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easwar trichy

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Posts posted by easwar trichy


    Adi Shankara is the incarnation of Siva(hence the name), so Vaisnavas shouldn't commit offenses to him.


    Also I think Caitanya is a better person to compare to Ramanuja than Srila Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada. Caitanya was the initiator of Gaudiya practises, Shrila Prabhupada was following the teachings of Caintanya 400 years later. He was not creating his own beleif system.


    good bad, poor rich, day night= dualism


    unless this vasthu gyan or desire towards vasthu till then one has to go under grief/sorrow


    Since there are different kind of people and different mind saint will give medicine according to people disease (mind). All thovaitham, vicishta thuvaitham and advaitham are true but it works according to individual. because all individual has differences and differences has lot of difference hence one has to live with difference, when you abandon those will realaize the truth where there will be no difference.


    hare krishna.


    easwar trich

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