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Posts posted by jangeerisran

  1. Hello Dear Astrologers,

    Greetings of the Day!


    I would like to request your attention towards my chart where there are 6 planets powerfully placed. I have heard vernacular astrologers telling me about me being the state of state and all.


    Ascendent Being Gemini, I have saturn exalted in libra conj with venus (mooltrik), Mars in Own house scorpio with exalted ketu, exalted rahu in taurus and Jupiter in Own house Sagittarius. Plus I have Sun in the kendra house of Virgo.


    My birth details are: 22nd Sep 1984, 23:20, Karachi (PAK) ( 24 N 52, 67 E 03).


    I would be thankful if you take out some time and shed some light on my chart.


    Thank You


  2. Dear Ashish

    Firstly I would like to show my appreciation for all your efforts in this forum.


    I wanted to know about the results of my present maha dasha of Sun as some vedic texts term it as a yogada with GL. Is there anything special that I should expect in this maha dasha?..


    My details: 22/sep/1984

    Coordinates: 24 N 52, 67 E 03

    Time: 23:20 (11:20 pm)


    I will be waiting for your kind reply.


    Thanks for your time


  3. Lakshmi ji

    Namaste..hope ur doing good...I had a quiery regarding marriage too..the thing interesting in my chart is that I have three lords place in their own houses..would u please help me interpret th chart regarding my marriage and career..

    Ur help will be greatly appreciated..

    My details


    Name: Jay

    TOB: 23:20

    DOB: 22-sep-1984

    coordinates : 24 N 52 m 67 E 03



  4. hey buddy

    I am a gemini ascendent with jupiter in the seventh house. What I hv been told is that Jupiter in 7th house being sagittarius is the most powerful placement for it (provided its not retrogate). It can be predicted that U would get a wife who would be good looking, well educated and well off in life (as compared to u) and u would gain from her repeatedly thoughout.Furthermore,there is a great possibility that u wife would be from another country, religion or race.

    More interestingly,since jupiter is also co ruler of your tenth house (pisces), u would find such a woman while ur persuing ur education or during the course of your profession..

  5. Pranam

    my name is jay and I am a little frsutrated about my career.I graduated in malaysia last year in 2008 and ever since hv been confused about career.I did not get a job according to my qualifications but i took it just for timepass and that too I quit because of too much office politics.Ever since then i hv been applying for jobs but no luck at all. can u please tell me from my chart when will my career jumpstart and i ll find a job.

    My details are:


    dob: 22-sep-1984

    Coordinates of location: 24 N 52 - 67 E 03

    Time of birth : 23:20 hours


    your hhelp will be greatly appreciated


  6. Hello everyone..My name is Jay and I am new to vedic astrology as I have gained interest in this magnificent science recently.I would be grateful if anyone would help me interpret my chart specially issues regarding love,marriage,wealth,education and foreign travel. Any help will be greatly appreciated.My birth details are:


    DOB: 22-sep-1984

    Time : 23:20 hours

    Coordinates place of birth: Karachi - 24- 52 north, 67-03 east


    Thank u very much

    Gob bless everyone


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