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Posts posted by daisy67

  1. Hi, I'm not sure, but if anyone is able to help me on this matter i would be very grateful. Last night / this morning i dreamt of Laxmi ma. I was walking through my local town centre and there was a parade/procession going on. I seen Laxmi ma on a chariot type vehicle and i managed to make my way towards her fighting a very busy crowd. When i got to her, she stepped down off her chariot, totally illuminated & vibrant looking, smiled at me and blessed me. She then handed me some pink flowers. The procession carried on someone in my dream told me that she will be back again and i can see her again. Anyway, some time later she came and gone, but i had missed her the second time. My friend in my dream said i was lucky enough to have seen her once already. So, i think my dream had ended at this point.

    Now, this may sound a little sceptical, but was this really a sign of a blessing? Currently i am doing the Laxmi Ma Vrat every Fridays and i had been discussing with my mother the preparation for the final ceremony. Could this dream be of my sub conscious mind, or could it be that Laxmi Mata did come in my dream for a meaning?

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