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Posts posted by bhavik

  1. not sure abt rahu- mangal yog...my DOB is 6th oct 1981, 2:20 late night, place ujjain..positions of my stars frm my horoscope...first house has...rahu and mangal (the chart actually says number 4), 2nd house empty, 3rd house has saturn, sun and jupiter, 4th house has mercury, 5th house has venus, 6th has moon and 7th has ketu..(horoscope says number 10). I want to know abt my career...still i am struggling inspite of good education...presently i am in UK!! having chandra mahadasha with Jupiter antar dasha which is due to end on Feb 2011. From Feb, I will be having Chandra mahadasha and Saturn antar dasha. When can I expect a favourable change in my life. Thanks

  2. not sure abt rahu- mangal yog...my DOB is 6th oct 1981, 2:20 late night, place ujjain..positions of my stars frm my horoscope...first house has...rahu and mangal (the chart actually says number 4), 2nd house empty, 3rd house has saturn, sun and jupiter, 4th house has mercury, 5th house has venus, 6th has moon and 7th has ketu..(horoscope says number 10). I want to know abt my career...still i am struggling inspite of good education...presently i am in UK!! having chandra mahadasha with rahu antar dasha. Badly confused abt my career. Pls help.

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