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Posts posted by abhaygoel1973

  1. What is implied by Parivartana between 10th and 12th lord also in Navamsa.


    Also what is implication of parivartan yoga of 4th and 5th lord in Chalit (sripati) chart


    1) This person has Parivartana yoga between 10th and 12th lord in Navamsa. As well as Parivartna between 4th and 5th lord in Chalit chart


    DOB : 04-05-2002

    Time : 01:20 am

    Place : New Delhi


    What does Parivartana yoga between 6th and 8th lord in Navamsa imply ?

  2. Hello Amatuer, Mylilangel,


    I want to ask a question.


    I am going through a slightly rough period right now with work pressure, lack of results, uncertain future etc. Transits seem to suggest two views - that this would last till September, or this would last till April.


    Also - how would you rate Mercury and Sun in my chart. Mercury is lord of 9th and 12th , while Sun is lord of 11th. Both are however located in 7th house which is owned by Mars.

  3. on reflection I think that while the period 1988 to 1996 was very bad, the period 2000-2002 was great deal of mental suffering but not career and finances were actually not so bad, perhaps even sort of sheltered.


    In my varshphal chart, end May to early July Rahu is very bad for me (2nd House). views ?

  4. Hi,


    Not sure Saturn is a yogakaraka for me despite Libra connection. Can u check that again - is it in the correct position ?.


    I think venus is combust but not mercury


    my most negetive periods were 1989 to 1990 (very bad for education), 1993 to 1996 (very bad for education), 2000 to 2002 - especially from August 2001 (very bad for job).


    I have been told that the 2009 year could be very bad for me although opinion is very divergent on that.


    I also may have a dahiya currently ?


    thanks to both of you to take time out to provide me assistance.

  5. thanks for this


    My sade satti problems were mainly career related last time, however were partly mitigated. When I lost a job I found a new one in one week but I lost that too after a few months.


    I have a Rahu Antardashs starting in two days - in 3rd house and debiliated. There are very conflicting views on my 2009 prognosis as well. Any views ?

  6. Hi


    My particulars are below


    dob : 05-05-1973

    time: 18:10

    place : New Delhi


    My rahu antardasha starts in a few days. My understanding is that it is debiliated and in 3rd house. I also seem to have a sani Dahiya running.


    Is the Rahu antardasha good for me. Are there any other factors which make the antardash bad ?

  7. Thanks for the reply


    Past sade sathis were quite devastating.


    I was given to understand that my Saturn is in 8th house (not sure but I heard it somewhere) and therefore adverse. However you seem to think otherwise and that the dasa would be favourable.

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