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Posts posted by bleuwave

  1. No matter what astrologers say, I will pray to my god that you get some of my good fortune.



    Practice compassion no matter whatever someone other than you does. One thing I've learned throughout all my years is appreances can be very deceiving. Don't dwell on them. Reside in dhyaan on God. Don't even believe the disciples. Believe in only God. Engage in compassion. So much compassion that every other emotion just melts away in your love towards God. You will automatically make good decisions after that. You will not dwell on the negative and you will automatically slowly start to get out of the rut you're in.


    :) Good times lay ahead. Don't give up yet.


    ♫♪♫ Bolo Radhe Radhe Radhe Govinda ♫♪♫

  2. scribd.com/doc/14262468/Chandu-Chandu-WifeMatch



    Also from bestdresses.com/horoscope/Pisces-Cancer.htm




    Cancer Woman & Pisces Man

    (from the view of the woman)

    This is tied with Scorpio as the number one soulmate match for you. A Pisces boy can be your true soulmate in every way. He is an strongly passionate person who lives in a world of feelings, much like you. A Pisces boy will provide you with the lavish emotional warmth that you are looking for in a partnership. His affection and passion for you will make you feel completely special and adored. This is a perfect fit between two very deep-feeling signs. A real soulmate love match.

    Together, Cancer girl and Pisces boy ooze with mutual love and devotion. You both understand each other in ways that would perplex an outsider, and somehow, you always know the right thing to say when the chips are down. Nurture and honor this dating combo, because it could be a keeper.


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