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Posts posted by decemberthirteenth

  1. I read valmiki ramayan including yoga-vasista. I did come across santha daughter of roma-pada whom he gives to Rishyasringa (son of Vibhandaka).


    There is a detailed description of Rishyasringabeing lured to roma-pada's kingdom to bring the lost rains. It is here that roma-pada marries his daughter santha to Rishyasringa.


    There is no mention of santha being related to dasaratha in anyway. Infact valmiki maharshi even calls rama as dasaratha's "dharma-santan" and calls him his first child. Dasaratha has children only and only after the putra-kamesti yaga where lord vishnu himself promises to be born as four "boys"


    Can anyone point me to the exact sloka where it says shanta is related to dasaratha in valmiki ramayan

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