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Posts posted by anshul745

  1. Babaji are you a shishya of Gurudevnikhileshwaranandji ( Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimaliji).



    Jai Guru Dev,


    The complete process for 3rd mantra - >


    Unemployment is the worst bane of modern life, which leads to depresssion and loss of confidence. Struggle for survival becomes so hard that a person loses all hope and starts to contemplate upon taking drastic steps. If only such a person could be guided into the Sadhana world be could benefit much by employing this time tested method.

    For gaining a good job place a Kaarya Siddhi Yantra on a copper plate in the night of Wednesday. Offer flowers on it. Light a lamp and chant just one round of this Mantra with a coral rosary (मूंगा माला).

    Om Shreem Mam Kaarya Siddhi Kari Kari Hreem Phat

    ॐ श्रीं मम कार्य सिद्धि करी करी ह्रीं फट

    Repeat the ritual each night for 8 days, thus concluding the Sadhana on next Wednesday. The Sadhak must leave the rosary in the roots of Peepal tree. The Yantra he should carry to interviews and examinations, till he lands a job. After that it should be dropped in a river or a pond.

  2. Babaji pls help me out it has been long i had been unemployed and now i feel frustated and feel like dying pls help me out.

    my details are as below

    Name anshu

    DOB :14 apr 1975

    Time :7.48 AM

    Place: Patahankot (punjab)





    Dear guruji

    Pls help me i had lost my job . now leave alone job i am not getting interview calls and i am feeling very low and depressed.


    My details are

    DOB :14 apr 1975

    Time :7.48 AM

    Place: Patahankot (punjab)

  3. contact sadgurudevnikhileshwaranad ji at delhi (011-27352248) or at jodhpur90291-2432209,2433623).


    It will surely help.


    He is allmighty as i was alomost in same condition way back in 1993/94 and he was the one who gave me back my life.

    take care and

    jai gurudev





    dear sriman narayana bhaktas..


    I am having a worst problem (which will result in my death) and this problem is sort of spiritual in nature.I am suffering from:mad2: a rare type of possession(a combination of possession by evil spirits and black magic) .This possession is called "Kshudhram" and this used to be a menace in Kerala many years ago. This whole black magic and possession is performed by an evil daemon called "Kshudra" . This started when I used to work in bangalore. I started hearing sounds of two people continuously (i.e the sounds are there day in and day out(24*7)). One of these two people is the daemon "kshudra" and has a companion named "Sasikala"(This resembles a small girl child voice). This daemon can undesratnd what we are thinking and will keep on insulting us,threatening us and cajoiling us day in and day out. The disturbance caused by these spirits is unbearable and they also perform black magic on me like produce itching on legs and hands, causing pain in different parts of the body ,preventing me from sleeping at night, preventing me from having sexual inter course, sort of stabbing with a knife etc. I initially thought that this is an instance of some mental disorder and met many doctors and tried different medicines (psychiatric) but none had any effect on the condition. These spirits always remind me that no matter what mantras I try there possession will not go and in the end I will have to commit suicide to get rid of this. But any how I am chanting Vishnu mantras every day which are giving me some relief. Please note that this is a worst form of balck magic which existed in ancient Kerala. Bacoz of this my earlier free life is totally lost and I am on the verge of committing suicide. Some body please provide me a remedy..Expecting your help :(




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