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Posts posted by msabhi




    Your Jupiter as a lord of 10th is currently in neecha position and may delay or failure in getting suitable job. Please check that the quality of Emerald is good and not oiled. I am not sure how did you wear it? It is to be on a proper day and timing of wearing is extremely important to get better results. But to me Emerald has alredy helped you to avoid the surgery as I mentioned in my previous post. For job, other factors are required and I have suggested remedies accordingly too.



    no sir i havent considered any factors before wearing it !!!

    can i do something now??am wearing it on my right hand Ring finger




    Saturn kethu period is running. Kethu in 3rd house (ear) aspected by Jupiter who is with exalted Sun. kethu is also aspected by Mars who is exalted in 8th (death) as a 6th (disease, ---) house lord. Mars and Sun are good indicators for surgery and kethu too. I would expect Surgery. This problem might have been fixed in Budh subperiod that has been ended recently by wearing a good quality emerald during that period. I would suggest to wear good quality yellow topaz (not yellow sapphire as many may sell) in silver to have healing faster before or after surgery.


    Abroad: Wearing Emerald together with yellow topaz may help you for this. also, it will be good for higher studies or job.


    The inherent problem is the aspect of 8th (death) lord Saturn to lagna. Donate clothes, umbrella, food (vegetarian), shoes (non leather) 0n saturdays to needy people may help you to some extent. Be vegetarian if you are already not so.



    thanku sir

    but sir i am wearing emerald from july 2008. i.e.. after i failed in two interviews ...




    no problems sir...u can go ahead wit ur query.....

  3. @astroseeker

    respected sir,

    yeah its in left ear sir.the doctor has told i have a hole in my eardrum.this hole ll heal up for some but not for many.doc has also told tat in my case chances are less and i wud be going for a surgery called myringoplasty or tympanoplasty(depending on the size of hole) probably after 4months(after my degree)

    without this surgery i can suffer from hearingloss permanently,various infections wich in worst case can affect brain and finally various kind of infections.

    doc has told tat i hav this hole right from birth ...but i started having its effects(ear pain,stinging,puss ) from october 2008( i had dived into water from a good height and was abt to drown(first time in waters) wen my frenz puld me up)...from tat day i am having its effects)

  4. my horroscope is

    date of birth : 02 may 1988

    time: 10.01 AM

    place: mysore,karnataka


    presently am undergoing a lot of stress.

    1>am having problem with ear and doctor has suggested tat if the problem is not solved i ll have to undergo surgery:confused:...plzz tell me ll i have any?


    2>from the childhood i have toiled hard to taste success !!! i wud help others and watch them achieve ..but i am allways average



    3>ll i go abroad???


    4>any chances of HIGHER STUDIES????

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