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Posts posted by vishwasgaur2005

  1. Dear Worried Mom,


    Do not worry. The predictions based on your data provided is enclosed. There is not much indicated as per your charts. The destiny is inevitable and no one can change it. Astrology can only caution about the future events. That is like someone telling you that road ahead is slippery and you are going to fall. Once you know that and even if you fall the damage caused can be controlled or minimised. Only your good karma can provide you the cushioning effect. So remain to be humane. Once again do not worry God is Great.


    God Bless!


    PS - The predictions can not be uploaded as it is exceeding the max permissible limit. If interested you can send the email on which both yours and your daughter predictions can be forwarded.



  2. You have an aggressive spirit and have interest in social work and political activities. You may join military service and your life will changeful and remarkable in many ways. You have academic accomplishment far above average and Masters degree or equivalent. You may remain associated with education related activities. You have a tendency of tied down to same place for which you may lose some distant opportunities. You need to guard against head injuries. 5 Ratti green emerald in gold ring worn on right hand small finger on Wednesday should benifit you. God Bless! email: vishwasgaur2005@.co.in

  3. The chart analysis shows both of you are compatible and score 26.5 on compatibility. The lady needs to be more practical as the male is quite aggressive and dominating and wants the domestic affairs to be run his way. You appear to be better that is what hurts man's ego and uses other ways to show superiority. You consider him to be lazy and inefficient wherein he considers you to be self centered. You need to boost his morale and help in organizing without making it evident. 3- 5 ratti of Ruby in gold ring on the right hand finger on Sunday will be favorable for you. Stars for children are not very favourable for both of you and require patience and prayers. Second marriage of your husband was predictable. Have faith in God and things will definitely work out fine. God Bless!

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