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Narayan Singh

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Posts posted by Narayan Singh

  1. Classic 72 ji,

    I tried to p.m. you but couldn't due to inadequate no. of posts.Sir do you reside in Delhi or NCR? If yes then can i meet you for personal consultation?

    If no then can you suggest Some competent as well as honest person(I mean one who doesn't unnecessarily scare me.As in I dont mind somebody saying this is my negative point,but i also don't want somebody preying on my ignorance of astrology.).

    Reason being I want to get an astrological SWOT analysis done.As in any attitudinal change that i require?What are my strengths that i can play to my advantage?what must be avoided and what must be done? etc.




    Dear Narayan,


    In my reply to your post - I have not taken your stance as being cynical or being too craven careerist or being against marriage as an institution.


    I fully support your views about your career path - Being ambitious to be a diplomat and following your heart and soul is a noble path - Your folks having different dreams for you is something you have to sort out.


    My response was mostly based on tying together combinations in a chart to practical ground realities using marriage and success and growth thereafter as an example. In my experience I have personally interacted with people who grew by leaps and bounds immediately after marriage - though the amount of hardwork and perseverance in their line of work was same or even less (after marriage!).


    Again I'm not pushing any marriage related advice on you now or even for the future - just that there is ample evidence for my reasoning.


    I would recommend that you pursue what you deeply feel is your ambition; and ensure you work on including others in your conviction; share your dreams with them. As you rightly pointed out - work on the profession excellence and the rest follows.


    With Best Wishes


    Classic72 ji,

    Thanks a lot for the vote of confidence and warm wishes.Needed it badly as Even after exhausting four attempts i couldnt clear my diplomacy thing.So was begining to doubt my decisions.

    Add to it my total surprise when our astrologer told about this marriage thing and japam,saying only these two will work,when i was half expecting him to prescribe some coslty pooja or like thing(Sorry.Now I know not every astrologer is like this stereotype).

    And yes you Have rightly pointed out i need to solve this issue with my folks.Would do that hopefully.




  3. Classic72 ji,


    I really appreciate your perspective but am also scared of getting hurt,as of late i have come to realise that behind the facade of rational and cool me,lies somebody who is hypersensitive.

    So I guess I wont venture into this territory of marriage.


    Also by rajayoga do you mean power? Sir, I dont want to sound holier than though but it has never really excited me.With the way i asked question i must have come across as a craven careerist,but Even when I wanted to be a diplomat and was chasing it,it was cos i rightly or wrongly believed that i could be an asset to indian diplomacy in this age of globalisation.The glamour and works were just a paraphernalia for me.

    Also the failure in that entrance has forced introspection and really hurt me


    Even now when I am doing law money,fame or power doesnt really excite me.Its professional excellence that does.

    I believe if I am good at what I do and can apply it creatively,then these things are incidental and would follow.


    Also I believe if am good I just might be lucky enough to be instrumental in helping India stave off stiff challenges in field of IPR regime.


    However my folks are not to keen about my choice of field.They want me to join business.I might earn well there,but for me if i cant apply myself creatively i feel totally lost in routine work.:(.Am i doing something wrong?


    That I am being stubborn and maybe selfish to an extent, i agree,but is my choice of profession wrong?:confused:





    Ps: Whats gandantha and ayanamsa?

  4. Thanks a lot webyogi ji and classic72 ji for replying. Before I turn to you for one more query each I would like to say something.


    I had gone through other threads in this forum as well.I see many people Going through anguish and turmoil in their marital lives.My aim was not to question their choice of getting married or belittling their anguish by saying am cynical regarding marriage.I apologise to them if I came across like that.Really.I pray that lord gives them strength to tide it over.My cynicism stems from the fact that I have seen two good human beings getting torn apart in a bad relationship


    Webyogi jee,

    whats the procedure of wearing an Emerald?

    Also our panditji told me that i must do 1.25 lakh japa of om namah shivay in this saawan.I used to go to shivalay with my mom,but after her death in really horrid circumstances 6 yrs ago i have not been to any temple nor worshipped.

    So i was kind of keen to do this as a measure of respect for what my mom taught me.

    However i have read in other forums out here one should not do japas without a guru and my panditji says its OK do it.Should i go ahead and do it?






  5. Respected astrologers of the board,


    I(Rather my relatives) have been advised by an astrologer that i should get married if i am to be successful?Is this kind of a thing true?I mean can marriage change somebodies luck?

    Also I DONT want to get married as coming from a broken home am extremely cynical regarding institution of marriage(no offense meant)


    The reason they went to astrologer is that I didn't take admission in good MBA institute even after clearing entrances(XLRI,I,K),cos I was chasing my passion of being a diplomat.I couldn't become one and it was a surprise as i had not faced failure in entrances before.

    They are worried(From their P.O.V not unreasonable),as now I want to go into IPR and am doing law.I don't want to get married and they really seem to be convinced that its the only way out for my Prof. success.

    Is it True?

    If there is some pooja that i can do for career am willing to,but am equally clear that i don't want to get married.

    MY D.O.B 12/05/79

    T.O.B 22:03:00

    P.O.B delhi




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