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Posts posted by agorman

  1. raj_tiwary007: There ARE spiritual ways to destroy enemies, but you should try to get in contact with some Deva, or maybe God himself before you attempt those methods. I know a friend which asked for justice to a deity (the name of which I'm not going to publish here) and ended up seeing how nasty things happened to his enemies; more nasty than he was prepared to watch.


    To tell you the truth, I'm just a beginner in Hinduism and I may end up with my own Hinduism, because I don't believe in Karma. But I believe God gives us LESSONS. He may put good or bad people in your way to make you learn. And He may put you in good or bad situations for you to learn and improve. You may be open to learn the lesson with love or you may need to learn it in a tough way.


    I suggest you to pray to God to be open to learn with love, so you won't be troubled by enemies anymore. Have faith in God's protection and in the light of your own Atma, your spirit.


    And instead of asking God to eliminate your enemies, ask Him to protect you. No one would shoot anybody if our human bodies were bulletproof.


    I understand you, for example; I hate certain politicians very much, because I've been affected by them and I see the damage they do to thousands of other people everyday. Destroying them would benefit mankind so much. But we always have to make the wise decision, not the passionate one to win in life. Calm down and ask God first. He has His ways to give you the answers you need when it's the right time.




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