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Posts posted by OmHari

  1. I joined in here just a couple of months ago, am grateful I could be part of discussions. As they say, we are all travellers in life and we move on.

    I hope you have a beautiful time filled with love towards Supreme Hari


    Dhanyavaad to all Bhakts,


    Hari Om



    however one must be very carefull while handling oil lamps during puja . because you are not supposed to touch vishnu-vigraha with oil smeared hands or body .


    Also be careful not to have your clothing run into fire. A word of precaution. Especially women, who have their dupattas or sari flying over flames , can catch fire (silk,gorgette,nylon,etc), I think cotton or khadi clothing is approriate.

  3. You can also prepare ghee "clarified butter" at home, as an option to commericial one.


    I also read that you can use sesame oil , as it emits some sattva energy, in case you cant afford ghee.


    I am wondering if coconut oil can also be used as a replacement.


    Eating carrots is not equivalent to eating meat.


    Neither is eating garlic and onion equivalent to eating meat, as you have stated earlier.


    However, orthodox Hindus (including Vaishnavas) do not eat garlic and onion because of their rajasic qualities.




    Are you saying that only "Satvik" food can be offerable to Hari? What about spices?


    And wondering where does it mention, what food is satvic and what food is tamasic.The original texts only describes the qualities of food and not names of food.


    Any way, I think being vegetarian is very important if we want to know about loving God or loving others or even self. If we worship deities but dont respect the Supersoul present in other life forms, then we cannot understand love for Hari.

  5. Bhagavat Gita : 7.8


    raso 'ham apsu kaunteya

    prabhasmi sasi-suryayoh

    pranavah sarva-vedesu

    sabdah khe paurusam nrsu


    O son of Kunti [Arjuna], I am the taste of water, the light of the sun and the moon, the syllable om in the Vedic mantras; I am the sound in ether and ability in man.


    Bhagavat Gita : 9.17


    pitaham asya jagato

    mata dhata pitamahah

    vedyam pavitram omkara

    rk sama yajur eva ca


    I am the father of this universe, the mother, the support, and the grandsire. I am the object of knowledge, the purifier and the syllable om. I am also the Rg, the Sama, and the Yajur [Vedas]

  6. I want my Father back - Part 1 of 2



    Watch these videos and let me know what do YOU think.


    Genetic engineering uses material from organisms that have never been part of the human food supply to change the fundamental nature of the food we eat. Without long-term testing no one knows if these foods are safe.


    Insects, birds, and wind can carry genetically altered seeds into neighboring fields and beyond. Pollen from transgenic plants can cross-pollinate with genetically natural crops and wild relatives. All crops, organic and non-organic, are vulnerable to contamination from cross-pollinatation. This is a THREAT to ENTIRE food supply.



    Genetic engineering can cause unexpected mutations in an organism, which can create new and higher levels of toxins in foods


    Transgenic foods may mislead consumers with fake freshness. A luscious-looking, bright red genetically engineered tomato could be several weeks old and of little nutritional worth.


    There is a disruption of essential genes essential to life of organism by genetically moving genes from one organism to another. A gene can be cut precisely from the DNA of an organism, but the insertion into the DNA of the target organism is basically RANDOM.


    There was deadly epidemic in the late 1980s from the genetically engineered version of L-tryptophan, a food supplement, that was introduced into the market. An estimated 10,000 people became permanently disabled and about 100 died.


    Herbicides and pesticides in food??


    Scientists estimate that plants genetically engineered to be herbicide-resistant will greatly increase the amount of herbicide use. Farmers, knowing that their crops can tolerate the herbicides, use them more liberally.

    Genetically engineered crops often manufacture their own pesticides and may be classified as pesticides by the EPA. This strategy will put more pesticides into our food and fields than ever before.


    You know the most dangerous of all is once genetically engineered organisms, bacteria and viruses are released into the environment it is impossible to contain or recall them. Unlike chemical or nuclear contamination, negative effects are IRREVERSIBLE


    NITAAI ( NITyananda Gauranga Hare Krishna NAAma BhaktI ) Yoga By HH Bhaktiratna Sadhu Swami Gaurangapada


    “Once, in Satya Yuga the rishis were performing gomedha and asvamedha sacrefices for the welfare of the whole universe. A cow or a horse would be cut into pieces and placed in the fire. Afterwards the risis would utter mantras and the same animal would come alive in a beautiful young body. One time the risi who was about to perform a gomedha sacrifice, his wife was pregnant. She had a very strong desire to eat and she had heard that if, during pregnancy one has a desire to eat and does not fullfil this, then the baby that will be born will always have saliva coming from its mouth. Very strangely, she desired strongly to eat meat, thus she decided to keep one piece of meat of the cow’s body that was offered in sacrifice...




    What, all these in Satya yuga:eek2:



    All of these superstitions like an eclipse being some demon swallowing the Sun, really cloud the sublime teaching of transcendental Krishna consciousness.

    I would like keep as far as possible from superstitions, and as near as possible towards loving Hari

  8. Those who are vegetarians (Onion , garlic, and other roots included) might get appalled reading what you posted above(happens often to some who try to follow "faith" or "religion" and come across them )

    The better answer I got is " Onion, garlic stinks and makes our body stink, and with stinking bodies, we cannot enter deity room and thats why we dont consume"


    Onions and garlic were grown indigenously and have been eaten since prehistoric times.In Ayurveda, medicinal and healing values of garlic are mentioned.


    Onion and garlic helps boosting up immunity, fighting against coughs and colds, asthma, warding off several diseases, parasites in intestines and many infections . Even modern researches confirm those healing benefits of Allium species.


    In poor rural places in India, onion is almost a staple food, where they cant eat vegetables every often. Comparing that to eat meat means we are changing the definition of vegetarianism.


    I am having hard time in believing these stories already, and in my opinion these things discourage some people to join "faith". I think being vegetarian/vegan would be enough, and limiting diet even not eating, carrots, or radishes, red lentlils, tomatoes, seem to me little outrageous


    When I said a Gaudiya I meant a follower of Prabhupada, Narayan Maharaj etc.


    So how can a follower of Prabhupada decry something that Prabhupada did? Where is the consistency? I am not saying you do or don't have to take any dairy products.


    I am saying that saying dairy is unethical is contradictory to the teachings of Prabhupada, and anybody who claims to follow him should be aware of that. How can a person accept Prabhupada as Jagat Guru, and then say, 'oh, but he was wrong about milk products, he was supporting cow slaughter, he was a bad person'?


    So basically you think Prabhupada was an unethical person. Am i wrong?


    EDIT: Just to let everyone know, theist is lactose intolerant as he said in the previous thread. So he can't take dairy products. Correct me if I am wrong.



    If you can prove to me that your stance does not contradict Prabhupada, and does not condemn him as a supporter of killing, then I shall fully accept what you say, and I shall stop buying dairy products immediately. That is my promise.


    The question is about cow protection, not only in west but in India as well. Just that the point doesnt get looked over, Theist is emphasising on it over and over, which is right onits own. I dont think see any contradictions here. You as well emphasized on protection of cows. So did Srila Prabhupadji. Its all about becoming aware of it and spreading the word. I would like to tell all of you though, we must spread the word OUT where there is BIGGER issue of Slaughtering of ANIMALS, that is a REAL problem, and it is attaching itself to the dairy, and many other things which we many knowingly or unknowing consume, thats a shame.


    I believe the criticism referred to here is actually needless fault finding, based on envy. It doesnt refer to disagreeing, or debating other beliefs.


    Exactly. The song is in Gujarati and in English "Ninda" would translate into criticism as what you just described. It doesnt refer to disagreement or debate


    Thank you,


  11. Why is emphasis not given to SLAUGHTERING which is where the REAL IMMEDIATE problem is.


    Also in dairy, the cows are not treated nicely(they are treated technolgocially,cruelly and at times unnaturally for more production and not with love, Hari Loves cows, He would not like them to be tortured like this)


    As a devotee, we worshop our relationship with go-mata, we must not let them succumb into the hands of these cold blooded murderers.


    Theistji, you are making a firm standing for the unprotected cows, which is very appreciable.

    As Haridasji said, all devotees are pure vegetarians (which itself is also a big plus in my books) so more focus should be on cow protection.


    I am not lactose-intolerant, but I cannot tolerate mistreatment of any animals what to speak of cows.


    So, I think it is better if we all prefer to consume milk from protected cows, it would encourage the local farming where they would treat her nicely , Let us spread the word " This is not right. No animal should be treated in factories like this. Stop alll this."

  12. The qualities of a Vaishnava described in the song are only how the world may identify a Vaishnav outwardly in material world, and from Gaudiya spiritual point of view, we hear them as always humbly absorbed in service for the love of Hari

  13. Vaishnav jan to tene kahiye je

    PeeD paraayi jaaNe re

    One who is a Vaishnav knows and feels the suffering of others

    Par-dukhkhe upkaar kare toye

    Man abhimaan na aaNe re

    Serves others who are in miseries, does not let pride enter his mind

    SakaL lok maan sahune vande

    Nindaa na kare keni re

    Humble to all, in the entire world, does not criticize anyone

    Vaach kaachh man nishchaL raakhe

    Dhan-dhan janani teni re

    Keeps his words, deeds and thoughts pure, blessed is his mother

    Sam-drishti ne trishna tyaagi

    Par-stree jene maat re

    Looks upon all with equality, has renounced passion, honors other women as his mother

    Jivha thaki asatya na bole

    Par-dhan nav jhaalee haath re

    Tongue may get tired, but will not utter untruth, does not covet another’s wealth

    Moh-maaya vyaape nahi jene

    DriDh vairaagya jena man maan re

    Does not succumb to worldly attachments, has mind firmly fixed on renunciation

    Ram naam shoon taaLi laagi

    SakaL tirath tena tan maan re

    Always he is intent on chanting Rama’s name, all holy places of pilgrimage are within him.

    VaN-lobhi ne kapaT-rahit chhe

    Kaam-krodh nivaarya re

    Has conquered passion,avarice and anger

    BhaNe Narsaiyon tenu darshan karta

    KuL ekoter taarya re

    The sight of such a Vaishnav, says Narsaiyon, saves entire family through seventy-one generations

  14. The whole thing about life expectancy was brought up by you, not me. You're the one who is tuning opinions around by saying things like

    The meat eating, beer guzzling German has a life expectancy of 81 year while the desi who eats curds rice has an average life expectancy of 67 or lesser.
    Vegetarians eat just more than curd rice, obviously meat eater wont live long or healthy if it wasnt for all the green that is taken along with .

    What about them living for YEARS with DISEASES near the later age due to all the meat they consume?



    You are denying yourselves most of the fun available on this planet anyway - as part of your religious rules.


    If you consider dwelling into intoxicating activities as "fun" that is your perception. For some , simple activities in life like sitting in garden and just doing nothing except meditating on Sweetness of Lord, would be more "fun" than to drink drive and hit someone and injure or create "unwanted" babies.



    This is not clear either. If the HK claim that they cannot wait to get back to godhead is real, then why this passion for living long lives?


    As far as I know Bhakts only concern is how to please the sweet Lord, nothing else, as they aspire only for "Prema Bhakti" devotion NOT even "mukti" liberation.


    The meat eating, beer guzzling German has a life expectancy of 81 year, while the desi who eats curds rice has an average life expectancy of 67 or lesser. Does not make a very strong case to take the Indian diet global, don’t you think?

    Factory farming is happening only since recent times, so you never know what diseases are in store for meat eaters in addition to those that already are number one killers like Cardiac diseases, Obesity, Cancer, etc. You are quoting the life expectency in terms of people who were born atleast few decades ago. In Earlier times people everywhere were eating more veggies. Where do you get these data as if Germans lived soley on MEAT and NO Veggies, to justify cold blooded slaughtering that eventually lead only to diseases?


    When I buy broccoli in the supermarket, I give money to the store owner so he can buy a steak, to the cashier who will buy a hamburger, to the truck driver who will buy a pepperoni pizza, to the packager who will buy a leather belt, to the farmer who grew the crop who bought a leather coat with it, to the man who made that leather coat who will buy a steak with it, to the ......., and on and on.


    It's an ugly world. Support zero consumption. Breathe air and eat fruit fallen from trees. Sleep under a different tree every night.



    Who is responsible in the process of this brutal slaughtering of animals?

    One who permits the slaughter of an animal

    One who cuts it up

    One who kills it

    One who buys or sells meat

    One who cooks it

    One who serves it up,

    And one who eats it, must all be considered as the slayers of the animal


    I do agree with Theist what he speaks on demand and supply (If you eat meat your are directly responsible as already I mentioned above)

  17. Hari bol , I have heard about these heart drenching cold blooded news as well and hardly anybody is doing anything about it. Its nice to put it here for awareness for those who still think that all commercial ghee and milk is consumable.


    It is advisable to make ghee mostly butter "maakhan" at home than to buy into commercial . Better still to have your own cows. Oh come on, if we have manpower into building huge temples then why not have a yard for keeping our animals protected and loved. There is a law in India about cow protection, let us ALL work towards implementing it rather than throwing it all into the hands of government authorities and doing nothing about it ! People have gone too far with their avarice:Greed is the issue here.And lack of morality lack of honesty

  18. Its quite surprising , you didnt get what was implied in the previous posts.Let me ask you only one question:


    If there a murder-free, meat-free,compassionate, healthy and spiritual life possible without having to KILL any animals, why is there a need for all these cold blooded slaughtering?

    Human beings dont NEED to kill animals in order to remain "healthy" or to "progress". A highly civilized society is not the one that develops in terms of material gains, by slaughtering animals, and churning out everything mother Earth has to offer to us. Society can only progress when we as humans learn to live in harmony not only within ourselves but with our relation to our mother Earth.


    Some vaishnav families that I know, just one or two generations back, did not have oil tempering for preparing food, neither did they have tea, coffee, sugar, etc as it was not sattvic. The milk they drank was mainly from their own cows or goats, not the one from factories like these days. All this only few decades ago in India, what to speak of centuries before.

    So the milk taken from cows who are not treated with love, but rather tortured inside factories, is not Sattvic, not in goodness, please forgive me.

    DO you know where lies the real issue? The problem in the world now is that

    protection of cows is not the priority but how to use her, in order to produce more, and then kill for greedy production factories, leather, meat and so on...This is not the way of a civilised society.




    We need to protect our animals our cows before its late. It is an emergency. A PANDEMIC , we ALL must do something about it NOW.

    We dont need to kill our cows or any other animals in order to progress, this wisdom was long inculcated in the minds of those who were spiritually advanced.


    All this brutal killing of animals, depletion of nature's resources will not lead to any advancement even materially what to speak of spiritually.


    By your logic we can also eat eggs. Commercially available chicken eggs are not vitalized, and 'technically' they are just a product of the chicken 'menstruation-cycle'. So we can eat them without killing an animal..


    Egg cannnot be considered as vegetarian because its meat and it comes from birds and it will develop into birds if not COMMERCIALISED.


    If you are vegetarian, you dont eat meat including meat of fish and eggs.

    If you consume eggs, you are OVOvegetarian(a misleading term) , NOT vegetarian.


    Yes its part of birds menstruation cycle and also eggs comes out from the place where the birds do poop. You heard me right.



    Life takes its form beggining with eggs, if not eaten, will develop into bird.



    Just for your information ,


    Do you know how the birds are treated for POULTRY industry ?


    Female chicks are sold to egg producers to begin their careers as 'layers', their beaks and sometimes toes are clipped .


    Do you know they even cut their beaks, so that they will not peck, put them narrowly confined in CAGE , this cage environment of egg producing does not permit birds to roam,so they cannot fly,move or even stretch their wings.


    And what happens to male chicks?


    As male chicks are "worthless "(for egg-type hatcheries) they are collected when hatched and are put in plastic bags where they slowly suffocated to dead


    Vegetarians dont support poultry. And as a vegetarian, I dont support poultry.





    There are Health reasons as well not to eat eggs:


    Egg intake diversely affects the body's cholesterol, increases cardiovascular risk in diabetic patients, Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella typhimurium infections due to egg consumptions are major concerns also consumption of eggs has been linked to an increased risk of Type 2 diabetes in both men and women.


    Yes it is a generalization about America but I have lived here all my life and Americans gorge themselves on milk products as well as meat and it is a very materialistic and coarse culture and I see no evidence of finer brain tissues being developed from all the dairy consumption.


    I do recognize the exceptions as well. Your point is well taken OmHari.


    A side note on McDonalds. Did you know that McDonalds has a presence in India. In fact there is one on the main road from Dehli to Agra call Mathura Road. It is located near the turn off from Mathura road to Vrndavan.


    I stayed in MVT while in Vrndavan and one day Gargamuni das who was enterting the gate to MVT just before me turned to me while pointing to a discarded McDonalds wrapper littered on the ground before the gate and remarked, "this is the most obscene thing I have seen". It was shocking to me also, such a thing lying in the Holy Dust of Ramana Reti where Krishna plays with His calves and cowherds.


    I am aware of this , unfortunately these nature depleting corporates are establishing their bases whereever they can foot in. I am not from America but even in India these days, people are blindly following on the footmarks of these so called materially "advanced" nations instead of keeping and preserving own traditions which is so in harmony with mother Earth. Look at the younger generations, they are keen on eating "out" at fancy restaurants which SERVE no purpose other than feeding the crowd with their fried junkies wrapped nicely outwardly (which ends up in litters anyway) and putting up an "ambience " . These youths even consider drinking carobonated pesticides "cool" . In fact tag line I heard in one of the commercials was "Jo chaaho ho jaaye C***Cola Enjoy" which translates into " Whatever you wish will happen" , you enjoy this drink. I would wish they stop stealing our waters, and stop digging on the wells that are meant for quenching the water needs of the locals.

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