sex, not speaking lies, no gambling ?


    Jai Gurudev.


    The Brahmasthra to proctect ourselves from evil people or evil forces is doing any Prathyangira sadhana.


    Prathyangira devi is the godess as her name suggests Prathi-Manthra-Bhakshini, Prathi-Paksha-Dhvamsini.


    She is one of the five vidhyas of Pancha-Kaalika Sampradaaya of Shaaktheya Tantra.


    She will grow stronger as the enemy uses stronger powers against us.


    Some people mis-understand that she is a Kshudra Devatha. But she isn't.


    Actually Pranthyangira Sadhana is derived from Atharva Veda which contains the Rukhs(Atharva Veda Verses) of godess Prathyangira. Angirasa Maharshi is the Drasta( who gains the experience of the god in his meditation and provides us that experience in the form of Vedic Verces) as the name of the godess goes Prathyangira.


    There are as many as 64 rukhs about Prathyangira in Atharva Veda.


    There are also different types of Prathyangira vidyas like Angira, Upangira etc.


    There is a proverb in Telugu language about Prathyangira Vidhya; "Prathyangira chesevaadi panchanaki vellaradu, Upangira chesevaadi oolloki vellaradu". It means "Don't ever go to the side of Prathyangira Sadhaka and Don't ever go to the village of Upangira Sadhaka", This is because the sadhakaas of these vidhyas are "Nigrahanugraha Samardhas" as they can give Vara and they can thrash shaapa.


    If we observe the history the maharshis Vasista, Gauthama and Angirasa are the Uapasakaas of this vidhya. The shankha of the god Shani is called Prathyangira. This is because Shani is the upasaka of Prathyangira and she gave her anugraha as she will be present in the form of his shankha. So there will be no effect of shani on the sadhakaas of Prathyangira.


    Meghanaatha the eldest son of Dashakanta was worshipped the Prathyangira in the form of Nikhunbhila( means never allows the enemy to breathe) and using this vidhya he beat the Indra and was gained the name Indrajit. If we observe Raamayana, even avathaara purushas like Rama, Lakshmana and Hanuman were unable to stop Meghanaatha in Yudha. But Vibhishana after revealing about the sakthi of Meghanaatha gained by perfoming Nikhumbhila Homa, Hanuman destroyed the Home on the day he was killed by Bramhasthra by Lakshmana. This is the sakthi gainined by doing worship of Prathyangira.


    I m planning to present you the 64 vedic verces of Prathyangira and their translation into English for you people, which will be very useful for us.


    I m also planning to present you "The Thrailokya Vijaya Prathyangira Kavacha" and "The Jaganmangala Namaka Prathyangira Kavacha"


    For the mantras of Prathyangira please ask our respected Dhruv Ji as I m not eligible to reveal mantras because I m still a shishya.


    For now I m urging all the respected members to do sadhanas of godess Prathyangira to not only protect theirselves from Bahir Shathus( Enemies those are out in the world) but also from more stronger Anthar Shathrus in the form of Arishadvarga( i.e, kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada and Mathsara).


    Gurukripaahi Kevalam

    Na Guroradhikam

    Jai Gurudev...





    I'm new here. I don't know much about mantra's. Can you tell me pls how to do Prathyangira devi Sadhana?




    If you want to get into sadnas, you need to have guru!

    Where are you from? which city?


    Which GOD to pray -

    You can find out who is your kuldevi & start her sadhna. Praying to Kul devi is praying to ur mom/mother/maa.

    Only for this you dont require a guru.


    Once you get siddhi of Kuldevi, your 50% work is done.

    Also Kuldevi normally get pleased more easily then any other deties, because mom can never say no to her child. (same way like when a child ask icecreame to mom, she can never say no). Kuldevi is much much nearer to a person then other gods.


    Also, when you start getting success in sadhana, you would come to know slowly about the truth - ALL GOD IS SAME. ALL SADHANA/energy DONE MIXES WITH THE ONLY ONE PARATHAMA(SUPREME GOD).

    Their application can differ but all are same (ex. Lakshmiji for money, Ganeshji for Luck, fame, etc)



    Dhruv Bhura


    Namaste Rahulji,


    Can you pls tell more about Kuldevi? What is her mantra and how do you do her sadhana?

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