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Posts posted by tiwarisandeep

  1. Daily I chant amoghshiv kavach since last 6-7 months, now I do not even have to look at the page and read. It was referred to me by our family pandit ji. I never knew as why I am reading the same, thanks for posting importance of chanting the same daily.


    But what I read is different from the one you've mentioned & goes like ---


    Om namoh bhagwate shadashivaai sakal,

    Tatvamakai sakal, tatva viharaya sakal,

    lokek hatre sakal, lokek gurveh sakal,

    lokek hatre sakal, lokek bhatre sakal

    lokek sakshino sakal, nigamguhai sakal

    sakal varpradaye sakal duritatriya bhajnai sakal



    & ends with

    sadashivai namaste namaste namaste.


    If you can help me telling the difference b/w both the one, would be very helpful.





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