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manju mukesh

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Posts posted by manju mukesh

  1. Respected all,


    This is really strange.....when I have consulted with 3-4 very reputed astrologers they all told me that his & mine chart are perfect...just there is some financial problem and struggle in his chart.....but none predicted death or accident......one thing all astrologers said.....that my husband should not go to any temple or any religious place as it will be not good for him.....but he was very spiritual.....when he died.....there is not even a sctrach on his body...he was smiling....and his face was glowing like anything even after 36 hours......though he died on spot within a second.....I was not conscious for 3 days....but my friends told me all this.....


    I really wonder if there was something in my or his kundali....atleast we have done something to correct it.....some pooja or any other remedy.....

  2. Respected all,


    In my marriage....horoscopes are not matched.....but after marriage we have consulted with many good asrologers.....no one told me that my husband will die in short span of time.....or there is indication of accidents in his horoscope......but I lost him after 7 yrs of marriage in a tragic accident......I wish someone told me abt it...and any solution for avoiding this.....one thing I did notice that his lifeline was very short, but same with his mom....and she died at the age of 49....just after 7 months of his death.....


    I really wanted to know that Kundali gives us the time of death???? and if yes...is there any pooja or solution to avoid the same????


    My late husband DOB-7.9.1978.....Strangely no one told me about any chances of losing him like this....





  3. thanx all of u for replying & going through charts.........but my husband don't beleive in god & as I am not living with him....how can I help him out.....If my mother in law was alive, I cud have taken her help.....


    above all he is very abusive towards me, If I told him all this he won;t beleive in that.....I will start sundarkand path from today itself, For me it is very difficult to tackle my life......life is really very difficult....my collegues & my relatives all qs me why I am living in PG.....it has been just 6 months to your marriage.....for society it's all girl's fault.......she must know how to adjust......each new day brings more challenges into my life.......you all help me through your interpretations.......thanx for that......I will try to improve my karmas accordingly......





  4. Thanx Ravi ji for your detail analysis,

    I am sorry it is <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:date Month=02-10-2008 & yes my first husband & my timings of birth are same.</st1:date>

    Birth details of first husband- 07/09/1978

    Birth details of second husband – <st1:date Month="11" Day="24" Year="1981">24/11/1981</st1:date>

    Your own birth details – <st1:date Month="4" Day="18" Year="1982">18/04/1982</st1:date>

    Date of first marriage – <st1:date Month="11" Day="26" Year="2001">26/11/2001</st1:date>

    Date of second marriage – <st1:date Month="2" Day="10" Year="2008">02/10/2008</st1:date>

    Date of accident – <st1:date Month="8" Day="1" Year="2008">08/01/2008</st1:date>

    Date when your first husband died – <st1:date Month="8" Day="1" Year="2008">08/01/2008</st1:date>

    Date when your sis in law (Devrani) died – <st1:date Month="1" Day="18" Year="2008">18/01/2008</st1:date>

    Date when your mother in law died – <st1:date Month="8" Day="31" Year="2008">31/08/2008</st1:date>

    How many people were in the car? – 5 people( My husband. Myself, my sister in law , and my 2 brother in law)

    Who was driving it? ( My brother in law- my second husband)

    Were you there in the car? – yes, and I was badly injured, totally bed-ridden for 3 months.

    Was you mother in law in the car? No

    Do you have any kids from first marriage? No, and all test results were fine, there is little problem in my husband’s report.

    Does your second husband have any kids from his first marriage? No, as he got married on <st1:date Month="4" Day="28" Year="2007">28/04/2007</st1:date>, it was just 8 months to his marriage.

    How was your married life with first husband before he died? – We, were facing financial problems, as he was not well settled in his business, otherwise our personal life is good, there was lot of understanding between both of us.

    Was it good and peaceful?- yes it was just like a fairytale marriage, he cares for me, and we were the best couple around.

    My second husband is very abusive & violent, yes he did hit me once, but he was not like that before my marriage with him, he was the one who proposed me for marriage, I was not at all ready for it, then when all family members told me that you have known this family for 9 years, it is better to settle down here, than to trust new ppl.

    But after marriage his attitude changed dramatically, sometimes he is extra nice, sometimes he is very very abusive. My father in law also get re married In feb-09, he has sold our house & our shop and invested the money in property business, My husband is idle now, we are facing financial crunch, but I am the one who is paying rent and all, and still he throw me out of the house & threaten to kill me, he wanted divorce & seems to be involved with other girls, sometimes it also seems he is possessed with the spirit of his dead wife as his behaviour is very strange, and he was not like that before the accident. He told me that u r barren, and you will remain childless, sometimes he tell me u r manglik and everything is happening becoz of you…..

    I an living in PG, but my professional life is also affected due to all this, I am working as a Manager in a good company, and he threaten to do nuisance in my office too, if I switch off my mobile phone, he called at Landline & then abuse me……..

    I am not able to understand what is going on in my life………..


    I hope there must be some reason ....some remedy to all this problem.....and that's why I am sharing this with all of you....believe me een a small encouraging words from atul ji....or any other fellow members, help me to move on.......for me all of you are angels in disguise sent to me by GOD himself......


    Thanks & Regards



  5. thanx atul ji for your prompt reply of every query, I have shifted to PG accomodation last week, but my husband is still very abusive & violent......


    First marriage Date-26.11.2001. place- delhi


    Second marriage date -2.10.09, place -delhi.


    Ravi ji , the DOB & Time given is of my second husband.


    First husband (Mukesh) - DOB- 7.9.1978, time- 2.55 p.m., place- delhi. he died on 8.1.2008 in a car accident, my brother in law is driving the car, his wife also died 10 days later , and then when my mother in law died in august, I got married to him in october, as it was my mother in law last wish.





  6. Dear all,


    My DOB-18.4.1982, Time-2.55 p.m., Place- delhi

    My Husband DOB-24.11.1981, Time- 8.45 p.m., place- delhi.


    Some astrologers predicted that I am manglik & that's why my first husband died & all my problems which are causing troubles in my married life is due to this.........regarding the progeny issue, it's also bcoz in my horoscope..kethu is in 5th house, which is causing all this problems.......it means I am responsible for all this, which is going on in my life........pls help me clear all these confusions...........


    a) Am I manglik?

    b) Will my marriage break & result in divorce?

    c) My Proffessional life

    d) Progeny issue.

  7. Thanx all of you for ur support & guidance.........as my husband threaten me not to come back......I am oot of the house from 8.5.09.......Living at my friend's place......and nobody bothered to even find out where I am???


    Today I decided to move to PG Accomodation.......as my husband is already sending me SMS threatening me not to come back......


    I don't know what future holds for me.....but today my present is very uncertain........

  8. thanx to all of you for guiding me......it really gives me strength.....i have informed my father in law....and for 6-7 days i am going to my friend's place.........as few minutes bck....he threaten cut my hands, my legs .........this is really getting out of control........I really don't understand why God brings so much sufferings in my life.......Till date I am not able to cope with the loss of Mukesh......and now all this........I KNOW IF GOD BRINGS ME TO IT....HE WILL SURELY BRINGS ME THRU IT......

  9. My DOB 18.4.82, DELHI,02.55 P.M.

    My husband DOB 24.11.81, DELHI 08.45 P.M.


    it is second marriage for both of us........as my husband and his elder brother died in a road accident in jan 2008.

    We get married on 2.10.08.......he is very abusive & violent towards me.......he married me with his own will......but now everyday.....he threaten to leave me......after every 15-20 days.....he start behaving like this........and in the midnight he told me to leave the house other wise he will just throw me out of the house.....I am working in a good company and earning good....but What ever I earn i give it to my father in law.......my husband is not doing anything....he use to sit on the shop......but when my mither in law expires in aug 2008. we have sell our house & our shop.....now we are facing financial crisis.....but he is least bother abt that.....whole responsibility of house lies on my father in law and me........He seems to be involved with other girls also......but this emotinal trauma is just beyond my control.......he threaten to divorce me.....and he told me that i am barren.....it's better that u die otherwise i will kill you......

    I am very depressed....and for me there is no option left .....


  10. Atul ji told me after going thru the horoscope of my husband that ..........


    Venus is your husband's chart is dispositor of Gulika. Gulika is a upgraha which is highly malefic and highly devastating. Gullika's effects are seen during the dashas of the planet in whose house the gullika is situatuated.


    In your husband's chart, gullika is placed in Taurus (ruled by venus) and tarus is in 12th house. Means Gullika is placed in house of losses. Lord of Gullika is Saturn in default and also your husband's Saturn Mahadasha is running making Gullika more stronger and venus being dispositor of gullika in your husband's chart is already showing effects of gullika. Venus is placed in your 7th house (also 8th from 12th) affecting your marriage and causing unbearable discomfort to your husband.


    Another thing is that, your husband's Shani saade sati is going to start from September 2009, which may further complicate the problem till Venus subdasha doesnot end.


    The striking thing is that all the problems in his life is caused by only one planet i.e. Saturn. Mahadasha, Gullika and Saade sati all are driven by saturn. It is saturn which is making Venus harmful through gullika. So the remedies done for saturn will pacify all the problems of Shani mahadasha, Gullika with venus and shani saade sati. .........


    could u pls suggest some remedies for all this.....







    I got married in 2001......but till date i am not able to concieve.....consulted with many doctors but all results are perfectly fine......still i trust god.....yet i am mot able to understand why planets or grihas are so powerful?? are they more powerful than anything????

    after the death of Mukesh....i really got very upset....and wanted to know the cause of his death......i don't believe that he deserves to die like this??

  12. thanx a lot atul ji for your interpretations....i really appreciate your efforts for helping all of us.....knowledge is to share......and all of you are doing the same........




    i have seen lots of up & down in these 26 yrs of my life......but i m sure....if GOD brings me to it....he will surely brings me through it.....





  13. thanx a lot Atul ji for your reply...inspite of earning good ....all my money is spent on household expenses.....and within 2-3 months all my savings also vanished....we have sold out our shop our house....and living on rent.....


    My husband is very upset, due to all this...he is very stubborn....and his temper is very high......it is second marriage for both of us.....but he is not so much attached with his first wife, as his first wife nature was very different.......


    I am not able to judge him....sometimes he become extra nice....and sometime he tell me to leave the house immediately......I feel this due to witnessing three consecutive deaths in the family.....first...of my former husband and his elder brother....after 10 days his wife expired...and after 6 months my mother in law.....



    I am very scared of everything....my father in law got remarried...and after my mother in law's death he sold out our house & shop......


    My husband also wanted me to leave the job.....ans he wanted progeny....bcoz he think it will atleast improve the atmosphere of house...




    for me your response works like a healing touch or response from God.....thanx





  14. pls let me know when will my financial position improve.....I am earning very good....and my post is also good in the company.....but still...i never have a single penny in my hand......


    My husband is also not settled in the business...and he recently he suffered heavy losses in the share market....his DOB 24.11.1981, PLACE- Delhi, Time- 8.45 p.m.....he seems to be involved with some other married women also.....is it so?? does his chart depict something???

  15. To all learned & respected ,


    Tomorrow is my birthday.....My DOB 18.4.1982, place -delhi , time 2.55 pm

    My Husband DOB 24.11.1981, place-delhi, time-8.45 pm


    I have seen lot of ups & down in 2008, pls tell me abt my future, specially progeny related & martial relationships, health & job related & family related issues.

    waiting frm reply frm ur side.


    Thanks & regards



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