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Posts posted by ashishjunejahr

  1. Sirs, sorry my year of birth is 1982. 6th july 1982



    Dear sirs,


    I am non manglik with folowing details

    date of birth: 06-07-1983

    time: 03:45 am

    place: roorkee


    Girl's details:

    date of birth: 12-11-1982

    time: 04:35 am

    place: kashipur


    please tell me if i can go ahead with this match. If i cannot what are the implications of such a marriage.





  2. Dear Sir,


    I have malavyya yoga i have checked. Please guide what great it will belifit. I have tauras ascendant with Venus in the Lagna.


    Please please guide looking at my details.....


    6th July 1982

    Time: 03:45 AM

    Place: Meerut




    Ashish Juneja

  3. Dear Sir,


    Please guide me what are the possibilites of me entering the Civil service. I am preparing for UPSC/State civil services. I left my job in 2007 after doing my PGDBM in 2005 and didn't get good campus offer also. Since then I am just teaching part time basis in Roorkee to earn some money for self support for books etc. When will I be able to achieve my goal? I have taken admission in MA economics also to write UGC-Net and writing UPSC with same suject. I want to score high in MA economics also. I will be writing IES and SSC papers also.


    sometimes i feel my life to be very simple but sometimes very much complicated.


    Please please guide looking at my details.....


    6th July 1982

    Time: 03:45 AM

    Place: Meerut




    Ashish Juneja

  4. Dear Sir,


    Please guide me what are the possibilites of me entering the Civil service. I am preparing for UPSC/State civil services. I left my job in 2007 after doing my PGDBM in 2005 and didn't get good campus offer also. Since then I am just teaching part time basis in Roorkee to earn some money for self support for books etc. When will I be able to achieve my goal? I have taken admission in MA economics also to write UGC-Net and writing UPSC with same suject. I want to score high in MA economics also.


    sometimes i feel my life to be very simple but sometimes very much complicated.


    Please please guide looking at my details.....


    6th July 1982

    Time: 03:45 AM

    Place: Meerut




    Ashish Juneja




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