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Posts posted by ranuel


    Saturn is aspecting kalatrakara Venus and manah karaka Moon, both of which are in the 10th house in the nakshatra of Mars who, in turn, is in the 7th house (spouse / marital life).


    So yes, fasting on saturdays will help.

    But I'll tell you one thing.... herbs will work faster.


    If you would PM me the issues that are causing friction, I can tell you which herbs would help.


    Dear Sir,


    Please advise your email address. Thank you. I am interested in the herbs.




    Ahh easy case study:)!

    Do bhuvneshwari mahavidya Sadhana!

    Dare he would touch you. :)


    Incase you want super quick results. Do Doomavati Sadhana.


    I would prefer Bhuvneshwari. She would make u important person in his life. Gain respect & fame in society & infront of his parents. He would start loving you irrespectively. No black magic would/can effect you.

    This is not blackmagic case.




    This Sadhana can be started on first day of any month. Best is navratri!




    After 10 p.m. take a bath and wear a white dhoti/saree. Sit on a white worship mat facing East. Cover a wooden seat with a red cloth. On it place the picture of the Guru. Pray to the Guru. Before the picture place the Bhuvaneshwari Yantra. Offer vermilion, rice grains, incense, ghee lamp and flowers on the Yantra. Take water in your right palm and chant.




    </CENTER><CENTER><TABLE align=center><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>Om Asya Shree Bhuvaneshwaree Hriday Stotrasya Shree Shaktih Rishih. Gaayatri Chhandah. Bhuvaneshwaree Devataa. Ham Beejam. Eem Shaktih Ram Keelakam, Sakal Manovaanchhit Siddhayarth Paatthe Viniyogah. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER>Let the water flow onto the ground. Next chant the following verses for consecration of your body.




    </CENTER><CENTER><TABLE align=center><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>Shree Shakti Rishaye Namah Shirasi. Gaayatri Chhandase Namah Mukhe, Shree Bhuvaneshwaree Devataayei Namah Hridi. Hreem Beejaay Namah Guhaye. Eeem Shaktaye Namah Naabhou. Ram Keelkaay Namah Paadyoh Sakal Manovaanchhit Siddhayarthe Paatthe Viniyogaay Namah Sarvaange. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER>Take a coral bead in your right hand and speak out the wish which you would want to see fulfilled. Chanting thus offer it on the Yantra.


    <CENTER><TABLE align=center><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>Udhyad-dindhyuti Mindu Kireetaantudag Kuchaannyanatray-yuktaaam. Smer-mukheem Vardaankush Paashaambheeti Karaam-prabhuje Bhuvanesheem. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER>Offer vermilion on the Bhuvaneshwari Mala. Pick it up and chant 101 rounds of the following Mantra.


    <CENTER><TABLE align=center><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>Om Hreem Om </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER>Do this for 9 continuous days. After that throw the Sadhana articles in a river.


    Give results after accomplishing this.


    Personal experience -

    Maa likes prasad made of milk. & dryfruits.

    Her invite list(aavahan) is long - (incase u ready to do, i will provide u)

    She also likes lotus/rose & red flowers.

    She likes perfection & punctuality in sadhana

    Homa is preffered. I was commanded, so i had to!

    I am sure i might be missing few imp key points. Would tell u then.



    Dhruv Bhura



    Dear Dhruv Bhura Sir/Madam,


    Thank you for the help.


    The problem is actually more than what I have written here. I think black magic because he was not like this before and changed suddenly. I you can provide me your email address I can write to you personally to let you what I am going through now.


    By the way, on the above, I have some questions :

    1) I don't have any guru. How and Who shall I refer to. Please advise.

    2) Please advise the aavahan

    3) Anything else.


    Thank you


    You have a fairly strong horoscope, with two natural benefics and one natural malefic in kendras.


    You are presently in saade sati of Saturn, and retrograde Saturn, a malefic for Sagittarius lagna, is posited in the 8th house, which is not good for you.

    Saturn is in its own nakshatra, too and aspects both Venus and Moon, which are posited in the 10th house and Ketu in the 5th house.


    You would do well to fast on Saturdays.



    Dear Sir,


    Thank you.


    I am currently going through a lot of mental and emotional stress in my marriage. Will fasting on Saturdays help?


    Thank you.

  4. Dear Sir,


    Thank you for the reply. Yes, I am praying for him to change everyday but it's been months and the situation is same. Sometimes I do feel like walking out but its my children future that I care the most. I want them to have a complete and healty family. I don't know how else I am going to survive.


    Thank you.

  5. Dear Sirs,


    I am new here.


    I am having a very big problem with my marriage. My husband stopped talking to me and we are like strangers. I am also feeling the hate for him. He mentioned of divorce but have not done anything yet. We have a child. He hit me and chased me out from the house but I am still there. I believe he is under black magic from his parents.


    Please help to give any advise how to get rid of this evil and black magic.

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