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Posts posted by kirandeep

  1. Name- Kiran

    D.O.B. 19sep1982

    Time- 1:05PM (approximate time)

    Place- 29N46 77E15


    My career is going no where and marriage is also not happening. My family is not supporting me and i have lost my desire to live. I always face many obstacles in achieving even small things. i know i have kaal sarp yoga in my kundli. I always had strong will power but now i feel low and inferior.

    i want to know when i ll get married and will it be in abroad or in india? will it be love or arrange marriage? besides this i wanna know when my career will get right direction? i hope for a reply. thank you!





    Aries: Anything, as long as it's got a lot of energy!

    Taurus: A turtle: it¹s slow-moving, doesn¹t need a lot of attention, and won¹t compete with its owner for food.

    Gemini: A talking parrot; need I say more? Well, of course I do, but--

    Cancer: Anything, as long as it needs to be nurtured

    Leo: A big, bold, ferocious feline, as long as it doesn¹t compete with its owner¹s place in the sun.

    Virgo: Let¹s see, I have to get up at 7:30 to feed it, let it out at 7:45, at 10:00 I need to go to the grocery store to pick up three cans of food, which will cost $3.86, including tax--

    Libra: Hm, good question. One the one hand, a dog is active, affectionate, and companionable. On the other hand, a cat is pretty independent and won¹t require as much time and attention. Oh, I don¹t know. What would you do? Are you sure?

    Scorpio: A cat. Secretive, mysterious, and unpredictable? What¹s there not to like?

    Sagittarius: A horse, of course! Let¹s hope it¹s got enough stamina to keep up with me.

    Capricorn: Do I have to pay for it?

    Aquarius: A hamster. First, I¹ve got to set up a detailed cage with tubes going from here to here, and an energy sensor--they don¹t make anything like that? That¹s okay, I¹m sure what I come up with will be much better.

    Pisces: Fish. When their owner forgets about them for weeks on end, they¹re easy to replace. If Pisces remembers to replace them...

  3. he he he he...........i liked ur line atul ......he he he he he

    dear actually i am interested in astrology...and truely when i got someone like u here..... i just wanna eat all your brain..by asking all the things....dont mind!

    honestly i ll bother u with my full energy untill u clearify my all doubts...he he he he


    so starts working now on my chart...right now...he he he he...dont mind...don't mean to hurt u..LOL!

  4. hi software_riaz,


    i read you suggestions to DY1. i m also interested in gemstones and i completely agree that there are some combination of gems tht is nt suitable...for example as u said moti and diamonds are enemies...

    once i read this somewhere that if-


    someone wearing heera- should not wear ruby, moti,munga, topaz.

    someone wearing neelam- should not wear ruby,moti,munga,topaz.

    someone wearing moti- should not wear heera,panna,neelam,gomed,kates eye.

    someone wearing pukhraj-should not wear heera,neelam,gomed,kates eye.

    someone wearing munga- should not wear neelam,panna,heera,gomed,kates eye

    someone wearing gomed- should not wear rubi,munga,moti.


    riaz,i would like to know ur comments on above said.


    in one another thread i askd u about yellow sapphire? im sorry for my mistake..i was not aware tht yellow sapphire is called pukhraj in hindi.


    take care






    ARIES: "Dear God! Give me PATIENCE and I want it NOW !"

    TAURUS: "Dear God, please help me accept CHANGE in my life, but NOT YET."

    GEMINI: "Yo God...(or is it Goddess?)...Who are you?...What are you?.....Where are You?.....How many of you ARE there? I can't figure you out!"

    CANCER: "Dear Daddy, I know I shouldn't depend on you so much, but you're the only One I can count on while my security blanket is at the cleaners."

    LEO: "Hi, Pop! I'll bet you're really proud to have me as your kid!"

    VIRGO: "Dear God, please make the world a better place, and don't screw it up like you did the last time."

    LIBRA: "Dear God, I know I should make decisions for myself. But, on the other hand, what do YOU think?"

    SCORPIO: "Dear God, help me forgive my enemies, even if the bastards don't deserve it."


    CAPRICORN: "Dear Father, I was going to pray, but I guess I ought to figure things out for myself. Thanks anyway."

    AQUARIUS: "Hi God! Some say you're a man. Some say you're a woman. I say we're ALL God. So, why pray? Let's have a party!"

    PISCES: "Heavenly Father, as I prepare to consume this last fifth of Scotch to drown out my pain and sorrow, may my inebriation be for Thy greater Honor and Glory."





    Aries: "Okay, let's do it again!"

    Taurus: "I'm hungry--pass the pizza."

    Gemini: "Have you seen the remote?"

    Cancer: "When are we getting married?"

    Leo: "Wasn't I fantastic?"

    Virgo: "I need to wash the sheets."

    Libra: "I liked it if you liked it."

    Scorpio: "Perhaps I should untie you."

    Sagittarius: "Don't call me--I'll call you."

    Capricorn: "Do you have a business card?"

    Aquarius: "Now let's try it with our clothes off!"

  7. hi atul, how r u?


    thank u for ur message.. i ll follow ur remedies... and will tell u more events of life. hope these will help u to corelate with correct birth time.


    i got injury in my right eye between april last week and before 8th may 1992.

    i had blood infection in 1993 and was taken to doctor in august month of 1993,

    my father passed away on 19th april 2004. i went usa in mid oct 2004 and came back in first week of nov. 2004. i had really bad fights with friends around january 2004.

    in november,december 2006 n january 2007 i was in depression..and got one threatning call.. and filed police case..met high ranking police officers.


    i met MR. Bill clinton in india in march-april 2001,

    on 1st december 2007 i met jagdish tytlor (politician). on 4th february 2009 i met rahul gandhi.


    i hope this information will help you. and you will corelate the events with my chart. i ll ask about gems to other astrologers when you give me certificate of my correct birthtime..he he he he... cz as i told u more events so birth time may change...


    thank u and take care



  8. <table id="post1134083" class="tborder" width="100%" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td style="border-top: 1px solid rgb(207, 207, 207); border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(207, 207, 207);" class="alt1" id="td_post_1134083">following is the link from where i got these principles.. i can not reply any private message cz of some technical problem...




    whats ur view on my chart regarding these principles?



    <!-- / message --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-right: 1px solid rgb(207, 207, 207); background-color: rgb(239, 239, 239);" class="alt1">


    <!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: postbit_onlinestatus -->

    user_online.gif <!-- END TEMPLATE: postbit_onlinestatus --> reputation.gif <!-- [sTART HACK='vB Pager' AUTHOR='UAEWEB.COM' VERSION='3.0.3' CHANGEID= 7 ] --> <!-- [END HACK='vB Pager' AUTHOR='UAEWEB.COM' VERSION='3.0.3' CHANGEID= 7 ] --> report.gif


    </td> <td class="alt1" align="right"> <!-- controls --> quote.gif</td></tr></tbody></table>

  9. hey riaz.....


    hw r u?


    im really sorry to bother u again... actually there was some confusion about my birth time..so tht is clear now... my birthtime is around 3:30pm

    i request you if it is possible for u and if u have time cn u please see yogas in my chart by changing birth time..to 3:30pm and pls dnt chk divisional charts cz its nt exact time...its around 3:30pm


    sorry to bother u again...


    thank u dear



  10. hey riazzzzzzzzzzzz....sorry to bother u again...as i hv mentioned in another thread also abt my birth time confusion ..tht is clear now...

    and it is around 3:30pm

    now i request u again 2see 7th house in new chart by changing time to 3:00pm...you know everyone wna know about marriage and future husband or wife... i myself has not predicted my new chart ....i ll also analyse it n request u to analyse...and suggest remedies...


    thank u dear



  11. hey riazzzzzzzzzzzz....sorry to bother u again...as i hv mentioned in another thread also abt my birth time confusion ..tht is clear now...

    and it is around 3:30pm

    now i request u again 2see 7th house in new chart by changing time to 3:00pm...you know everyone wna know about marriage and future husband or wife... i myself has not predicted my new chart ....i ll also analyse it n request u to analyse...and suggest remedies...


    thank u dear



  12. hey riaz.....


    hw r u?


    im really sorry to bother u again... actually there was some confusion about my birth time..so tht is clear now... my birthtime is around 3:30pm

    i request you if it is possible for u and if u have time cn u please see yogas in my chart by changing birth time..to 3:30pm and pls dnt chk divisional charts cz its nt exact time...its around 3:30pm


    sorry to bother u again...


    thank u dear



  13. dear atul,

    this was a very difficult thing to co-relate the events happend in with planetary movements and position... im proud that you gave such a wonderful explanation...dudh ka dudh aur pani ka pani kiya hai....


    im agree with you ...i was born around 3:30


    my personality- im lazy,agressive,authoritative,proudy,logical. i like action movies a lot..but in reality i dnt like war...(u r very correct), im lucky sometimes,sometimes unlucky(very true), in my childhood i was very well built...now im slim trim(lol)


    but my color is not dark ..in fact it is very fair..(i dnt think we shud giv much weightage to it)...


    Study- till 5th class it ws fine, from 6th to 10th it was ok, from 11 to 12th extremely bad.. i faild twice in 12th cz i ws unable to understand english..

    i did my b.a by correspondence and doing masters by correspondence.

    while doing b.a. i did c.sc and office management diploma(that was good time)... suddenly at end 2005 i decided to go for IAS cz after father's death in road accident my family dint allow me to study further.. but i was very determin to go f4 study.. in december 2005 i was in extreme depression and had panic attack. thn doctors suggested my family to allow me to study further..so im studying today..

    you see many changes in my career line... so u r correct..i hope now with my new birth time 3:30 you can predict about my future career about IAS and politics..

    finances and career- you hv mentioned this kaal sarp yog is affecting my career... can u advise me some remedies for tht? and for how long i have to face obstacles in career..how will be coming 3years?


    health- i got injury in right eye in 1992. rest things are very correct.i had hormonal imbalance in 2006 tht affected my internal rep. organs. now tht is fine.

    family- yeah my mom has serious problem..she cnt walk straight..she hs sm backbone prblm,she is alwys mentaly tensd on small issues.. but honestly i hv chngd my attitude now..aftr reading ur lines.she did so mch for me..and im so bad tht i gave her so mch pain...she faced difficlty during my birth time also.

    Wn my mom ws pregnant(i ws grwing inside) my parents dint want me to cm in this world cz thy were satisfied with their two children(my two eldr brthrs), so thy tried for abortion..but everyone find one thing strange tht no medicine workd...and finally doctor said to my mom..the one who has to come on earth will come....so everyone says tht i took birth forcefully... and nw wn im in this world ...getting everything forcefully...

    marriage- you are extremely true abt this love affair thing...i appreciate ur knowlege.. great! i nvr had boyfriend. i just had one sided love always.. those who lovd me,i nvr loved thm and those to whom i lvd, thy nevr loved me. and truly no one beliv this thing tht i nvr had boyfrnd cz i look very beautiful and attractive(kabhi kabhi apni taarif kar leni chahiye..LOL).

    ok my marriage is late...i ll be glad if u pls predict abt my husband...and will it be intercast? (though whn love is not happening how it cn b intercaste?no logic..LOL)


    my father was suffering with some disease..but he died in a road accident.


    atul i am wearing topaz in index finger of right hand.. this was advised by an astrologer in 2007..but at tht time my chart was made by assuming my birth time 2:00pm.


    now as we hv cm to the conclusion tht my right birth time is 3:30.. so can u thoroughly predict about my new chart. im really not getting anything after 2005. going to give exam in 2010. and would like to know about my marriage now.. i know its a lot of work for u..but i know u enjoy doing this otherwise y u ll spend so much time in writing so many things abt my chart? isnt? u r helping me a lot.. and i cnt repay emotion debts..

    take your time and please help me and advise me to come out of this situation.. although i nvr giv up.. but if astrological things can decrease th obstacls, no harm in trying...


    take care dear



  14. hi im kiran

    dob- 19sep1982

    time-around 3:30p.m.

    place-29N46 77E15


    does following principles of astrology shows intercaste/inerreligion marriage in my chart?

    1. Principle I: For males, Venus should be afflicted by Saturn, Rahu or Ketu. In charts of females, Jupiter should come under separating influence of Saturn, Rahu or Ketu.
    2. Principle II: Fifth or seventh house should be afflicted by Saturn. Saturn in fifth house has a special influence and significance on inter religion marriages because from the fifth house, Saturn’s 3rd drishti would be automatically be on the seventh house.
    3. Principle III: Ninth house and its lord should be affected by Trik bhavas and their lords. Since one is going “against” his/her religion, there should be some bad effect seen on the ninth house. Additionally, ninth house should be afflicted by Rahu/Ketu.
    4. Principle IV: Seventh house and its lord should be connected with a debilitated planet or Rahu/Ketu.
    hope for a reply


    thank you



  15. hey riazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................what should i say! i have become emotional...i always say my mom that i dont wana get married...cz my heart also says tht i ll not b able to do justice with my husband... and can you beliv i never had any boyfriend.. i can not bear male ego and dominance and im considered as very different from other girls..im not at all romantic..and i love my privacy..i dont like any boundation..i m more career oriented..wana bcm an IAS and after some time a politician...so obviously no boy likes me.he he he..male dominating society...(dont mind)


    i have topaz on my right hand index finger cz guru mahadasha is going on and i hv sagittarius lagna.. im also learning astrology..so as far as i know sapphire is not advised to someone having sagittarius lagna. and other thing is tht its price will be high (im a student..cnt afford....offff)...

    yeah but copper bangle i ll buy surely...

    im wearing topaz is it ok wearing copper bangle with it? and clear my doubt about sapphire for sagittarius lagna...


    thanx dear

  16. hi im kiran

    dob- 19sep1982

    time-around 3:30p.m.

    place-29N46 77E15


    does following principles of astrology shows intercaste/inerreligion marriage in my chart?


    1. Principle I: For males, Venus should be afflicted by Saturn, Rahu or Ketu. In charts of females, Jupiter should come under separating influence of Saturn, Rahu or Ketu.
    2. Principle II: Fifth or seventh house should be afflicted by Saturn. Saturn in fifth house has a special influence and significance on inter religion marriages because from the fifth house, Saturn’s 3rd drishti would be automatically be on the seventh house.
    3. Principle III: Ninth house and its lord should be affected by Trik bhavas and their lords. Since one is going “against” his/her religion, there should be some bad effect seen on the ninth house. Additionally, ninth house should be afflicted by Rahu/Ketu.
    4. Principle IV: Seventh house and its lord should be connected with a debilitated planet or Rahu/Ketu.
    hope for a reply


    thank you



  17. hi


    im kirandeep

    dob. 19sep1982

    time- 2:00pm

    place- 29N46 77E15


    in my chart rahu is in 7th house and it is aspected by mars,saturn,jupiter.

    i read somewhere that jupiter's aspect on any melefic planet will control the bad effects of that planet. i am learning astrology and a bit confused in understanding 7th house. although i was told by many astrologers that there is delay in marriage and it will be arrange marriage and there will be great dispute in marriage life.. and my career will effect married life. and other thing is that 4planets are in 10th house. and i know it becomes difficult to interpret such charts...

    but i request all those who knows anything about astrology to analyze my chart and share ur knowledge...


    thank you



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