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Posts posted by kakaroto

  1. Hello

    My name is fernando,


    1. Date, place, time of birth: march, 25, 1972. 8:30pm. Huancayo-Peru
    2. Your gender, current location: male. ann arbor, michigan, USA
    3. profession: PH.D. student in quantitative research methods in education.
    4. family details: married, only 1 son. he was born in 2004. he will be attending kindergarden soon.
    5. details of how many siblings: i have 3 siblings. i am the oldest, one lives in japan, my sister and other brother live in lima peru
    6. details of parents: mother and father live in lima peru.
    7. i am having problems at grad school. i am a ph.d student and i cannot advanced in my program. i finished all the course work but i cannot work on the dissertation. i feel that something is keeping me behind. i am not feeling well and i cannot concentrate on my studies. is there something that i could do to help me focus in my studies? perhpas a specific mantra to chant or other things.
    thank you very much
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