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Posts posted by sriabhinav

  1. I am very new to this forum , howebver would like to mention that befor addressing any such issue we need to clear our mindes that we are supperior or they are inferior! The true meaning of gita or infact any other spritual scripture is to unite ppl and not to devide. There anr many such scripture where you can infact find refference to such facts that are hard to dismiss and they do seems to reffer to jesus and mohhamad. This may be a surprise to a lot of ppl , however there if you would do your resurch in un-biased manner then you may find that hindusim spreaded to the distant land like Italy and there have been places in Italy where picture of Rama and Krishna have been found! Italian and europian scholars have never understud this! In the same manner if you study bible, you would find that there is no refference of Jesus's life trom the age of 13 till the age of 29 or 30! these years are known as "lost years of jesus". Search for your self on Google by typing "Lost years of Jesus" and it will clearly show you where Jesus was during these years. Belive me or not the europian or the western historians have started beliving that Jesus was indeed in India studing all these years and gaining Knowledge! In the Natha sect of Hindusiam, there is a refference of a hindu yogi visiting Israil where he was crusified but he somehow freed himself and got back to India! Jesus's grave is still belived to be in India (Kashmir). Even the Buddhist scriptures have a good discription about Jesus's life. In the smae manner you can find many more facts that Jesus was infact in India and whatever he preached was infact the teachings that he got from India! The Vedas and Upnishadas are belive to be the best spritual scriptures, and belive me who so ever reads them belongs nither to Christanity Islam or Hindusam... he infact belongs to Humanity!

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