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dev singh

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Posts posted by dev singh

  1. does religion have alot to do with the spritual growth and development of the yearning soul ? or is religion the first grade in spirituality that once crossed serves no purpose afterwards. i feel too much time and effort is given to religion and society forces one to come back down to this "first grade" to fit in with everyone .

  2. sex in marrage is good like everything else in proportion , its when sex ( expression of love in a physical way) turns to lust and desire starts to cloud the mind , then does it become harmful. there is time for everything. this is the second stage in life , the householder, just think of god and this is god's toy to you to enjoy only for a while, enjoy with god's blessing and still try to keep your focus on the real things.

  3. from my reading i have come to understand that foods with pungent or sharp smell and tastes are to be avoided. not because of sin, but as an aspiring spiritualist, avoiding these foods would help in controling of desire, be it sexual or taste wise. i think it depends of the level of control that the individual has that would determine waether or not they should eat hese foods. as sri ramakrishna says " a young plant must be well guarded, but when fully grown, an elephant can be tied to it " the plant would be your spiritual life and by avioding these things in early spiritual growth, later on when control is there, there is no need to abstain because you now have control over desires

  4. Quote:

    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 3ex; BORDER-TOP: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 3ex; BORDER-LEFT: #666666 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #666666 1px solid" bgColor=#e0e0e0>Originally Posted by hing

    The ego depends on how much is your consciousness expanded

    Itzhak Bentov a pupil of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi draw this diagramn of two guys, lets say + is Tim and * is John:

    gods consciousness(overlapping).+.....*................ +...*

    level of the higher self....................+.....*.........+...*

    level of the soul..................................+.....*+.... *

    physical level..........................................+.. ..*

    Tim an John are separate on the physical level, but as their consciousness expandes there is more overlaping and they are more the same, the individual ego becomes universal one.There is a video on youtube



    can someone please explain this to me ? i am having difficulty understanding it properly:confused: :confused:

  5. sita ram ,


    i have been doing some reading and have come across a "ring of ranga" i have no idea what this is in english and where i can acutally get one. a friend of mine suggested it to be a ring made of a worn horseshoe. can anyone put some light on this and if it is benificial spiritually to have one ?

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