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truth shall set u free

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Posts posted by truth shall set u free

  1. Proof that Jesus Died On CROSS Just Before the Passover Feast in 33 AD


    This one seems obvious to many people, but it can quickly

    become confusing due to a number of factors: how the scriptures

    were translated, how and when the Jewish feasts occur, who

    was alive and ruling at the time, and some indication from a

    prior prophecy and the history behind that prophecy.


    That last one was already covered in a previous article concerning

    Daniel 9, where Jesus was predicted to die in 33 AD. So here is a

    starting point to reference from, was the prediction correct, or not?


    History records 3 prominent rulers mentioned in the New

    Testament at the time that Jesus was said to have died:


    * Tiberious Caesar ruled from 14 AD - 37 AD


    * Herod Antipas ruled from 4 BC - 39 AD, he divorced his wife

    and married his half brother Herod's wife, which caused

    John the Baptist to condemn that marriage, and John then

    lost his head for saying such.


    * Pontius Pilate ruled from 26 AD - 36 AD.


    Pilate's rule looks to limit Jesus's year of death to a

    span of only 10 years time. The gospel of Luke says that

    John the Baptist started preaching in the 15th year of

    Tiberius Caesar's rule: 14 AD + 15 - 1 = 28 AD


    Given John the Baptist's arrival, needing to preach for a while

    first (let's guess a year for John to preach), and that Jesus

    had to later minister for more than 3 years, Jesus had to have

    died some time after: 28 + 1 + 3 = 32 AD, and also had to die

    before Pilate left his position in 36 AD. Therefore, Jesus died

    some time between 32 AD and 36 AD.


    The 33 AD prediction falls within the 32 AD to 36 AD time span.


    What about the Jewish feasts, do they help confirm the year?

    To answer this, you have to know more about the Passover and

    which day Jesus would have died on.


    The bible records which day Jesus died on:


    John 19:31 The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation,

    that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on

    the Sabbath day, (for that Sabbath day was an high

    day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken,

    and that they might be taken away.


    So clearly, Jesus died just prior to the Sabbath, and it was

    also a Sabbath that was a "high day" of the Passover feast week.


    What is a "high day"?


    The high days in the Passover feast week, are the first and last

    days of the 7 Passover feast days of eating unleavened bread. The

    first high day could start any day of the week, due to the fact

    that the month of Nissan would start on the day that two witnesses

    would see the new moon show up, and that day of the week varied

    each year. They would kill the Passover lamb on the 14th day of

    Nissan, and the unleavened bread would be eaten from the 15th

    on for 7 days. The 2nd high day, was the 7th day or last day of the

    7 day Passover feast. For that Passover the year Jesus died, the

    first high day was said by John to have been the same day as the



    In simple terms showing what occurred per day (while noting that days

    back then ran from evening to evening, and that the Sabbath starts

    on Friday evening), this is how it looked to John back then describing

    which day it was in the verse above:


    "day" What was occurring that day



    Thursday evening to | Nissan 14, Day of Preparation, Jesus dies

    Friday evening | during the daylight hours on Friday.



    | Nissan 15, Sabbath, the first day of the 7

    Friday evening to | day Passover feast week begins, it's also

    Saturday evening | called the 1st "high day" of the Passover

    | feast week. Jesus's body is in the tomb.





    (the 7 days of the passover feast continue on, with the last day of

    the passover feast week being the 2nd "high day")


    It is possible to find all years where the first high day fell on

    the Sabbath to verify which years are possible candidates for the

    year of Jesus's death. As it turns out, between the years 27AD

    and 38AD, there are only 2 years where the high day fell on a Sabbath

    and those two years are 33AD and 36AD. So given this, during the

    period of 32AD to 36AD (after John started preaching plus Jesus's

    preaching, yet before Pilate's rule ended), the only years possible

    for Jesus to have died in, are 33 AD and 36 AD.


    The 36 AD year is ruled out for a number of reasons. Essentially

    too many things had to happen during that year, and one account

    given, becomes void when 36 AD is checked as a possible crucifixtion

    date. Pilate was told to return to Rome in 36 AD, he arrived there

    after Tiberius Caesar died, before Passover in 37AD. Herod Antipas

    was in a war with Aretus in 36AD and wouldn't have had time to be

    across the Dead Sea during the preparation of Passover at Jesus's

    trial. Herod Antipas was said to have been desiring to see Jesus,

    but in 36 AD, that was during a time of Herod's war and preparing

    for war with Aretus. There is also the issue that if Jesus died

    in 36 AD, with a 3.5 year ministry that makes him 32.5 (or older)

    at the start of it, and Luke said he "began to be about 30" (29.5?)

    at that time. His birth as the next article states, had to happen

    soon after the tetrarchy was formed so the people could be

    registered under their specific tetrarch, and that happened only

    2 or 3 years after 4 BC, making Jesus too old for Luke's statement

    that Jesus "began to be about 30". The 33 AD crucifiction year,

    does not have any of the issues the 36AD year has.


    The only year that matches all accounts, is 33 AD.


    As the Sabbath is Friday evening until Saturday evening and

    Jesus died just prior to the Sabbath (they didn't want his body

    to be left on the cross during the Sabbath), Jesus had to have

    died prior to Friday evening.


    Therefore, Jesus died just prior to the 1st Passover feast day

    (which that year fell on the Sabbath), on Friday before evening,

    in 33 AD.


    Is there more confirmation of this?




    At the last supper, Jesus told them that he wanted to eat the

    Passover feast with them, but never would, in fact, he didn't

    even eat the night before he died. Jesus handed them the bread

    at that last supper, but didn't eat any of it himself.


    Jesus was the first born, and the first born would be fasting

    on the day the Passover lamb was sacrificed. That 'day' would

    be Thursday evening, to Friday evening, and Jesus would be

    fasting during that time. Friday afternoon when Jesus was

    crucified, it was just before the Passover feast's first day,

    just before the evening of the Sabbath, when they would have

    all ate together later that night on the Sabbath... but by then,

    Jesus was dead, dead before the start of the 1st day of the

    Passover feast, having died during the time of the lambs being

    sacrified prior to the first day of the feast of unleavened



    In the translations of the verses, there are instances

    where it's a little confusing concerning the days of

    the Passover. For example:


    Mt 26:17 Now the first day of the feast of unleavened bread

    the disciples came to Jesus, saying to him, Where

    wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the



    Obviously, the preparation for the Passover is BEFORE the Passover

    feast week. Typically it takes days or even weeks to clean

    the rooms. That verse should have been and can be translated as:


    Mt 26:17 Then to first honor the feast of unleavened bread the

    disciples came to Jesus, saying to him, Where do you

    want us to prepare for you to eat the Passover feast?


    Again, that preparation could take days, where they'd first have

    to clean all traces of the leaven from the place they'd be having

    the Passover feast, and that cleaning is before the Passover started.

    So they were asking Jesus before the Passover, and NOT on the

    1st day of Passover.


    You can find confirmation of this in a prior verse:


    Mt 26:2 Ye know that after two days, is the feast of the Passover,

    and the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified.


    In other words, Jesus just told them that in two days, the feast

    of the Passover would start, and the verses continue on where they

    then replied back to him "Where should we go prepare for the Passover

    feast?". Obviously they weren't asking him on the first day of

    the Passover feast week, but had to be asking him prior to the

    first day... that same 2 days before when Jesus said they needed

    to go to Jerusalem. The Mt 26:17 verse to make proper sense with

    the Jewish feasts, it should have been translated to english with

    regards to the timing of events in those feast days such that

    they'd simply be replying back on the same day, "where should

    we go to prepare?".


    Retranslating other similar verses:


    Mk 14:12 Then to first honor the time of unleavened bread after

    they would kill the Passover lamb, his disciples said

    to him, "Where do you want us to go and prepare, that

    you may eat the Passover feast?"


    Lu 22:7 But approaching was the time of unleavened bread, with

    the Passover to be killed.

    8 And he sent Peter and John, saying, "Go and prepare us

    the Passover feast, that we may eat.


    The translators basically didn't check to insure that the translated

    english description matched with regard to the Old Testament laws of

    the Passover feast. Choosing proper english wording from available

    translation options, helps substantially in conveying what Jesus

    had said and when he had said it, verses the actual events occurring

    then. There is nothing wrong with the original scriptures concerning

    the verses, but there is a problem with how the scriptures were

    translated to english.


    Regardless, Jesus knew he was being betrayed by Judas Iscariot

    2 days before the Passover started, so the timeline of Jesus's

    death looks like:


    Weds - They were in Simon the leper's house in Bethany. Jesus

    told them he was being betrayed (by Judas Iscariot), and

    the woman put the spikenard on Jesus's head and feet for

    his burial, while Judas complained that the spikenard

    could have been sold for a lot of money, and the money

    should have been given to the poor. John said that Judas

    had a bag of money at the time that the chief priests gave

    Judas to tell them who Jesus is and point him out. Jesus

    reminded them that in two days the feast of the Passover

    would start and they had to move on into Jerusalem.

    The disciples knew they had to prepare for the Passover

    so they asked Jesus where they'd be having the Passover

    so they could go there and start preparing for it. Jesus

    then tells them to follow a man bearing a pitcher of

    water to where ever he went in the city to a new house,

    with a new large room where they'd be preparing the

    Passover feast at. In that they didn't yet know where

    the house was, Judas wouldn't know, and couldn't report

    back to the high priests or soldiers. And this delayed

    Jesus being taken, while Judas looked for an opportunity

    where he'd know where Jesus was that was close enough

    to go get the soldiers to turn him in.


    Thurs - They entered Jerusalem, Jesus rode on an ass's colt and

    was praised by them, mostly over Lazarus being raised. They

    quickly became disenchanted in that they expected Christ

    would abide forever, yet Jesus told them he'd die. That

    evening they went to the large room for the last supper,

    Jesus didn't eat. Judas had the money bag, he was anxious

    to turn Jesus in, and he now knew where they were staying for

    the Passover feast. Being in Jerusalem, it was closer to

    the chief priests and soldiers than it was when they were

    back in Bethany. Now it was easier for Judas to walk off

    and quickly get the soldiers. Judas then left the last

    supper, to go get permission to get the soldiers and to

    then bring them to take Jesus. But they left while Judas

    was gone. That night, Judas helped the soldiers find Jesus,

    he then identified him, the soldiers took him and his

    disciples deserted him.


    Fri - Jesus was taken to prison, interrogated, beaten, ridiculed,

    mutilated, and crucified until he died. John confirms the

    the day by saying Jesus was there being questioned by Pilate

    and accused by the chief priests and elders (of which Jesus

    did not defend himself against their claims) on the day of

    preparation for the feast days of Passover. The preparation

    day is when the Passover lambs would be slaughtered, much like

    Jesus was about to be after Pilate washed his hands of it

    and told the chief priests and elders that Pilate would be

    innocent of Jesus's death. The chief priests and elders

    convinced the crowd to demand they crucify Jesus and let

    Barabbas go free. Just before evening, after Jesus died,

    he was taken down off the cross, wrapped in linen and laid

    in the tomb. The Sabbath then started that evening, as did

    the 1st day of the 7 day feast of Passover, the feast of

    unleavened bread.


    Sat - Sabbath continues through the daylight hours, no work allowed

    to finish Jesus's burial. The chief priests and the Pharisees

    went to Pilate to tell him to place guards at the tomb as

    they'd heard Jesus say he'd rise again after the third day.

    Pilate told them to guard it and make it as sure as they liked.

    During the evening, Jesus's disciples stayed away from the tomb

    probably because it was: too dark to see in the tomb, there

    were now guards there guarding it, and they probably feared

    using lamps as that would draw attention to themselves, them

    being seen as followers of Jesus after he'd been crucified

    the previous day by the chief priests, elders and crowd.


    Sun - Early morning, the women went to the tomb to see about finishing

    the burial, the angel appeared with the appearance of lightning,

    and the guards fell to the ground. The angel rolled back the

    stone while telling the women that Jesus had risen, and for

    them to go tell the others.


    The 3 days and nights article discusses the prophecy of Jesus being

    in the hands of sinful men from Thursday evening, until Sunday morning.


    Further discussion of the above mentioned prophecy in Daniel 9

    described in a another article, the calculation for that is as



    * 360 days for a prophetic year

    * 365.242199 days per standard year

    * 7*7+62*7 prophetic years from the order to restore Jerusalem

    * Artaxerxes gave the order to restore Jerusalem to Nehemiah in 444 BC

    * There is no 0 BC year, 1 BC jumps to 1 AD in 1 year of time.


    Therefore, the messiah shows up, as per Daniel 9 in:


    -444+1+(7*7+62*7)*(360 prophetic days/yr)/(365.242199 day/yr) = 33 AD


    The accounts line up in many ways with Jesus dying in 33 AD, before the

    Passover feast's 1st day (or "high day", which was also on the Sabbath),

    and on the same day as the Passover lambs were being slaughtered that

    year. There is no other year where the accounts all align.


    God made it all, Jesus died for our sins.


    It is noteworthy that the Bible makes no mention of Jesus Christ between the ages of 18 to 30 .

    Jesus Christ lived in India between the ages of 18 to 30 . After crucifixion , he returned back to India where he lived in Kashmir till his death . This has been said by the Indian spiritual masters Paramahamsa Yogananda , Satya Sai Baba and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Jesus's teachings of chastity, non-violence, and renunciation were derived from Hinduism, Buddhism and Yoga.


    The proof for this can be obtained from the books 'Jesus lived in India' , written by a team of Western scholars and archaeologists and ' Hinduism and Christianity' by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar( the founder of the Art of Living Foundation).


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    May i ask you the Question that: Are any books in the world written by God with his own hand???If yes, Did you see that??can you show me a vedio of that so that i may see???(Silly Doubt...)


    I say that Jesus had not written the bible with his own hand,but you can see these verses then you can understand......


    John 1:1:In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.So what the HOLY BIBLE we see was from god and not from human and not from me or from you...It is from GOD!!!!


    Acts 4:24-25: "...Lord, thou art God, which hast made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is: Who by the mouth of thy servant David hast said, Why did the heathen rage, and the people imagine vain things?"


    It says that David did not say any thing from him self...but was delivered unto him by GOD...THE CREATOR.


    1 Corinthians 2:9-13: "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: ...Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual." (KJV)


    So POUL says that the BIBLE writers were inspired by the HOLY SPIRIT and they had written them and but not by them selves..


    and for your question for "was new testament written by LORD JESUS CHRIST???"


    the disciples of the LORD were written..and they had not written them on their own.but they had written what JESUS had said..so it is same as it was written by JESUS...


    if you look at the vedas in..

    Thertiriya Aranyaka verse 3 which says, Sarvapapa pariharo raktha prokshna mavasyam, thud raktham Paramatmane punyadana baliyagam” which means, the redemption is through shedding of blood only and that-blood has to be through the sacrifice of God himself.


    So let me ask you a question.

    Did krishna do any thing for the remedy of your sins????

    (The answer is no..)

    then how can krishna claim that


    Krishna said "Forgoing all religious injunctions, take exclusive refuge in me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear."


    Krishna said "Fix your mind on me. Be my devotee! Sacrifice for me. Offer obeisance unto me. Absorbed thus in me alone, you shall come to me."


    Krishna said "...those great souls who take refuge in the divine nature worship me with undeviated minds, knowing me to be the origin of all things and imperishable."...


    which is non sence...


    And what do you say for..


    When the gopicas were bathing, it is worst(being god as per you) to stole their clothes and watch their bath..(If i look what would you do???I think you may say.."I am another krishna".)


    What do you say for..He is called a theif of butter??(Here krishna had stolen the butter..if i come to your home as a theif and stole your belongings,what do you say???Do you say that i am another Krishna.So it is OK! to take your belongings...)


    If krishna has done some (Worst) mischief people say that it is "LOK KALYAN".But the same if some do, why are they not called "Lok Kalyan"???


    And during MAHA BHARATHA war Krishna said Arjuna to Kill the people...(The same is what Osama Bin Laden was doing..then why did they hang him??If it was said by krishna(Whom you call as god).


    First of all I THINK(no it is a fact) that KRISHNA(should go to LORD JESUS CHRIST for salvation) and should be Saved(because of his worst works).Then he may save YOU!!!


    You do not know whom you call GOD..


    If i know magics and if i give you what ever you ask will I BE GOD????(Never!!!God Forbid ME for saying so.)


    Jesus Christ know only to love(Every One).because...


    John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever believe in him should not perish but have ever lasting life..

    but krishna was in favour of PANDAVAS and not to both....which is partiality.


    And one more frustrating thing is that He had 8 wifes.and 16000 girl friends..

    recently in INDIA one man had married 3 marriages.and so he was jailed..then how many times will Krishna be Jailed???


    and coming to Rama who is some what better than Krishna..but he had killed WALi from behind the wall(Which is against the rules).so he is also found Guilty...


    but PRAJAPATI in vedas must be sin less.Then how can you claim that Krishna or Rama can save you???which is contradiction that that Prajapati is SIN LESS.

    (He should be without a blemish nishkalanka Purusha-Chantokiya Upanishad (1.6-67), says that the yagna Purusha is free from all sins.). SO as Rama and Krishna are sinners.how can they be prajapati???


    Sama Veda Dandiya Mahabrahmana says,

    " Prajapathi devapiyamathmanam yagnam kruthva prayaschita”


    which means that God will offer himself as a sacrifice for mankind.


    so i thing all hindu gods created by humans have not offed them selves for the remision of YOUR AND OUR SINS...


    Only Jesus had given himself for us..


    FIRST READ VEDAS and find our true god and then talk with me...


    Please do not feel bad..It is matter of ETERNITY IN HELL OR ETERNITY IN HEAVEN..be clever in your idea of choosing the right god...


    Viveka Chudamani3, also verse 56 says



    Na Yogena na sankhyena karmanano na vidhya

    Brahmathmaikkatha bodhena moksha; sidhyathey nanyatha,


    which means “neither by yoga nor by knowing self, nor by karma nor by learning, but by realization of ones own identity with god, is liberation possible.”


    Or you can even pray earnestly to God,the creator like..."Dear Loving God,I have confused to know who is the Right God.Please introduce your selves to me(as i am unable to find whom you are). And as a friend you can ask any Doubts to him and he will clarify you instead of Questioning me...(because i am not the Creator..I am the human..).I 'am a' HINDU BRHAMIN.And i have found the true GOD..and i'm on the right way..are u on the same way????

    I have written that I AM A..which says that I am still a HINDU Brhamin..

    To be saved it is not the rule to become CHRISTIAN and then to be saved or all the Christians will be saved..But those who Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ..Romans 10:9 “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”


    Viveka Chudamani verse 6 says:

    Vadhanthu shastrani yadhanthu devane,krurvanthu karmani bajanthu devata,

    Aathamaikayodena vinapbhi mukitha, na chityathi brahma sasthanthrashpi

    meaning “Let them quote scriptures and sacrifice to god, let them observe rituals and worship devetas (gods); but there is no liberation at all, no not at all even in hundred lifespan of Brahma put together, until the identity of ones self with the divine self is realized.”


    Don't ask crazy doubts to men..but you may ask to GOD and will revile him self to you when you need it....


    Thank you brother for reading it patently and may God bless you to know WHO HE IS!!!!!

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