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Posts posted by sommaya2

  1. i know and feel it that will not have good times till next 3 years by which time my problems from last 2 years will not leave me.


    i started the new work in water project in July 2008.


    will i be able to save my dignity during the difficult times ahead


    and will i be able to save my house from being sold to cover my loans

  2. Hi


    I am in a financial distress and my owned house is at stake. Will i be somehow able to save my house and get out of this distress soon. I am very anxious as to how and when I will come out of my financial problems.

    These problems happened with my export business in which i was working with my father and we lost a lot of money due to bad decisions.


    This is affecting my family life and my new career.


    Will my new career be successful. i am in the business of water related project works now.


    please help by guiding me.


    My details


    Date of birth - 2nd april 1970

    place - calcutta -

    time of birth - 4.37 am

    current residence - gurgaon


  3. my friend is in deep financial trouble since last 3 years. he is facing bad loans, creditors, court cases and struggling to survive through this. all his hard earned properties are at stake.


    His details are :


    name - Manoj, male

    date of birth - 2nd April, 1970

    time - 4.37 am

    place of birth - Calcutta

    current place of stay - Gurgaon


    when will his financial position improve and how he can get out of these problems. He was working with his father before when all these losses happened. but now he works with his friends.

  4. My life has been a big struggle so far.


    when will i be married. Have gone through a long unsuccessful affair and and now have started liking a new person. will we be happily married.


    when will i stabilise in my career.


    do i have kaal sarp yog in my kundli and if so how does it influence my life


    My data


    Date of birth - 13 May , 1976

    time of birth - 6.10 am

    place of birth - Ranchi




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