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Posts posted by gladtobhere

  1. Ravi,

    Please be careful regarding Naadi Jothidam! There are some fake people too. But as far as i know please contact vaitheeswaran koil(angaraka sthala for magalik or khuja dosha) near kumba konam ,tamil nadu. they may be able to help you!


    Wish you all the best and God Bless you!

  2. Can you confirm this!

    You star is Visakha!

    Asc- Leo

    Sun- Leo

    Mon- Libra

    Mar- Taurus

    Mer- Leo

    Jup- Gemini

    Ven- Gemini

    Sat- Cancer

    Rah- Virgo

    Ket- Pisces

    Iam a Beginner,if any mistake or incorrect information i provide,sincere apologies!

    For you!


    FOr a Libran, Jup is not benefic as he owns 3rd and 6th position. But as he is the lord of viskaha atleast he will not be malefic!

    Visaka Natives going through a bad Jupiter position last year and comparatively a little better this year(Gochara)

    Shani is in favourable position!(Gochara)



    Lord for your "putra bhava and ayur bhava".he is in 11th position in your chart which is dusthana.8th Position or ayur bhava is very important for a girl. A

    natural Malefic(Ketu) is present there. So if you look at that perspective, troubles from your spouse cannot be avoided.



    Sani in 12th position and he is the lord for your kalathra bhava,so problem/loss from spouse is possible


    In second House from Lagna which itself is dosha.

    Overall the Planetary Positions in your chart is ok,if not so good!


    Visaka Natives going to have sade-sati.Dont Panic! he is coming the second time(Pongu Sani) for you. Even though he is malefic,he is extremely beneficial for

    librans.Plus,its common and proven belief that during the second sade-sati People get settled and they will lay a foundation on which they will prosper.


    Since rahu in 2nd and Ketu in 8th house you have definitely dosha(for relatioships and marriage). So Pray to Godess Durga who is the adhi devata for Rahu.

    If you can, Fasting every sunday and pray to godess durga will be extremely helpful!

    Good Luck! God Bless you all!


    If this is your husband's horoscope

    Asc- Libra

    Sun- Libra

    Mon- Capricorn

    Mar- Aries

    Mer- Scorpio

    Jup- Capricorn

    Ven- Sagittarius

    Sat- Gemini

    Rah- Sagittarius

    Ket- Gemini

    He is having Jupiter and Sun Deblited and he will just listen to what ever he was told. He will not be able to make a decision on his own. Also Mars in aries

    in his own house(kalashtra). so dont worry as there is no divorce! He will and has to come back to you!

    Janaki,Please sit quietly and pray to God! Prayers give the courage to get over all the problems.

    Please note that Problems in life gives you the chance to know yourself.Understand that,thanks god for everything and submit yourself to him!You will just be fine

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