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Posts posted by tare_tare

  1. Generally, "abhih" or the duplicated "abhirabhih", an imperative meaning "be without fear", would be syntactically correct and parsimonious, spoken with a raised palm in a benedictive gesture, abhaya mudrA.


    "mA bhaih" is another common term.


    Perhaps these will jog your memory, and if you can provide the initial phonemes you remember, we can go from there. What consonant or what sound did the phrase start with, was it one or two words, or just one?

  2. Stas,


    Someone has tattooed the very sacred GAYATRI MANTRA on your back. This is a very upsetting thing to most brahmans, and indeed to most practicing Hindus, so I shall only mention what it is and leave you to find the meaning elsewhere. There are deeper and deeper layers of meaning. The Vedic language, syntax and use of symbols is different from Sanskrit which by its very name means a well-crafted language. During Vedic times, people spoke a type of "Sanskrit" as their natal language and indeed many dialects of this Vedic tongue, bhASha, existed within and outside India.

  3. Namaskara, Racheldevi,



    ahaM nAgeva saMgrame


    cApAt patitaM sharam


    ativAkyaM titikS`nu sama


    duhshilo hi bahujanAh


    the metres don't scan! It still needs work, grammatically & metrically, but here is a quick & dirty rendering.



    Please note [aM] is the bindu form of "m" when it precedes most consonants


    We have ignored sandhi except for "duhshilo" to keep it closer to the original.


    "ativAkya" is a Buddhist term for the 8 types of ignoble behavior; here, vAkya means the words or spoken code/discipline of good behavior


    i.e. in a monastic environment, there will be many who will provoke the aspiring bhikShu with their out-of-line behavior & speech. BUT s/he is advised to endure these pricks/provocations with forbearance. S/he should think " I [aham] (shall be) like the war-elephant in battle, who endures the arrow loosed from a bow."

  4. There is a good reason Bhagavan Shiva is known as Mukesh: Lord of those who become silent, without speech. The more we devote ourselves to sadhana the clearer it becomes who or what Bhagavan is, what Narayana is, what Sadashiva is what Ishana etc. Then there is no need to post risible threads because the conceptual mind cannot grasp this, and agitating others will serve no purpose; quite the contrary. Shiva nd Vishnu are used in very complex senses in different texts, in different traditions and even change in meaning in different tracts of the same text, from page to page, e.g. The Devi Mahatmyam. So where is the use of such posts?

  5. Namaste. Would be very grateful for citation and full sloka + corrections to the following:


    YazcAyam asmin Akaze tejomayah amrtamayah puruSah sarvAnubhuh


    YazcAyam asmin Atmani tejomayah amrtamayah puruSah sarvanubhuh



    Any good commentaries?


    I should be grateful for a succinct translation for a friend, that encompasses the concept of the pervading universal Akasha, the individual "embodying" the Universe, and the relative nature of the boundaries between self & the other


    This chidghana Akasha within me whose tattva is shabda pervades as jyotirmaya, tejomayah amrtamayah all reality sat, cit


    This apparently discrete consciousness within me similarly pervades all reality as the radiant, potent, indestructible ground.


    How to make a more comprehensible translation - without writing an essay- that conveys accurately the core concepts of Akasha, Universe an extension of "self" & vice versa, coterminous, with respect to Akasha, Prana, Atman?


    Please correct my errors.


    2) Any good translations of Abhinavagupta Paratrimshika, Paratrishika, Paratrishikalaghuvrtti in English or Hindi? OK to follow, but not want to miss every nuance.


    Thank you.

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