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Posts posted by a_Chandu_s

  1. I got married on 25th Nov 2007 and had problems from day1. I lived with spouse only till Mar 2008 (4 months). We are separated (I live in US and my wife in India). Marriage relationship has spoiled very badly, worst part is after marriage my relationship with my parents and my siblings are also getting worst.


    So far, I have considered lucky in every aspect (education well established career) but after marraige, I feel there is no life anymore...


    Not sure where this relationship is taking me... I am very scared.. Please kindly guide me, if there is any problem with our astrology, timeline how long these issues will last, how the relationship will end? Do I have Kuja dosha, if so are there any remedies


    Male: 26 Feb 1974; 13:05; Vishakapatnam

    Female: 23 Jun 1977; 16:30; Anakapalle

    Date of marriage: 25 Nov 2007, Vishakapatnam


    Thanks for your time

  2. Hi,


    Last month I posted below for suggestions.. Now I came to India hoping for my marriage relationship to improve but very disappointing. The relationship is getting worse and going in the direction of divorce/separation (which I was worried from begining). It is very sad to see the relationship getting worse and being in helpless situation, Please advise what my stars say? Will me & wife will live together or do I have divorce in my chart? Any second marriage etc... Greatly appreciate any suggestions regarding my married life based on analysing our stars.


    Thanks all for your time again



    **** Below is what I posted on Apr 15th **********************


    I got married on Nov 25th 2007. Since day 1 of my marraige we are having issues (primarily compatability issues). I work in US and my wife is in India. We lived together for only 4 months. We tried for US visa for my wife in Nov 2007 and Oct 2008 but was rejected. I was told my wife is currently going through Yelinati Shani. Except marraige, so far all other aspects of my life are good. Well settled and reached good position at young age. I am trying my best to keep up the marraige but almost feel like it is broken now. Please kindly analyse our hosrocope and advise if we are compatable or better to have separate paths


    My Horoscope:

    D.O.B 26th Feb 1974

    Time: 1.05 pm

    Place of Birth: Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh, India)

    My Wife:

    D.O.B 23rd June 1977

    Time: 4.30 pm

    Place of Birth: Anakapelle (Andhra Pradesh, India)


    1) How will be our marraied life? How long will it last

    2) Do I have divorce/re-marraige in my life

    3) If we continue, when will we live together (US or India)

    4) Any details on children

    Thanks in advance for your anlysis and Guidance



    ************* End ***************************************


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  3. Thanks Bleuwave for your efforts. I looked at the link, I have the same software ... as per the software results everything should be ok... but surprisingly, we were having issues from the begining...


    As we were having issues and not sure how the future will be and can't plan for children etc... Any light on children etc.. will be very helpfull


    I guess I have to proceed with the hope that things will improve after my wife passes the Sade Sathi as Taipei suggested...



    Thanks all for your valuable time and suggestions

  4. Hi,


    Is Manglik Dosha same as Kuja Dosha. I have consulted astrologers I was told that in my chart I had Kuja dosha only 2006 and it is over. Only after their confirmation got married.


    Please kindly advise if you still see Manglik Dosha in my chart? Sorry for beeing ignorant of these terms. Is Manglik dosha also in my wife chart? Is Manglik Dosha based on individual chart or based on Couple's chart



    Thanks again for your advise

  5. Hi,

    I got married on Nov 25th 2007. Since day 1 of my marraige we are having issues (primarily compatability issues). I work in US and my wife is in India. We lived together for only 4 months. We tried for US visa for my wife in Nov 2007 and Oct 2008 but was rejected. I was told my wife is currently going through Yelinati Shani. Except marraige, so far all other aspects of my life are good. Well settled and reached good position at young age. I am trying my best to keep up the marraige but almost feel like it is broken now. Please kindly analyse our hosrocope and advise if we are compatable or better to have separate paths


    My Horoscope:

    D.O.B 26th Feb 1974

    Time: 1.05 pm

    Place of Birth: Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh, India)

    My Wife:

    D.O.B 23rd June 1977

    Time: 4.30 pm

    Place of Birth: Anakapelle (Andhra Pradesh, India)


    1) How will be our marraied life? How long will it last

    2) Do I have divorce/re-marraige in my life

    3) If we continue, when will we live together (US or India)

    4) Any details on children

    Thanks in advance for your anlysis and Guidance

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