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Posts posted by theone

  1. Hi Gurujis/acharayas,


    I came across this site on google. I have read some of the posts and found it one of the most active forums.


    Can you please help me with a possible match. I have been talking/meeting to a girl for around two weeks now. We really feel that we are very compatibile in almost all the things we have talked about and understand each other almost naturally. Problem is our kundali's dont match at all besides some astrologers say i am manglik and others say i am not. Can you please give some inputs on the possiblity of the following match.

    Groom - place - Agra/25-06-1981/22:20pm

    Girl - place Basoda(MP) /19-07-1983 / 8:10 am


    Thanks in advance for your valuable inputs. Please redirect me in case i am asking the question at wrong place.

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