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Posts posted by jems

  1. Pujya Gurajans,

    I have done some predictions for myself on the basis of dual transit.

    Because of dual transit virgo sign will be affected by both saturn and jupiter.

    Virgo is my 9th house in birth chart and moon chart also.

    Jupiter is 12th lord and currently I am running under dasha of rahu-jupiter.

    In dasamsa jupiter is with rahu and is in 7th house.

    12th and lagna lord saturn is in 10th house.

    So I am predicting that I will get chance to go to abroad due to this transit.

    Please comment on my predictions.


    My Birth details are :

    Date :11/10/1986

    place :morvi,gujarat

    gender :female

  2. Respected sadhu ji,

    Please help me.

    I am also learning astrology.

    But my navamsa is too difficult to predict.

    I am having taurus navamsa.

    7th lord of navamsa is mars and is placed with rahu in 11th house (pisces).

    And it is aspected by ketu.

    Rahu and ketu are "vargottama" planets.

    The biggest confusion is, how will they effect?

    Jupiter is in aries in 12th house of navamsa.

    there is a "parivartana yoga" between mars and jupiter in navamsa.

    In rashi chart jupiter is put in 2nd house and in navamsa it is in 12th house.

    Does it indicate that I will earn money in foreign or something else.


    Birth Detail :

    date : 11/10/1986

    time : 14:45

    Place :morvi(morbi) , gujarat,india

    gender :female

    Education : Computer Engineer

    Profession : Working in MNC,Pune

  3. Hi,

    I am learning astrology.

    I have done some predictions about me.

    Please tell me whether they are right or wrong.


    Birth Detail :

    date : 11/10/1986

    time : 14:45

    Place :morvi(morbi) , gujarat,india

    gender :female

    Education : Computer Engineer

    Profession : Working in MNC,Pune


    As per my analysis

    I am currently running under rahu-jupiter dasha.

    jupiter is my 3rd and 12th lord.

    and placed at 2nd house.

    saturn is in 11th house.

    in dasamsa jupiter is with rahu.

    saturn and jupiter are responsible for foreign travel according to dasamsa and navamsa also.

    Now, saturn is transiting in virgo on 10 sep,

    on 16 sep sun will transit in virgo and it will be there with mercury.

    I am expecting chance of foreign travel by that time.

    but venus will transit to virgo on 10 th october.

    so at that time saturn,sun,venus and mercury will be together.

    so it will also again create a chance of travel.

    I am unable to find the direction of travel.

    Please tell me whether I am right or wrong.

    And add your valuable comments.

    Please mail me all details on jemini11oct@.co.in


    Thanks in advance.

  4. Respected Gurus,

    Please help me.

    I am learning astrology.

    But my kundli is too complicated to predict for a begineer.

    I am giving my details.

    Please tell me what to predict.

    Date and time of Birth : 11/10/1986 , 14:45

    Place : Morbi(morvi) ,Gujarat, India

    Gender : Female


    Please help me in solving following questions :

    1)Do I have love marriage or arrange?

    2)Time of marriage

    3)Do I have "kal sarpa yoga"?

    4)chances of foreign travel


    According to my analysis :

    lagna chart :

    Moon and Mars are in capricorn and in lagna.

    Moon is the 7th lord.

    Moon and Mars are aspecting 7th house.

    Sun and ketu(in virgo) are in 9th house.

    Rahu(in pises) is in 3rd house.

    lagna lord saturn in 11th and aspecting 5th house.

    Atmakarka is Venus.


    Navamsa :

    Taurus lagna and venus in navamsa lagna.

    Sun at 4th but in its own sign.

    7th lord mars(in pisces) is with (debilitated and vargottama) rahu.

    Ketu(vargottama) is at 5th (in virgo) and aspecting mars and rahu.

    There is "parivartana yoga" between 11th(lord jupiter )and 12th lord (lord mars).



    <!-- / message -->

  5. Hi,

    I am learning astrology.

    But my kundli is too complicated to predict for a begineer.

    I am giving my details.

    Please tell me what to predict.

    Date and time of Birth : 11/10/1986 , 14:45

    Place : Morbi(morvi) ,Gujarat, India

    Gender : Female


    Please help me in solving following questions :

    1)Do I have love marriage or arrange?

    2)Time of marriage

    3)Do I have "kal sarpa yoga"?

    4)chances of foreign travel


    According to my analysis :

    lagna chart :

    Moon and Mars are in capricorn and in lagna.

    Moon is the 7th lord.

    Moon and Mars are aspecting 7th house.

    Sun and ketu(in virgo) are in 9th house.

    Rahu(in pises) is in 3rd house.

    lagna lord saturn in 11th and aspecting 5th house.

    Atmakarka is Venus.


    Navamsa :

    Taurus lagna and venus in navamsa lagna.

    Sun at 4th but in its own sign.

    7th lord mars(in pisces) is with (debilitated and vargottama) rahu.

    Ketu(vargottama) is at 5th (in virgo) and aspecting mars and rahu.

    There is "parivartana yoga" between 11th(lord jupiter )and 12th lord (lord mars).

  6. Please tell me time (date) and kind (love or arrange) of my marriage.


    My details are given below.


    TIME OF BIRTH - 14:45

    DATE OF BIRTH - 11/10/1986

    PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY. - Morvi(morbi)/gujarat/India

    SEX - female


    Your current status : Service

    Educational background : BE (comp)



    Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember : My brother's born (very goooood)

    Family background : daddy is electrical engineer, government employee

    Father : Service

    Mother : house wive

    Brothers :younger

    his TIME OF BIRTH - 07:50

    his DATE OF BIRTH - 19/07/1997

    his PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY. - kadi/gujarat/India

    Sisters : younger

    her TIME OF BIRTH - 17:45

    her DATE OF BIRTH - 06/09/1990

    her PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY. - Bhuj/gujarat/India

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