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Posts posted by varun1217

  1. The mantra " Om Kleem Keshavay Namah " I would like to know if this helps in attracting women . Second i want to know that where can i find the actual word Kleem written in sanscrit because i was told by a guru to pronounce it as kleen not kleem . While chanting this mantra is it required to be a vegatarian . And also should this be chanted out loud or within the mind .


    I was born in Jammu , India december 21 1985 at 11.55am . My Shukra (Venus ) is believed to be very weak , it is because of that reason that i am very lonely and cannot attract women and am depressed because of lack of love . I do not want to marry yet but definately want to attract women and have some material benefits for now . i have been advised to wear a diamond .


    So would it be bettter for me to worship and invoke shukra and ask his help or the Kleem beeja mantra would do the job .


    Please help .




    Varun Bhatia

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