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Posts posted by varunarora01


    I have been told to wear Diamond. I am already wearing Emerald. Currently, I am facing problems wrt my job. Planning to get married in 2010.

    Please tell me should I start wearing a diamond. As diamond is believed to have strong effect positive/ negative and diamond being very costly. Please advise me whether should i wear diamond and on the right time to start wearing a diamond?

    and what can be the potential benefits of weraing diamond.?



    My Birth Details are:

    DOB:02 June 1981

    Time:1315 hours

    Place: Delhi


    Can someone please help me in this..





    what is the problem for which you want to wear a gemstone ?

    Currently I am facing problems wrt to Job.Since December 2008 there have been considerable tension from my work front. Now there are rumors that company will be firing people in june/ july 2009. Job tension coupled with pressure to get married from my parents are the focus areas.

  3. I have been told to wear Diamond. I am already wearing Emerald. Currently, I am facing problems wrt my job. Planning to get married in 2010.

    Please tell me should I start wearing a diamond. As diamond is believed to have strong effect positive/ negative and diamond being very costly. Please advise me whether should i wear diamond and on the right time to start wearing a diamond?

    and what can be the potential benefits of weraing diamond.?



    My Birth Details are:

    DOB:02 June 1981

    Time:1315 hours

    Place: Delhi

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