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Posts posted by rashmi1kanta

  1. Hi --"The above circumstances are not denying a good job"--means i'll get a good job ?



    Retrograde Mars in the 4th house, aspecting the 10th which is its own house, in a parivartan-yoga with yoga-karaka Venus and in nakshatra of 6th lord Moon, is not aspecting dasha lord Jupiter neither bhukti lord Rahu.


    In transit, Jupiter has moved into the 9th from the natal Moon, Rahu is in the 8th and Saturn is in 3rd.


    The above circumstances are not denying a good job.


    But lagnesh Saturn, retrograde, in the 6th house shows that fasting on Saturdays might improve your general situation in life (and certainly your heath, if required).

    So, you could fast on Saturdays.

  2. Hi Riaz


    My question is , if two persons wearing same gem stone , and one person remains in house mostly , while the other persons works mostly in out side , will both of them get equal benefit from the stone ,


    is gem stone require direct sunlight to be more effectable

  3. Hi , Wanted to know , on which day fasting will help me in getting a good job



    Time:-08-54 AM

    Place--FCI , Talcher -Orissa


    Name-Rashmi Kanta Moharana




    Most of us have observed fasts, at some time in our lives, often because we were told that a particular planet or planets are adverse for us and fasting on their day/s would help.


    Fasts are generally observed from the break of dawn until after sunset, that is, during the day.

    Very few fasts are observed for a full 24 hours, Ekadashi being one of them.


    But mostly we fast during daylight hours only.

    If Mars is adverse for us in our horoscope, we fast on Tuesdays; for Saturn, Saturdays; for Jupiter, Thursdays and so on and so forth.


    What happens when we fast? How does fasting help us?

    Here is an explanation, given with the help of Ayurveda.


    SUNLIGHT is made up of the seven visible colours of our spectrum.

    Each colour corresponds to one of the seven planets.


    When we eat food, our jatharagni is stimulated and we begin to digest our food.

    Jatharagni is a concept in Ayurveda, which means the Energy required to 'burn and digest' our food........ it is the energy that releases digestive enzymes.


    This jatharagni is said to be powerful only during daytime and is very weak at night.

    (Hence, Ayurveda also says we should avoid eating at night. Night is called Raakshas kaal, when the agni of Raakshas ganas is strong).


    On each day of the week, the jatharagni is stronger in that colour of light which rules that day.


    Food eaten on that day would be digested by an Agni stronger in rays of that particular colour and the ras-dhatu formed from the food would bear greater association with the planet that governs that ray of light!


    (Ras-dhatu is the first of the seven dhatus that form our body. The other dhatus are formed, one by one, beginning from it).


    When a person fasts, less food is consumed, less ras-dhatu is formed and so the dhatus (which are the building blocks of an individual) would contain lesser planetary effects of that particular planet!


    With regular fasting therefore, a person would suffer less malefic effects of that planet in his life!


    This is why fasting on certain days of the week is advised as a remedy for bad planetary positions and actions, in our horoscopes!


    (This applies to the natal chart, dasha-bhuktis as well as transits).


    Fasting can be combined with other remedial measures, too!


    You may ask me on which day fasting will help you and I'd be glad to tell.

  4. Dear Ramji


    Thanks for reply , just to know if emerald is giving any -ve result 2 me ??


    second question is , when i will be getting a better job , as recently ( in last 6 month ) i have excelled in all interview & confirmed by respective company for the offer letter , bue due to some other issues it's not getting materialized , can u plz help me.




    DOB:-15 Jan-1976

    Time:-08:54 AM

    Place:-Talcher ( Orissa )


    Name:-Rashmi Kanta Moharana



    dear rashmi ji,

    you should wear gomedh till 11-03-11 since you in antra dasha of Rahu.


    i suggest you should remove your emerald . Zircon is good for you.



    Hi , Thanks , Plz answer my query



    1. Date, place, time of birth :---15-jan-1976 , 08:54AM
    2. Your gender, current location :--Male, Talcher ( Orissa )
    3. profession (working/student/which field) --Working -Telecom
    4. family details (married/unmarried/divorced, kids details (if any), details of how many siblings, details of parents) -Unmarried , 1 Sister , 6 Brother
    5. Your specific question--When i'll get married
  6. Hi , Thanks , Plz answer my query



    1. Date, place, time of birth :---15-jan-1976 , 08:54AM
    2. Your gender, current location :--Male, Talcher ( Orissa )
    3. profession (working/student/which field) --Working -Telecom
    4. family details (married/unmarried/divorced, kids details (if any), details of how many siblings, details of parents) -Unmarried , 1 Sister , 6 Brother
    5. Your specific question--When i'll get married
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