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Posts posted by Dom

  1. Theist, if your asking about Bahai.....the analagy is often used, that the soul is like a mirror, that reflects the Lord's light, the cleaner the mirror is, the better the reflection, and the closer to the Lord you are. Bahai's don't believe in God on earth, just a manifistation of his divine presence, which is really God on earth if you think about it. I think that also, the Lord has always been a concious creator, and a personal God, we may not understand his ways because he is divine substance, which is the reason he doesn't manifest directly, why would he? This goes a bit hand in hand with Christian ideology about God the father as well.


    P.S. This is not an attack on Krshna, so please lets discuss.

  2. I think Bahai faith is a step in our collective evolution as a society and people. Although I do respect and honor anything I learn from Krshna, and I hold it very close to my heart as Truth. I think before we as a planet, can truly free ourselves from materialism, we are going to start slow. What I really think Bahai is, is a way to a eutopian society, and I am thorougly convinced that the bahai faith is truly the future. Which shouldn't threaten devotees, because the Bahai's preach truth from all religions, and it seems that most of the core of both religion's teachings are the same.

  3. "This bahaula is an eclectic religious attempt to expend over the world (for what reasons whatever) which defintely laks the purity of message."


    Anadi, I am very curious about your view. What in particular do you think the Bahai motivation is? It sounds like you think it is somehow sinister. And also you believe it to lack purity? And whats wrong with a world religion? Perhaps we might finally find the elusive Eutopia in that way.


  4. I know that most of you here are devotees of Hindu ideologies, but for me the phrase"a guest is as good as God" sounds very simple. It reminds me of the teachings of Jesus Christ....."What so ever you do to the least of my people, that you do onto me."


    Although the ultimate goal is of course detachment from the world, in a sense not loving or hating anything. Love is the best course of action in this world right now.

  5. Recently, I have shared my thoughts on homosexuality with people that were contrary to my view. My ideas are religious in nature. The discussion has caused me to think about this issue much more closely, and I'm curious to know what the devotees think about this issue. I am starting to think, that it is so complicated and so controversial that I should just stop thinking about it all together, since it doesn't have much to do with me directly. I think this is a good way to go. But I wonder what the Lord thinks about homosexuality.

  6. I disagree with this from my own personal experience. I worked at a GNC in the past and I was a regular user of ephedra. I suffer from anxiety and ephedra often times aggitated my condition. I believe that ephedra can activate a psychotic reaction, for those that may have a problem with mental balance. I also used it in order to stay up late, or all night, to study. I remember one particular time after being on ephedra all night and driving to school, my heart started to palipitate strongly and my arms became numb while my head became light headed. I was so scared I thought I would have to pull over and call an ambulance. After I got to school it took at least an hour for my body to stabilize, but still the effects were strong. Perhaps some with stronger bodys can handle some of the negative effects than others, but it is definetly dangerous.


    Shiva? Why is everything a conspiracy, can't things be the way they are sometimes?

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