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Posts posted by aboutson

  1. Dear Kshama,


    He is unpredective....sometimes he being very good to us...


    seems he expect more from the life n he is not getting....


    just want to know whether he will have good future or not?


    after marriage will he change or not?


    does he have bright future ahead or not?


    he has tollerated a lot in his childhood ....


    he never had good health...always suffred with diseases only....


    He is mool nakshtriya...


    does it because of being mool nakhtriya?


    Please help astrologers...



  2. I am really worried about my son...


    His details are


    01/02/1981 , 04:50 Am , Kanpur , India..



    I dont understand what happened to him...


    He doesn't talk to us....


    he is very moody....


    feel like...he doesn't trust anyone...live alone....doesnt talk to ppl....


    his wedding also not getting fixed...


    he never shares anything with us .....


    worried abot his future ...


    even if he get married how long would his marriage last?


    Please suggest Astrolgers...How his future would be ?

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