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Posts posted by smeyyappan


    It is unfortunate that someone asks a sincere question about shiva purana, and some members want to immediately come out with their sectarian attacks. It is for this reason that I feel a religious forum is pointless.


    Is it justified to attack someone because they like Lord Shiva? Suppose we replace Shiva with some other religion. Would the same attack be appropriate?


    For example, would it be appropriate to mock other religious people as follows:


    Oh great, we have two Christ Afficinados on board here!


    Oh great, we have two Buddha Afficinados on board here!


    Oh great, we have two Islam Afficinados on board here!


    Oh great, we have two Yahwey Afficinados on board here!


    It is sad to see some people's hatred for Hinduism while they themselves follow a subset of it. Sectarian hatred is what makes religion useless. Whether it is Christian sectarianism, Islamic sectarianism, or Hindu sectarianism (under the brand Vaishnava).


    If a thread doesn't interest you or tally with your belief system, then please don't read it. If there is someone asking about Shiva, Shakti or Ganesh, and if you hate those devas, then please don't read the thread. Try to control your speech. Only speak on those topics which you hold dear.


    As has been mentioned many times, this is not a vaishnava forum. Have the courtesy to respect all vedic religions here even if you disagree with them. It is a fact that basically all Vaishnavas here have never even read Shiva Purana, so they should just keep quiet. If you don't know a topic, please resist the uncontrollable urge to speak.


    I used to participate regularly in these forums, but because of so many meaningless posts I lost interest in even reading the forums. Now I don't even have much interest to keep the forums open, as 50% of what is posted here is basically rubbish, with the other 50% being actually valuable information. If we count the number of innocent posters like the starter of this thread who have visited and posted sincere questions on Hinduism, only to be smashed with the vaishnava know it all hammer, it will be thousands and thousands of people. Is it worth it, offending thousands of sincere seekers, just to have a place for religious people to argue?


    The mistake was that I thought Vaishnavas and Hindus could co-exist and discuss religion and philosophy in close proximity. This has obviously proven to be a false assumption.

    Dear Sir (Sri Jahnava Nitai Das),


    It is nice to see your writing after a long time. May Lord Narayana, The Ocean of Mercy bless you and your associates with long life and eternal wisdom to continue the good activities you are doing in serving His devotees and non devotees alike.


    With Best Regards

    Meyyappan S

  2. Hi Mothman,


    When you pose a question which is sectarian in nature, you will receive loads of replies which are helpless and of sectarian nature. God's Glories are far greater and we should not waste precious time in trying to know which form of God is Great. In fact He is greater than Forms and Names. Forms and Names and puranas are only for us to understand him better, but it is not all. Once I similarly started showing interest in knowing theglories of God through Holy Qur'an, but the translations and interpretaions of the translators were more keen on bashing of other religions than on describing God's Glories and hence I promised to myself I will not depend on others to know something who may promote only their belief. If you want to know something ask for His Grace, The Ocean of Mercy will show you your Guru. Until you find such a qualified Guru who sends for you, His name and singing His glories alone are your Guru. Don't try to see who is Great? It is only His secret. Even thousands of Vedas cannot completely expound His glories. He is so great, but He responds to each and every small query of ours.


    Forms and Names are only ladders to reach Him. we have to make sure we don't remain on the ladders, happily thinking our faith is the greatest. In all, only God is great.


    May All Glories be to The Supreme Love who created us, who is listening to us and responding to us. May all praise be to Him.


    With Best Regards

    Meyyappan S

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