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Posts posted by blueflowers

  1. A further question can be asked whether ' Vegetarinism' is not also "himsa" in

    the sense that it has been proved that plants have life?


    But, it has further been proved that in the case of plants, lifeline runs in

    the trunks in some cases, roots in others and seeds in others and that is why

    Sastras have prohibited cutting the plants at their respective lifelines - and

    this has been confirmed by modern science. Modern Science concurs with Sastras

    in the view that those parts where the lifelines do not run, no harm is caused

    when those parts are cut. These parts correspond to say hairs on our head or

    the nails on our fingers or toes which when cut or clipped do not entail any



    ‘Non Violence Is the Supreme Virtue' Says Hinduism.

    Seeing God in every living being, Hinduism inculcates a veneration for every

    thing - Cows, ants etc. Even rivers are considered to be living beings, hence

    venerated as also trees as vouched in the Sastras and expounded scientifically

    by the great Indian Scientist J.C.BOSE.


    This reverence is expressed in forms of 'Ahimsa' or nonviolence to animals as

    well as humans and as a result, most pious Hindus are vegetarian. The word

    'Ahimsa' is derived from the root "Han" to kill or 'To damage'. By adding the

    negative prefix it means 'not to kill.

    There are 4 aspects of this negative connotation.

    1. Vegetarianism

    2. Harmlessnes

    3. Pacifism and

    4. Passive resistance

    On the positive aspect, it means compassion (i.e.) Actual assistance to all

    living creatures who are in need.

    1. Karuna (Intelligent charity)

    2. Maitri (Active good deed) and

    3. Daya (Tender sympathy)

    are its other positive manifestations.


    A doubt can arise whether the principle of 'Ahimsa' so loudly proclaimed is

    not inconsistent with the sacrifice of goats, horses(in Aswamedha) etc.

    referred to in the Vedas. No doubt, the Vedas did prescribe some animal

    sacrifices; it even spoke of 'Purushamedha' a human sacrifice.


    But, the concept should be viewed in the context in which they were so

    prescribed. The Upanishads which came subsequently to analyze and explain the

    Vedic texts lost no time in clarifying that these sacrifices were more

    symbolic and allegorical than referring to the actual sacrifice of the animals

    or human and that the effects of these sacrifices could be secured by

    substitute materials like Gritha (Ghee), Masha (Black gram) and certain other

    leafy vegetables. Even today, it may be observed that in the shradda

    ceremonies, Ghee, Rice, Black gram and Thila (sesame seeds) are used, may be

    as substitutes for the sacrifice of living beings. This view has been upheld

    in subsequent recensions and sacrifice of living beings is prohibited by

    Dharma as also by law.

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