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Posts posted by Milenka


    @love_alliance18 :


    Normally disciple dont finds Guru.


    Guru finds their Disciple. So wait for the time to come when guru would find you. I know this is quite different from what you been hearing.


    Guru mantra -

    This mantra would be given by your guru. This Mantra guide you to proper things/links in life & to be recited only after been given/initiated/diksha by guru. This Mantra is bliss. Wait for ur guru to give u this mantra.


    Till then ->

    Do everyday 1 mala Gayatri mantra.


    Gayatri Matra are like Guiding mantra. If done regularly you would be guided to proper opportunities, correct ppl, correct place, correct intrsting job, etc.

    Everything would start happening good.


    Yes, this is replacment of Guru Mantra.


    Add On :: Gayatri Matra Homa/yagya. This is the best thing you can have at everymonth. Do it yourself!



    Dhruv Bhura



    My saint found me!

    I was doing that mantra, but I didn't know it was used for finding the right way.

    Everything happened so smoothly. The guru finds the disciple when the disciple is ready.


    I'm happy but confused and searching for ways to go back to him. Living outside an ashram is challenging...

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