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Posts posted by biosoundbill

  1. If you listen clearly to the mantra Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha in the video recording by Sadguru Sant Keshavadas,

    The Ganapathi bija is pronounced as 'GuMmmmm....., Where it is nazalised, it is not Gum as in 'chewing gum,' but more gum to rhyme with the English word 'Numb'

    When the Ganapathi bija is pronounced this way with the correct anusvara termination, I feel it is certainly more powerful than Gum as in 'chewing gum,' and probably more powerful than pronouncing this bija as 'Gung' to rhyme with the English word 'sung!'


    This Ganapathi bija as 'Gung' to rhyme with the English word 'sung' stimulates the 3rd eye and Crown Chakras, whereas The Ganapathi Bija pronounced 'GuMmmm' to rhyme with the English word 'Numb' stimulates the Heart,3rd eye, and Crown chakras, adding even more power to the results from this mantra!





  2. Hi,


    Some people have asked what mantra do I use?


    I meditate and chant the MahaLakshmi bija mantra 'Shreem' - if any one wants an audio of this mantra please email me at emofree@eircom.net


    When meditating I think the mantra sound 'Shreem' effortlessly,and when chanting I focus on MahaLakshmi,and what I want in my life as opposed to what I don't want!





  3. Kring pronounced as it is spelt is the Tantric and more powerful version of Goddess Kali's bija mantra!

    Krim is the vedic version and is pronounced as Kreem or the English word CREAM!

    In Transcendental Meditation the 2 versions are :-


    KIRING The pronunciation is ki; "i" like in the word 'it', and ring, just like the English word 'ring'. The seed syllable (bija) of Kali for infinite Power and infinite Compassion

    KIRIM The correct pronunciation is ki - the 'i' is like in the word "it" - and rim, like the 'rim' of a wheel. The seed syllable (bija) of Kali for infinite Power and infinite Compassion


    I hope this helps.





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