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Posts posted by smilingbuddha

  1. Hari Om!


    Dear Babu ji,


    Thank you very much for your kind reply. I have three questions though:


    1) Will these medicines be available in any ayurveda clinic / pharmaceutical shop? Do you know of any particular place in Bangalore where they may be available?


    2) You said I should do mild shampoo once a week. What shampoo should I use? (Just for your information, doctors have said that I also suffer from dandruff)


    3) The place where I live in has hard water. I drink hard water and bathe in hard water as well (again, just for your information. I have been using this kind of water since November 2007)


    Eagerly waiting for your kind reply once again!


    Thanks and Regards,


  2. Respected Members,


    Am suffering from gradual hair loss for the past few years. In fact, I can already see the baldness setting in and my hairline is receding. Doctors (dermatologists, trichologists) have said that it is only possible to STOP the hair loss but I cannot get back the lost hair! Which means its not possble for new hair to grow... I am 26 years of age (unmarried) and still want respectable hair on my head at least till 55. Does Ayurveda have any treatment for hairloss? I know that there ARE certain treatments from Ayurveda BUT i WANT TO GET MY OLD HAIR back...


    Is there any solution?? Please do share any info that you may have..


    Hare Krsna!

  3. Respected Members,


    Is there any rule in the Shastras saying that one should not worship Narayana AND Shiva and/or Shakti at the same time? I am a devout bhakta of Shri Krishna (since He is also a form of Vishnu) but at the same time I worship Shiva and Devi too. Is this contradictory by any chance? Am very eager to know this since a long time...


    Hare Krnsa!


    - smilingbuddha

  4. Respected Members,


    Is there any rule in the Shastras saying that one should not worship Narayana AND Shiva and/or Shakti at the same time? I am a devout bhakta of Shri Krishna (since He is also a form of Vishnu) but at the same time I worship Shiva and Devi too. Is this contradictory by any chance? Am very eager to know this since a long time...


    Hare Krnsa!


    - smilingbuddha



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  5. But till now, I have been doing all my worship without flowers - just by chanting the Ashtakshari (Om Namo Narayana), Panchakshari (Om Namah Shivaya) and some beej mantras of devi... Presently, i hope to receive my one-mukhi rudraksha and wear it on the MahaShivratri day. My question is if I begin worshipping with flowers, what happens with the Karma balance you were mentioning? Could you please explain that in a bit more detail??

  6. Respected Members,


    I have been following this post and a question occured to me. Does it then mean that one should not worship Narayana AND Shiva and/or Shakti at the same time? I am a devout bhakta of Shri Krishna (since He is also a form of Vishnu) but at the same time I worship Shiva and Devi too. Is this contradictory by any chance? Am very eager to know this since a long time...


    Webyogi ji, Maharishi ji and other members' comments are awaited.


    Hare Krnsa!

  7. Respected Members,


    Could anyone please list the best mantras and tantra sadhanas to be performed on the MahaShivratri night especially with respect to propitiating Venus, Kaamdeva, removing obstacles pertaining to love life and overall material and spiritual success?


    Will it be a good idea to chant the beej of Ma DakshinaKali on ShivRatri?


    Looking forward to your valuable inputs.


    Om Namah Shivaya!



  8. Dear Respected Members,


    I Am planning to purchase an Ek-Mukhi. Rudraksha In this connection I did a lot of research online and have come to know that there are a lot of fakes available in the market for the ek-mukhi in particular. But my question is this:


    How can we compare the Ek-mukhi beads with respect to their price, size and effect from Nepal, India/SriLanka and Java? Please note that I am NOT talking of the one-mukhi round type as I have learnt from previous posts that the Ek-Mukhi Round is practically non-existent today. Is there any difference in the EFFECT of these beads from the different sources?


    Eagerly awaiting your valuable reply.




  9. Dear respected members,


    An astrologer told me that I am running Venus antardasa because of which I am facing very very acute problems in the area of love and relationships. I am not sure if it is only venus or some other malefic as well...


    My birth details are as follows:

    birthdate: 28 September 1982

    time: 2:30 pm

    place: kolkata, west-bengal


    Learned members, could you please please please let me know of some effective remedies??




  10. Durgaputra ji, thank you very much for your kind advice.


    However, could you please tell me what is the difference between the various kinds of karmas that you mentioned: sanchita karma and sushuma karma?


    Is daily praying to Dharmaraaj a good idea for neutralizing the negative karmic effects?


    I do not have a guru and am searching for one...


    Thanks again for your reply and will be waiting for the next one.


    Om Namah Shivaya!

  11. Dear Revered Members,


    My birth details are as follows:

    September 28, 1982

    Time: 2:30pm

    Place: Kolkata, West-Bengal


    Presently, I am madly in love with a girl (this is the first time I am falling in love so deeply and involved very highly emotionally) who likes me but just as a friend only and doesn't show much interest. We met in September 2007 for the first time. And from my side love started brewing from July 2008. I love her very very much and want to win her over at any cost. Some astrologers have told me that my love and relationship planetary positions are very weak and because of that I am facing this problem. Also, I am running Rahu dasa. So I chanted the Rahu mantra (Om bhram bhreem bhraum sah rahave namah) for 18000 times in 21 days. Also got Kaamdev-Rati puja done by a pujari in Jan 2009.


    Could you please suggest to me remedies to overcome my misery? In general also, I have seen in the past that I have never been successful in love but those were very weak cases of attraction from my side compared to this time. I am extremely attracted to this girl and want to try whatever possible means to win her over...


    Monika ji, Webyogi ji, Astrouncle ji and other learned members PLEASE PLEASE suggest suitable remedies.


    Girl's birth details:

    29 November 1984

    Time: 2am

    Place: Bangalore


    I am getting very very frustrated and feel miserable because of this. My professional life is okay so far and I have no complaints. But this problem is disturbing my peace so much that I am finding it hard to concentrate on my work..





  12. Om Namah Shivaya!


    What is the best possible sadhana / mantra chant for removal of past life bad karmas (without doing which present life desires do not get accomplished)?


    I read that Om Namah Shivaya is one such mantra. What are the other various mantras or methods to do this? Does wearing the 3-mukhi (agni) rudraksha really help in burning out past life bad karmas?


    Someone please share your knowledge on this.


    On Namah Shivaya!



  13. Om Namah Shivaya!


    I have a few questions regarding three types of rudrakshas: the 20-mukhi, 21-mukhi and the Trijuti variety.


    20-mukhi: Since it is ruled by Brahma and I have read on many sites that it is excellent for spiritual upliftment and progress, foresight, decisions and vision. But does it also bestow material benefits as well? I mean I read on a site that "wearer can achieve anything he desires". Does this pertain only to a spiritual achievement or also very high material achievents? Is this also good for removing all past life sins?


    21-mukhi: Since this is ruled by Kuber, the Lord of Wealth, is it true that ANY PERSON who wears it will become very rich soon as it is said to be a very powerful rudraksha for gaining wealth?


    Trijuti: Some people say that the just by wearing the Trijuti, one can get all the benefits of the 2-mukhi to the 21-mukhi rudrakshas... Is this true?


    Awaiting someone's knowledgeable insight.


    Om Namah Shivaya!



  14. Om Namah Shivaya!


    Can anybody tell me what are the effects of chanting the ParaPrasada Mantra "Shaum"? According to the Kularnava Tantra, Lord Shiva Himself extols the glories of this mantra to Mother Parvati and claims this to be the "King of Mantras". But I read this on a website and do not even know firstly if this is the ParaPrasad Mantra or not, whether the information is authentic or not...


    Can someone please enlighten me on this?


    Om Namah Shivaya!


    - Smilingbuddha

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